The Ride

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I am the kind of girl you'd find in the back of the library head stuck in a book oblivious to anything happening around her. I'm also the girl who's on a first name basis with all her teachers because she's just that smart.

But, I'm also the girl who sits alone at lunch, the girl who everyone is afraid to be seen with because it could lead to "social suicide" as everyone calls it. My love of reading and lack of friends has helped me gain the label of the nerd. But, I'm completely fine with that all I need is my books and that's all.

"Amber Josephine Liu, If you don't get your butt down here I will personally come up there and drag you down!" I heard the loud voice of my best friend and the only person who was willing to risk social suicide to talk to me, Jackson, call out to me. Jackson was the only person who actually was willing to get to know me instead of just judging me like everyone else did.

Even though I was grateful to finally have someone to confide in there are times where I just want to sew his mouth shut, and finally get the peace and quiet I lost out on the day we met.

Tired of hearing him whine about how slow I was. I quickly put the finishing touches on my outfit, which simply consisted of some blue jeans, a dark color shirt, a black hoodie, and a pair of worn out sneakers. I quickly made my way out of my room, but not before grabbing my thick square glasses on the way out.

"Amber!" I heard Jackson shout for the three hundredth time.

"Jackson I swear if you don't stop yelling my goddamn name I will fucking kill you," I said as I made my way down the stairs. "I do have neighbors you know." As irritated as I was I knew that yelling would only get him riled up even more.

"Oh well we wouldn't want to anger your poor neighbors now would we?" he asked sarcasm oozing out with every word he spoke. Flipping him off I made my way to the kitchen to grab my backpack when I saw the note my mother had left me:


I won't be home for a few more days there was a problem with the flight and I had to reschedule. Don't throw any wild parties while I'm gone.



Wild parties? Ha, even if I decided to throw a party no one would show up except for Jackson. Suddenly losing my appetite I grabbed my bag and made my way to the door. Jackson following in pursuit we made it to his car, hopped in, and drove off.

Finally making it to school after what seemed like forever due to Jackson's "amazing" rendition of Tina Turner's What's Love Got to Do with It. I swear this boy has serious problems. Soon as he parked the car I hopped out. "I'll see you at lunch," I told him as I made my way to the building. Nodding his head he made his way to a group of boys and aimlessly started chatting to them. Walking into the building I was instantly greeted with the familiar chatter of all the students in the hall.

Fixing my bag on my shoulders, I started walking towards my locker. As I was walking, I could feel the stares of the students in the hallway. Casting my eyes downward I continued on my journey to my locker. But knowing my luck nothing ever goes as planned, and I end up bumping into someone knocking their books out of their arms in the process. Shit. Bending down, I started to gather up the books, and return them to their owner. "Here," I squeaked, handing the books to the stranger.

"Thanks and sorry for bumping into you I wasn't watching where I was going," The voice said. Instantly realizing who I was speaking to I uttered a quick reply and started speed walking to my locker.

Finally making it to my locker I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Ok, Amber you just bumped into one of the most popular, and prettiest girl in school and you ran away. I fucking ran away. I'm such an idiot. Grabbing my history book out of my locker I sulked all the way to class. Walking into the class I was greeted by the usual stares and whispers. Even though this happened all the time I could never fully get used to the attention.

Taking my usual seat at the back of the class waiting for the bell to ring so I could get out of this hellhole. Even though I am a nerd that doesn't mean I have to like school. I can't stand this place and most of the people in it.

Bring Bring

The bell goes off indicating the start of class. "Good morning class," our history teacher Mr. Montrol greeted us. After that, I zoned out, occasionally writing a few notes here and there. For the most part, I was just writing notes, and minding my business. Well, that was until a paper ball was thrown at me, landing perfectly on my desk. Uncrumpling the paper I read it. In big bold letters the word, NERD, was written on the paper. Wow, they act as if this hurts me. After reading the paper I could clearly hear their snickers from the front of the classroom. Sighing I took the paper, crumpled it back up, and put it in my hoodie pocket. Putting my hood on my head I kept my head down for the remainder of the class.

*** Time Skip ***

Three classes, later it was finally lunch time. Making my way to the cafeteria I tried my best to go unnoticed, but that was short lived when some of the members of the cheer squad spotted me. I stopped in my tracks as the made their way toward me heels clicking as they did so.

"Hey dork, did you get my note?" their ringleader Sunmi asked in her annoying high pitched voice giggling a bit. I just stood there silent which was not the best thing to do on my part. It only made her angry.

"Hello, I'm talking to you say something nerd!" She said getting irritated.

"Yes," I said softly.

"What I couldn't hear," Sunmi said smirking.

"Yes, I got your note," I said a bit louder this time.

"Good just wanted to make sure you knew your place. Just remember I'm the queen of this school and your a nobody who no one likes." She sneered. Swinging her hair so it would purposely hit me in the face, she and her groupies walked away. But, something caught my eye or more like someone. One of the cheerleaders was staring at me, mouthing the words sorry she ran to catch up with the rest of her squad. I was frozen in place. It couldn't be. Hana.

"So you're telling me after her friend made fun of you she just said sorry and ran off," Jackson asked chewing on one of his fries.

"For the third time, yes that's exactly what I'm saying," I said slightly annoyed. For the past 2 minutes, I've been trying to inform Jackson on my little encounter in the hall with the cheerleaders.

"But why would see that?" He asked confusion evident on his face.

"That's what I want to know, the girl who I've literally been crushing on since freshman year all of a sudden just starts to acknowledge me."

"Well, lunch is almost over we'll talk more about this when we get to your house, and by the way you're going to need to find a ride home I got practice.

"Why didn't you tell me this I would've just taken my car to school idiot!" I whisper-yelled at him so I wouldn't cause a scene.

"I forgot," he said calmly. Rolling my eyes at him I got up to go throw my trash away in the trash can. After that, I told Jackson bye and we went our separate ways.

*** Time Skip ***

Last class of the day and it was pouring outside. I honestly hate Jackson right now for making have to find a ride knowing no one here likes me. Putting my books in my locker I made my way outside the school building. Putting my hoodie on my head I prepared myself to walk home.

I could feel the cold rain going through my hoodie, and touching my skin. Shivering I continued down the sidewalk. That was until a car pulled up on side me. I know it was stupid to stop, but I was kind of curious to see who was in the car. When the driver rolled down the window my eyes widened in complete shock. Hana.

"Do you need a ride it's freaking pouring out here." She said concern etched on her face. Her really pretty face. "Hello, do you want a ride or not," she asked gently.


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