20: Secrets Unveiled

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Shortly after the announcement Tuna burst into the room, having an announcement for himself that dinner was ready, along with a bringing out some chairs that were in desperate need of use.

The feast wasn't nearly as grand as the one for me when I woke up, but it was definitely something. The tension between Dun and Orion caused the crew to panic for a bit, but once Orion left the feast early, things settled down and well... went a different route of crazy.

Long story short, lots of people got drunk and headed sleepily off to bed. I guess they needed to get drunk after the traumatic experience with the pirates... I still couldn't shake the small nag in my brain that I had... probably killed several living beings... In order to cope my mind just told me over and over that it was a mix up between a video game I had been playing and the ships didn't even have people in them... I guess it was easier to deal with than what had really happened.

Ember had walked me back to my chambers, jumping up to kiss my cheek, telling me to sleep well. I told her goodnight and she giggled, reminding me that night and day did not exist in space, but we did have the schedules like Fifi explained to me soon after I woke up. 

Once I settled into the comfy sheets of my bed, I stared up at the panels above my bed. How familiar they seemed, yet so far away...

I finally dozed off into a dream, but it was weird and shifting. I was sitting in the seat of a turret, but the turret wasn't connected to anything. Outer space looked like a flat sheet with crappy white circles for stars and pirates with hooks and hats flew at me. Yelling random things at me.

I shot at them with my turret and they disappeared, some yelling that I killed them and others saying they didn't get to say goodbye to their family. I felt myself begin to shake, but I couldn't stop. As if my hands weren't my own.

I sat up in my bed in a cold sweat. I was shaking and my face was wet was crying. I got out of bed and looked out the window for a moment and noticed my vision was flickering again.

I rubbed my eyes and turned around and nearly screamed. Before me was Storm. She was... floating, and I realized I no longer had a body.

"It's time you have some answers Hava..." She said slowly. "You've been through so much... I'm so sorry..."

I tried to speak, but no words came out, as if my voice wasn't working. The area around me disintegrated and fell away into nothingness.

"Come with me." Storm said, hovering, her legs dangling elegantly into the depths of the void. She moved swiftly forward, and so did I, my soul (I assumed) followed without thought, keeping the same distance between her and myself.

"When I fell into a coma... Coal fell off the deep end. He had a thing for me you know." Storm explained, as the space around us materialized and I found myself in a strange space station with odd symbols and lights. "It's been hurting him you've been so... agitated with him. He thinks it's me doing that..."

I tried to apologize but no words came.

"He left the crew for a while, after Jacob said I wasn't ever going to return. Coal begged Jacob to take me to another doctor, but they didn't know what to do." 

Suddenly finding my ability to speak, I asked her in an odd, airy voice, "How do you know all of this?"

We moved on to another area, she ignored my question. "Coal broke into many facilities searching for something that would give me the ability to wake up from my coma. My head was so terribly... mutilated that I didn't look the same... for a while. He couldn't bare the thought of me never returning... and oh did he get into so much trouble..."

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