Chapter 9: Are You Crazy

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After that weird in counter with Hunter in my room this morning I decided to just grab my clothes and took a shower because I didn't take one last night after I was dressed I went back out and he was gone.

"What the hell are you doing here"I scream.

"You thought I would leave that easily" he says.

"Agh you're impossible" I shriek, grabbing my clothes.

"That's me thanks for noticing" he says brushing hand down his body.

Oh god that hot body.

Wait what was that.
                     * * *

I'm at school walking around Haley said she wasn't going to be at school today so she wouldn't be able to pick me up I told her don't worry about it I can work it out.

Pretty much the way I work it out is that I walk to school know that Hunter would have a fit if he saw me but I don't care.

I go through the day without anything happen me getting terrorized by Alyssa and few slaps and punches because Hunter isn't here to stop her but nothing out of the ordinary til lunch I go to the cafeteria I get in line.

"Look what the trash dragged in an ugly slut" A husky voice purrs I turn around and I see all of Hunter's friends behind the captain of the football team Zach he is a stupid freaking jackass.

I ignore him I turn around to face the front of the line I feel a punch into the side of my face. I get pushed outside into the an alley way that is at the end of the cafeteria they push me into a wall I start to see black spots and try to shake that out of my vision.

"Move over boys I got this" a feminine voice says I try to make out the woman but I don't miss the click clack of her shoes.

It was Alyssa.

She starts throwing insults at me and I'm just ignoring them.

"Are you listening to me you slut" she screams slapping me across the face that's going to leave a mark right when she gets ready to punch me anywhere possible then bell rings.

I walk out of the alleyway and I don't see Hunter's bike in his parking spot.

                              * * *

I walk into Mr. Johnson's class and go to the back of the classroom and put my head down I stayed up too late last night waiting for my mom even though she doesn't make the best choices she's still my mom.

"Okay class we're going to get together with our partners to get started on your projects oh and Miss. Miller come to my desk" Mr. Johnson says in distaste.

I walk to his desk and I'm getting glares and people are whispering can't you tell I'm not the most favorite in the school I'm more down the list to the bottom of the social ladder.

"Yes Mr. J" I say not making eye contact.

"Since you missed yesterday I'm filling you in on what you missed all we did was the outline of the project  it's about making a contemporary romance routine" he explains I think I'm going to fail this because the way I dance sucks.

"And I really hope you rub off on Mr. Williams" he finishes.

Wait Mr. Williams, Mr. Williams

Does he mean..

Oh no.

"Do you mean Hunter" I ask.

"Of course I do he is your partner for this project he is a very stubborn teenager I hope you can be a good influence on him" he says.

"With all do respect I think it would be easier for me to work on the project alone because he is hardly here and didn't bother to show up to class today" I say.

"I appreciate your respect but these are my rules and I would love for you to follow them but my reason why I'm partnering you together is because you are a good influence you and Mr. Willams are going to be partners end of story" he says I internally groan like he's going to be constantly putting it off and I can't fail the semester and I can't afford that my mother will have Jacob beat me.

I zombie back to my seat I get out my notebook and start doing the assignment. I hear the door open and in comes a little too happy Hunter he scans the room I look down before he catches me looking I roll my eyes I hear a chair scrape next to me but continue to do my work.

"Hey" I ignore.


"Angel" he asks I ignore I could tell he's getting mad he stopped after a few minutes.

Oh thank god.

"Hello" he says I know I'm ignoring him for a long time he carries on for a few more minutes.

"Clare" he says angrily jabbing my ribs right where most of my bruising was I let out a cry of pain I look at Hunter and see a shocked look on his face.

"I'm so sorry what the hell happe-".

"Save it" I snap I grab all my stuff and go out without Mr. Johnson noticing.

I run out of the school with anger pumping through me I run and I don't stop.

                              * * *

I've been running forever I'm walking home and my house comes into view and see a car in the driveway I roll my eyes and walk passed I walk inside.

"Clare is that you" A voice slurs I groan my mom is drunk.

"Yes.." I hesitantly say she acts different when she's drunk I don't want to tick her off.

I walk in the kitchen and see her grabbing a pit and there or alcohol bottles everywhere.

"Mom what are you doing" I ask.

"Cooking" she says.

"Mom you can't cook" I say.

"Why" she asks.

"Because your drunk" I say.

"I'm not drunk" she yells.

"Mom please calm down" I say.

"Don't tell me what to do" she screams grabbing one of her beer bottles and throws it at me I duck then she threw another one but on the floor she grabbed on of the pieces and walked over to me and slid it hard across my face a burning sensation.

"Mom please don't do anything that you will regret later" I say.

She hit me twice I stand there in shock her face showed no regret I silently walked up the stairs and went to my room.

Then I felt hot breath on my neck when I closed my door.

Hey loves I know it's been forever I have been dealing with life and now that's over for me I can deal with this life so stay tuned for a Saturday surprise because guess what I'm turning 15 tomorrow.

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