Chapter Eight

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By now we were making our way into zone 4. We have been walking all day and half the night. Kobra and Jet were draging behind me.

"Party can we stop and rest we've been walking all day we are really tired." Kobra whined.

"No we can't we don't have time to rest." " But, we're so tired and our feet hurt." Kobra whined even more.

"Well thats a small price to pay. If we stop now, we cause a whole lot more pain to Ghoul. The longer it takes us to to him the more time they have to hurt him. I don't know about you but I want Ghoul to come back and not be all messed up because you are to tired to walk any farther." I know it was kinda hursh. But as much as I hate to admit it, I was tired to.

My eye lids felt like they were being weighed down by bricks.

But I can't stop not now Ghoul needs me.

"You do know that you can't help him if your to tired to even walk in a stright line."

Jet said dully. Maybe he was right, but I don't care I had to keep going. "I don't ca-" I was cut off because everthing went dark.

When I opened my eyes I was on a really comfortable bed. I was in my old room from when I was in high school.

I sat up rubing the sleep fromy eyes. The door flow open. It hit the wall with a loud bang. I jerked my head towards te door. It was  Ghoul smiling from ear to ear.

"Good morning sleeping beauty."

I was so confused. Just a second ago I was in the desert.

"How are you on this fine morning?" Ghoul asked.

I was still trying to wrap my head around how I got here, that the question didn't register in my mind. I guess he took my slince as bad thing cause the next thing I knew he was beside me asking what was wrong. I told him about my dream and he laughed. " Thats a silly dream I've never heard anything like it before." I guess he was right it was a silly dream but it seemed so real. I pulled the covers from over me. I was in nothing but my boxers. I blushed like crazy and pulled the covers back over me. He chuckled at my shyness. "You know you don't have to hide from me anymore?" This only made me blush more because I was confused. He saw my confussion. " Because we are together now." He hugged my neck.

TOGETHER!?! What did he mean by together? Did he mean like a couple? My question was answered when he kissed on my cheek, making me blushed for the third time. " You are so adorable when you blush." He turned to face me. " I love you so much Gee." He started to frown. " Do you love me to?" He used to only call me Gee. It made me feel special. But they way he said it now scared me. " Do you love me?" He asked again. " Yes." I replied sheepishly. " You do?" His frown faded and his face was filled rage. " Yes." I replied with more confidence. He stood up. " I don't believe you." " Why not?" My fear was replaced with hurt. " Because you never told me you loved me. You didn't help me when I needed you. You just laid there and watch he drag me away." He walked towards the door. I thought that he was goinng to leave." He's hurting me and you don't even care. You don't love me."

I was mortified by what he said. He turned to look at me. His face was teared stained. It broke my heart to see him so upset. What made it worst was that I was the cause. He towards me with a limp. He grabed my shoulders and started tyo shake me. " Party wake up! Come on wake up!" He kept calling and shaking me. " Party wake up!" This time it wasn't Frank calling me it was Kobra. " Part wake up!" I opened my eyes and saw Kobra and Jet above my head. " Oh thank god I thought you were dead." It was just a dream? " What happened?" I asked slightly confused. " You passed out for like a hour or so. Jet said It ws from dehydration and lack of sleep." I passed out for a hour? Great thats a hour wasted we could have been half way in Zone 5. I tried to get up but a surge of pain in my head stoped me. " Yeah I wouldn't do that if I were you. When you fell you hit oyur head on a rock." Jet said while handing me a bottle of water. I proped myself up on my elbows and chugged down the water. i didn't realize how thristy I was.

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