Chapter 2: No I Hate Him

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Right now I am walking to the parking lot right now leaning up against Haley's car waiting for everyone to get out after the whole Hunter thing I was not in the state of mind to stay in that school. Now I'm just watching Gilmore Girls on my phone and I'm watch the episode with Jess coming to Lorielai's house for dinner and she caught him with a beer and she is give that speech about Luke is a great guy and just try with him the Jess said about are you getting some then Lorelai talks about a cream pie and smashing it in someone's face and right now is that moment then I thought what are the odds that this analogy can definitely fit my situation.

" Clare you're out early what's the deal" Haley says walking towards me her eyebrows raised.

I can already tell that she knows somethings up because we always meet at the front doors and I didn't think about doing that after I stormed out. So of course she knows everything.

" I will tell you everything once we get in the car because I need to get away from this school" I say looking around to make sure nobody is paying attention to us the last thing I need is to be in the latest gossip.

"Why what's wrong I left you before 7th period and you were fine how in the span of an hour you're ticked off" She says starting to get angry because she knows I don't get mad often I have known her since kindergarten and I have only once got really mad.

"Please can we just leave" I say about to burst with anger.

"Yes of course" she says her anger soften as she saw my face.

We get in the car and we are on our way to my house to drop me off because of my wonderful mother doesn't get food for the house and now I have to get my own food and that makes me cut back on me buying a car.

"Clare tell me what's going on" Haley says not taking her eyes off of the road.And that's when I told her everything leading up til she came out of the school

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"Thanks for driving me home I need to start working extra hours so I can have money to get my own car" I say gathering all my stuff up and getting out of the car.

"Hey it's no problem what are best friends for I love driving you" she says with a sincere look in her eye I know she doesn't mind and everything but I don't want to be a burden if this is a problem.

"Thanks bye love you see you tomorrow" I say walking toward the door.

"Bye love you too"she says starting up her car.

I walk in and smell my favorite dish chicken Alfredo I love it it tastes so good if I could marry it I would like who doesn't like chicken Alfredo then I come back to reality and then I ask myself why do I smell chicken Alfredo my mom never cooks usually my mom cooks when he has something to tell me so I throw my backpack down next to the door and I try not to make a sound so I can get out of my clothes I don't like wearing it more than I have to I make it up stairs I get into my tank top and my booty shorts I make my way downstairs and my mom is now just serving the food I look at it and my mouth waters.

"Hey mom umm what are you doing" I say trying not to sound awkward but fail miserably.

"Nothing just cooking for my lovely daughter" she says not even looking up.

Ok now I know somethings up like she never calls me that ever I hear her humming she must be happy to be cooking and humming she has now put the plates on the table and I'm still standing in the kitchen looking dumbfounded.

"Come and eat sweetie" she says grinning like the Cheshire Cat ok I need to ask her what's going on because I have played along like this too long.

"Um ok" I say sound super weird what the hell shouldn't I feel comfortable with my mother like she protects you when your heart gets broken nope not my mom she has treated me like an adult since birth.

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So Clare how was your day at school" my mom said looking up from her plate

"Good mom but why do you care and why did you cook dinner you never cook so bring it on what do you have to tell me" I say a little annoyed because if you have something to tell me just tell me don't-."

"I'm getting married" she says my mouth has since left to go out the door I feel like I got whiplashed that's pretty much what it feels like what the hell.

"See look isn't it beautiful" she showing me her left hand it is beautiful but I'm not letting this happen.

"Mom do you hear your self you sound crazy" I say a little annoyed she doesn't love him let alone like him she has been engaged a lot of times by guys and she always runs away a week before the wedding

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"Mom do you hear your self you sound crazy" I say a little annoyed she doesn't love him let alone like him she has been engaged a lot of times by guys and she always runs away a week before the wedding. All she wants is the guys money not him money.

"I will not let you speak to me that way this is uncalled for and you know it I'm am getting married end of discussion" she says so angry that smoke would come out of her ears.

"Mom I hate him he isn't even nice to me" I say standing up yelling at my mom. We usually do this either me or her get up and walk away.

"That doesn't matter you will not be living here any longer you're almost 18 so either except my rules or move out" she says looking down at her plate and eating

"Are you serious you will choose him over your own daughter that's low even for you" I say and with that said I get up and go up stairs

I'm sick and tired of my mom treating me this way it's not right and now I'm going to do something about it.


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