Untitled Part 2

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Mrs.Scrooge walked along the street, Mckinley followed a few stepsbehind, still merry, but without the singing and skipping. They madetheir way to the town bank, which was to be their first stop of theday. It seemed that everyone in town owed money to Scrooge andMarley's counting-house, and the assistant bank manager was noexception. The victim waited inside, oblivious to the fact that hewas soon to face Mrs. Scrooge's wrath.

Shebarged into the bank and made her way straight toward her prey,Mckinley followed silently behind her. They made their way to theassistant manager's desk, where he was busy helping a customer. Mrs.Scrooge stopped, crossed her arms and gave a sigh loud enough to letboth the assistant bank manager and the customer know that there wassomeone waiting, someone far more important she would have said. Theassistant bank manager looked up when he heard the sigh and wasstartled when he saw it was Mrs. Scrooge. He knocked over hisnameplate and fumbled to straighten it back up. The name on the plateread Oliver Griswold. Oliver Griswold was to be her first victim ofthe day.

"Thankyou, Mr. Poe. Please stop by if there is every anything else I can dofor you," spoke Griswold.

Thestrange looking little man with the dark hair and funny mustachio gotup and shook Griswold's hand. Griswold looked past the man to Mrs.Scrooge, so nervous was he that he shook the poor man's whole armwith each shake. When the handshake was done, the man known as Mr.Poe walked by Mrs. Scrooge without so much as a glance her way,obviously, he knew something of her reputation. Mrs. Scrooge wastedno time and stepped forward and took a seat without being asked.Griswold sat back in his seat and tidied himself, perspiration wasforming on his forehead as he began to speak.

"Goodday Ebelina. How may I help you this lovely day?"

"Youmay help me by addressing me as Mrs. Scrooge if you please. We are nolonger children playing together. You may also help me by saving youphony pleasantries for someone else. Your sugar coated words may workon these other simpletons, but not I sir. I know you do not like me,and I have no qualms in admitting that I feel the same toward you. Inever did, truth be told. Even as a kid, your holier-than-thouattitude was tiresome. And you may also help me, as well as myhusband, Mr. Scrooge and his business partner Mr. Marley by payingwhat is owed to the counting-house. Your account was due to be paidin full three weeks ago. Now here we are, on this cold and dreary daywhich I am forced to come here myself to remind you of your debt, andyour promise. One would have thought that someone of your position,that being an assistant bank manager would know the importance ofone's word and one's debt."

Griswoldsat motionless while Mrs. Scrooge spoke. The perspiration had turnedinto a profuse sweat now and started to run down his face. He took ahandkercher from his pocket and wiped the sweat, then cleared histhroat before he spoke.

"Wellumm, yes, Mrs. Scrooge. I'm fully aware that I'm somewhat behind onmy payments, and of course, I understand the gravity for one toalways pay their debts. Surely you, and Mr. Scrooge, and Mr. Marleyknow that I would never balk at paying a debt. But you see, I onlyrecently got promoted to the assistant bank manager. I thought itmight be okay, if just this once, it being Christmas and all, thatthe counting-house would forgive me this one tardiness. With mypromotion, I can afford to give my wife and my son the Christmas theydeserve this year. And I can make an extra payment next month. Evenpay interest, if the counting-house sees fit."

Mrs.Scrooge sat without speaking after Mr. Griswold had finished, eithergathering her words or to make Mr. Griswold even more uneasy than healready was. Regardless why, her silence surely had the effect of thelatter. Even little Mckinley seemed to be growing uneasy. She huggedher small sack close to her as her eyes darted from her aunt to Mr.Griswold and back again. She opened her mouth, perhaps to speak, butthen Mrs. Scrooge broke the silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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