Chapter One

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Everyone was asleep by the fire but me. I had said I would take the first watch.

I didn't bother to wake anyone. The past few weeks have been calm no signs of Korse or dracs.

This is starting to worry me.

I can't shake this feeling that some thing bad was going to happen. Maybe it's nothing.

~time lasp to next day~

"Anything from Dr.D yet." Party asked from behind me.

"Nope I don't think he's coming on today." I replied.

" I kind of figured he doesn't have any to report."

"I think BL/I is planing something." I blruted out.

" You worry to much." Party said.

"Yeah so what if I do at least if I'm right I'll be prepared."

"Quite being such a -" Party was cut off as Dr.D came on air.

"Look alive sunshine. 109 in the sky but the pigs won't quite. You're here with me Dr.D. The zones are still clear of any dracs. To those fabulous killjoys meet me in zone 5 Dr.D signing off."

At the end of the broadcast, we gather what little things we had and headed for zone 5.

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