Chapter 17. Realization of Betrayal

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Ming's POV

I arrived at the appartment building, right now standing in front of the appartment Forth told me was Beam's. 21C, 2nd floor. Instead of immediately grabbing his spare key i decided to do the civil thing and knock.

"Coming." I heard someone call from the other side of the door. The door opened a second later and my brows furrowed.


"P'Ming?" His confused expression mirrored mine. I did not expect to see my little brother at Beam's house.

"Green, what are you doing here? Where is God?"

"God is inside, we're gaming with Suthee and Park."

"How do you 2 know Beam's brothers?"

"We go to the same highschool asshat." I swear to god i'm going to kill him one day.

"Whatever. is Beam home?"

"I think he is up in his room, But-Hey!" I storm past him as my brother pointed up the stairs, not waisting another second listening to his drabbling. I love my brothers but Green can be an ass about literally everything. This is why i prefer God. Luckily they are fraternal twins and i don't associate God with Green's annoying nagging bitchface. Almost reminds me of dad.

I open the first door. Nothing.

second room. Nothing.

third room. My little brother taking a piss without locking the door.

only one door left... I slowly twist the knob and am glad the door isn't locked. I gently push the door open not trying to startle him or let him notice. But when the door is open enough for sound to pass, i regret everything. The sounds of moaning and grunting fall in my ears. For some reason my heart clenches just as tight as my hand on the knob. I should stop, i already know what he is doing, but i want to find out if i think it is who it is.

I poke my head through the door entrance, the room is dark but i can still see everything as clear as day. Beam on top of a girl, pounding into her as he roughly fondles her breasts, bodies covered in sweat and the moans that come out of her mouth pierce my ears like dragging nails on a chalkboard. And as i looked at the girls face, it is exactly how i feared it to be. I sighed and with heavy feet walked away. I heard Green call for me as i was exiting the appartment but i didn't turn back. I just left.

I step in my car and let out a scream in frustration. My chest heaving and my hands clenching the steering wheel tightly to prevent me from punching in the window. Just as i start to feel something for his again, he has to break it. I might be the son of a mafia boss but i have a heart as well, a heart that just broke. I came here to fix our friendship but in the process i realised my true feelings for him, just to get stomped on in time when i see him again. But there must be another person who is going to suffer even more than me.

How am i going to tell P'Forth that one of his best friends fucked his girlfriend. Should i text him? Call him? face to face? Deny it? Hide it? I don't want to shatter Beam and P'Forths friendship as well. That would probably be the end of our friendship. But he should at least know that his girlfriend cheated on him. Beam told me they broke up already but i don't believe that. He was lying to me or Gookhai lied to Beam. Anyways Gookhai doesn't seem like the person to confess their faults and mistakes. I never liked that bitch and P'Forth knows it. Fuck it i'll tell him when i see him tommorow at school. Right now i don't want to ruin his evening.


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