15: Time To Recruit! Part 1

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I stared at the list the Captain had given me before I left the bridge. There were many roles to be filled. Someone had put up announcement boards all over the spaceship, with lists of roles in desperate need of being filled.

There were so many roles that were needed from what Fifi told me my head was starting to spin when I thought of just how much help was needed within the spaceship. 

I was still trying to get used to my surroundings but I had to fit in, I needed to think while going with everything that was happening. I tried not to think about all the things that happened, and how I should just move on, telling myself it isn't all real.

The list had names and smaller scribbled words next to them, I squinted at the smaller words, realizing they were marked with a role to fill on the ship. I held the list up to the light in my room and read the list aloud. It said the following-

Storm, this is a list of all the people I know at the next few spaceports we'll be traveling to. I need you to try and recruit as many as you can. We are in dire need of more crew members to fill the roles in the ship, and empty rooms to fill. -Marcus

Shin- Secondary Engineer 

Dun- Navigator

Zion- Laser Cannon

Sylvia-  Collection Scientist

Kiara- Engine Repairs

Al- Cargo Manager

Spencer- Weapons Expert

Stugo- Janitor

Charlie- Laser Cannon

K9C2- Scanner/Scientist

K9C2 was an... odd name to give someone. I furled my brow and stared at the name trying to see if it was misspelled, but it was as true as it looked. It was a name you'd give a robot or something. But... robots don't exist... do they? I was beginning to wonder what this world- universe... really was, and my mind thought of the time skips I had when I was a human. 

Maybe those time skips have something to do with me being here? I shook my head, shaking the thought away. 

The intercom clicked after about an hour, and Marcus' voice came onto the intercom. He was speaking in a "sounding like a pro" voice. 

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, non-binaries, and fuzzy gays, this is your captain speaking. We have arrived at Spaceport Regate Intergalactica, the finest spaceport outside Neon Territory.

"Orion and Coal, please go with Storm to help her recruit some more people that we desperately need on this ship. We are spread too thin and we are in desperate need of renovation and more roles within the ship. With only twelve of us and over forty living spaces, we are going to need more people ASAP. I'm counting on you three. Oh and Fifi, I would like you to come with me please, I'm going to need your advice with plasma technology, Mo, you're coming too, because you know more about systems and engines more than anyone I know. Those who are going into the spaceport, please meet me down at the docks. Marcus out."

Docks? I thought. I didn't know that this thing had docks... I stood up and heading out the door of my room, nearly bumping into Coal on the way down. Coal smiled at me, "I hope you remember where the docks are Storm." He said looking mischievous. "There's a pool of ice on the main floor right now and I don't want you slipping on it."

I stared at him, not knowing if he was serious or joking. I just decided to go along with it, although my voice had a bit of spite. "Well, I'm glad you told me then. Have you tried to go fishing in it yet?"

Coal laughed a little, patting me on the shoulder, I almost shoved it off, but something prevented me from doing so. It felt odd for some reason. 

"You still have your humor." He said smiling with two fangs poking out of his mouth. I almost growled. Was he such a numskull that he didn't pick up on my distaste for him? 

We walked through some more corridors and hallways before we went into an area I'd never been before. Coal took me down an elevator that looked exactly the same as the ones that lead to the bridge.

Coal patted the metal on the wall of the elevator. "I swear, Marcus had a fit to get matching elevators all over the ship. We had one... ONE elevator that didn't match and as soon as we got to a spaceport, he literally ripped it out and put in a new one. I swear I've never met another guy that has OCD as bad as him."

I pretended not to hear him and stared at the numbers above the elevator that were getting lower. The spaceship apparently had a good seven floors to the ship. I wondered what could possibly be on the other floors? Obviously the kitchen was on the same floor as mine room, floor 6; the guns were on floor 7; the bridge was floor 4 along with the Captain's chambers, Orion's room no doubt, and a few other things; I'd heard someone say the medical bay took up nearly the entirety of floor 5, but I knew nothing about the other floors.

The elevator opened up, revealing a huge, rectangle of open space. There were two small ships on the docks and the place looked nearly empty, excluding the fact that a few people were gathered around the base of the ships. Coal dashed off after them and I followed close behind, keeping up easily because my legs were much longer than his. I also noticed he was barely passing up my own height. 

We approached the group of people and Marcus, Orion, Simon, Mo, and Fifi were there. Simon nodded to me. "Good to finally talk to you in person Storm! It's been so long I just wanna give you a hug."

Before I could say anything, the giant lion guy embraced me in a hug. I couldn't help but laugh happily, it was like this big guy had the biggest heart of them all. He leaned back, both his hands on my shoulders. "Look at you," He said happily in his deep voice. "Just as beautiful as always."

I gave him a slightly uncertain look, rubbing my head unconsciously. Marcus clapped his hands together and walked in between us. "Right!" He said looking at everyone his eyes resting on me. "Storm take those goggles off."

I blinked, feeling around my neck. I had completely forgotten to take the goggles off from around my neck.

"Sorry sir." I said, holding them out.

"Pfft you're fine." He said smiling, taking the goggles as I gave them to him. "Now, I want us all to meet back here in five hours. Should be enough time for you three to find a few people, and Mo and Fifi are coming with me to help me choose the best options for the ships renovations, and if we happen to come across anyone that we are looking to recruit, I'll probably just snatch them up along the way. I'll contact Orion if we find anyone so you all don't end up needlessly searching. Let's get moving shall we?" 

He turned and walked toward one of the small crafts. "Who wants to drive?" He cracks his knuckles together as Fifi scratches her head and Mo fiddles with her artificial arm, pretending not to hear. "No one? ALRIGHT! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!"

Fifi rolled her eyes slightly, smirking. "Alright fine, but NO STOPPING AT THE MALL YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE SHOPPING!"

Marcus turned and gave her a grin before dashing into the craft, running all the way to the cockpit shoving the headset on his head, and starting the thing up blowing gusts of air everywhere. Somehow Marcus' voice was louder than the engine of the craft, because you could hear him yelling very clearly from it. "NO PROMISES."

Mo and Fifi scurry onto the craft, barely lifting up the ramp in time before the tiny ship lifted off into the air. Simon ran and opened the huge panel at the end of the hangar and I could see Marcus waving at Orion from inside. Even more gusts of wind blew in, but it was fresh air from outside. The craft took off quickly as Coal, Orion, and I all headed for the other craft. 

This was going to be fun being somewhere outside the spaceship. I leaped up the ramp following the two, and Coal pressed a button to close the ramp. Orion headed into the cockpit and immediately got the engine up and running. "Alright." He said grumpily. "Let's get this over with. I need some sleep."

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