Chapter 43. Fall

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Wayo's POV

"Hoi! You look so pretty!"

"Thank you P'..."

"Have you ever tried wearing a dress and a wig. You would wipe the floor with all these stars."

"No Thank you P'. I like being a Boy."

"Such a shame...Now pucker those lips!" The Phi that did my make up was nice but she kept trying to convince me into doing drag, and I might be attractive as a girl but I will always keep my boy parts so what's the point? Besides I already have someone who thinks I'm perfectly fine as a boy. But would he like me more as a girl? I should ask him, not that I'm changing myself or anything! Oh god I'm so nervous.

"Nong Yo~!" I heared a feminine male voice cheer, I turned around and it was Jae'Ging, but he wasn't alone. Rénee and Mantou were here as well as my brother and Kit.

"Hey guys!" I smiled at them.

"Are you nervous little brother?"


"D-don't worry Yo. You've practiced a lot. I-I'm sure you will kick b-butt."

"Thank you Kit. I really need some encouragement now."

"Where is Ai'Pha?"

"Getting his make up done in the other room."

"Why does he need make up?"

"P'Mantou. P'Pha is going to hand out the sash because P'Ming was...unavailable."

"Where is Ming? He is last years campus moon? He should do it."

"Yes he should but Nong'Idiot skipped most of the meetings and left Nong'First to do his work and now he doesn't even show up, so beforehand we asked Ai'Pha to be his replacement."

"Ohhhh. Okay!"

"P'Forth, where are Brian & Li Tang?" I was actually asking this because they weren't swarming around Mantou right now.

"They are already waiting in the audience. They are cheering for you little brother."

"I'm not even from their faculty?" I chuckled.

"No, but you're my little brother and they are my best friends, they have an obligation. Besides I don't really care much about supporting N'Nick from my faculty. He keeps looking strangely at my boyfriend."

"P'! H-he was just h-helping me during practice."

"Practice my ass! He wanted an excuse to touch you." P'Forth grabbed Kit by his waist and pulled him in front of him, resting his chin on Kit's head. My brother is really adorable with Kit, but I won't ever tell him. I can already tell his ego is starting to inflate, I don't want it to rise to Phana levels.

"Oh it's time!" Jae'Ging excitedly clapped her hands after looking at his watch. "Okay Everyone! It's showtime! All Moons and Stars go to the stage entrance now! The MC's are about to start! Do your best out there and make your faculty proud!" Ging cheered and everyone else joined in. We all lined up, me together with Nate and all the others in pairs as well.

"Let's do this Yo!" Nate whispered and held up her fist.

"Mhm." I nod with a smile and bump my fist against her.

"Su Su!" We both say to both each other and ourselves. We can't let our faculty, Jae'Ging and P'Renée down. But most Importantly, I want to convey my feelings for P'Pha properly.

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