Chapter 29. In my arms

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Phana's POV

After Forth allowed me to leave I ran outside, seeing that I was actually still at the Engineering faculty, it was just a shed outside the sports field that was kind of abandoned since they got a new shed/storage. I ran to my car and went back to the dorms, not even caring about the pain in my stomach that made me limp and kind of dizzy nor the bleeding and swelling on my head and face. I had all the time to fix that later, right now I had to see Yo.

Whilst walking up the stairs I got called out by Pring in the lobby but I just sprinted past her and went to Yo's room where Kit was currently still in front of, looking at his phone.

"Kit!" I shouted as I came to a halt about a meter away from him. He looked up from his phone and his eyes widened with concern.

"W-what happened?! Are y-you o-okay? Did P-P'Forth do-do this? I kn-ew he would be a-angry but not t-th-this bad. I sh-should've talked to him, i-I'm sorry. Do I n-need to get a first a-aid kit?" Kit panicked and started examining all the wounds on my face. I wanted to stop him and just scream at him to open the door to let me see Yo but I was currently too fascinated? By Kit. Despite the years of pain and torture I've put him through he still manages to worry about me. Just proving me again what kind of a huge dick I am and what a gentle and kind little shit my brother is. I might throw up soon with all this sweet thinking. I admit I am a dick and should probably change but whenever I think about me doing kind things for people that aren't Yo, I want to puke. I might've been kinder in the past but I'm a different person now and I should just try to be the best me I can be, not only for Yo but also for myself. I want to be feared but I also want to be admired and respected, with my current behavior all I'm getting is people that fear me and people that want to suck up to me for their own benefit. They aren't loyal, they don't look up to me. They are only using me like I am using them. I should change that. I'm a gang leader for fucks sake not some regular school bully.

But even a gang leader needs love and I might've just lost mine if I don't hurry up. I've spend restless nights thinking about him and if I somehow managed to fall asleep he was all I could see in my dreams. His gentle nature, his beautiful smile, his creamy soft skin, the way he made me feel alive even if it was only a dream, and how perfect he was for me, he was the perfect contrast against me. He needed my roughness for his pleasure and protection and I needed his kindness for my insecurities and comfort. But we needed each other for love. Even if I haven't seen him In days. I can still feel our connection.

I snap out of my thoughts by Kit looking so worried I think he is about to cry. I sigh and groan internally as I wrap my arms around him and keep him against me, ignoring the pain in my aching body. "I'm fine, thank you for worrying about me. I really don't deserve this. I don't deserve any of you. I haven't really been appreciating what I have now and I am sorry for blaming you for my own shortcomings. If you allow me to...I want to be a better brother for you, Nong Kit." He looked up at me with teary eyes and wrapped his arms around me, hiding his face in my chest as he finally let out sobs. I smiled fondly at the crying boy which I have never done before, not feeling annoyed by him anymore as I am finally started to accept the way I am and my life is. If there is anyone to blame, it's me. As simple as that. I shouldn't try and play the blame game anymore. It just made me hurt people who didn't need to suffer, people close to me, people who cared about me even if it felt like they didn't.

I let Kit cry until he moved away and wiped his eyes with his sleeves.

"N-nothing would m-make me h-happier. I just w-want to be a f-family again. Me, dad and P-P'Pha."

", me and dad." I brush his hair gently with my hand, making him pout and me chuckle. This was our first bonding moment since we talked to each other and it honestly felt pretty good. "But Kit, please let me see Yo now. Forth allowed me to have another chance, I really need to see my boy again..." I ask him with desperation in my voice.

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