Chapter 15. Older Brothers' Question

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Forth's POV

This date was going so well. I'm glad i got the courage to actually ask Kit to go out with me and i'm happy that we share the same taste in food. If he didn't like hotpot i would've been slightly dissapointed, i mean come on, It's hotpot, it's the best and coziest thing to eat on a date. I still felt somewhat guilty, i am on a date with another boy whilst i still have a girlfriend but when i am with Kit, Gookhai becomes a distant memory. Maybe i should just end things with Gookhai, Yo already told her all my relationships end pretty soon so she should already expect it. This is the first and hopefully only time i am thankful for my little brother snooping into my relationships.

After making a quick bathroom break i head back to Kit with a smile on my face but the smile turns into a scowl the moment i see Kit shivering as some asshole is hovering over him. I slowly stepped closer, trying to listen into their conversation. I wouldn't want to do anything to haphazardly. 

"P', P-please s-stop."

"Awh. Stutterboy Stuttering again? Are you retarded, you must be." I could not listen any further, the way he spoke to MY Kit made me see red and before i even realized i was holding the guy by the back of the neck. I turned his neck so he would look me dead in the eyes and see exactly how i feel about someone insulting and making fun of my date. 

"Why don't you take a walk with me?" I asked sternly, no emotion laced in my words and i saw the fear creep into his eyes. I turned to Kit and smiled warmly at him. "Kit babe stay here okay. I'd rather not have you see what i am about to do." And with that i walked out of the store, pulling the bully with me. I took him to the side of the restaurant, luckily nobody was there. I don't want anyone trying to call the cops or anything just for a little scolding. Not that they would be able to do anything to me but it would be an inconvenience for Kit and it might scare him off.

I pushed the guy in front of me and kicked him in the gut, making him fall against the wall behind him and slide down as he grips his stomach in pain. Don't misunderstand me, i'm a soon to be mob boss, yes. But i am not one for violence. But when anyone i care about gets hurt i have no problem with killing people and i am about to let this tough guy find out.

I kneel down beside him and pull his hair so he looks at me again, tears rolling down his cheeks. Just after one measily kick? 

"Hmm, pathetic." I give him a hook against the side of his head. He falls over on the ground and tries to crawl away. Really? Crawling isn't going to get you far you know. I grab the collar of his shirt, there is some blood coming from the side of his face but it's not a deep wound. Wouldn't want to actually kill a student. Especially not out here in the open. I know this was the guy Kit mentioned about beating him since i heard the nickname in the restaurant. I was going to have great joy in punishing this one.

"P-P'. Pl-lease S-stop" The guy asked, still crying, still bleeding. I smirk and actually feel quite happy with the sight in front of me. Sometimes i'm not really that much better than Ai'Pha and i hate to admit it. I should've never gone to that godforsaken club of his.

"Awee, who is stuttering now? Listen here boy. You don't EVER hurt what is mine okay? If you even come close, if you even dare to look at Kit. I will rip off your fingernails one by one. Am i making myself clear?!" Instead of answering he is just crying, not even looking at me. With my free hand i grab his chin painfully hard enough to make his mouth open and him struggling against my hand.

"I asked you. Did. I. Make. My. Self. Clear."

"Y-yes P'. I won't touch him again."

"Good." I say with a victorious smile and ease my grip on his collar and release his face. I straighten his clothes and fix his hair. "And i want you to tell your little friends, that i can do much worse than this so they should know what they shouldn't touch right Nong?"

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