Two- Why Did I Waste it On You?

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"You know, I could ask my mom if it's okay for you to stay with us for a while. She is usually really nice about these things, and you could stay in the spare room." Elise offers. I'm at her house now, it's the first place I could think that to go. That, and she only lives two blocks from where I do.

I've lived on my own for a long time, and let me tell you, it sucks. No on cared for me except my friends. I love them so much for what they did for me. Those times were when I got rid of those fake friends and filtered through to find the real ones. They were the light in my life now.

"Do you think you could ask now? I have no where to stay, and no way am I going to stay at a foster place. I'd rather live on the streets. Plus, we have school tomorrow, and I'd have nowhere to get ready." I asked, shaking my knee nervously.

"Sure. Just give me a second." She walks out of her room and I'm left sitting alone in here. I pick up a little pink giraffe she has sitting on her bed and play with it. It's cute. Apparently her mom got it for her when she was two. My mom never did things like that for me.

"Mom said you can stay for a while. As long as you go to school and don't get into trouble you'll probably be able to stay for the rest of the school year. " She says with a happy smile on her face. "Just stay in my room tonight, so we have time to get the guest room ready for you . Actually, it's probably time to go to bed right now."

I get changed into my purple polka-dotted pajamas, (try saying that ten times fast) and hop into bed beside her. She really is a great friend; we've been through thick and thin together. I've only known her for four or five years, but I appreciate every moment of our friendship.


I wake up with something heavy on my face, and I can't breathe.

"Gingerrrrrr!" Elise screams. "Time to wake up, you silly muffin!" There's a pillow on my face, and she's sitting on it. I hate it when she does this. She is the most annoying person I know other than Tate.

"Get the heck off of me! You nearly gave me a heart attack, and not to mention that I feel like my nose has been crushed!"

"Mmkay. Just get up, we've only got a half an hour before school starts."

I get up and over-dramatically unzip my bag. I then dig through the clothes until I find my favorite white, ripped skinnies and my favorite A Day To Remember tee that says "They came from... the garage!".

I got it from my mom. Ugh.

As I walk in to the bathroom, I see Elise curling her hair, something she never does.

"What's up with you, got a new boyfriend?" I say and wiggle my eyebrows.

"No, you silly muffin. I'm just trying to look good for the first day of the week, that's all." She says with a smirk. This whole 'silly muffin' thing is really getting on my nerves.

"You realize that it's Monday, right? You're going to be the only one dressed up, 'cause no one gives a single crap on Monday." That made no sense for me to say. I give a single crap on Monday.

No, more like I give twenty craps on Monday.

It's the first day of school in the week, and there are people there. That's my problem. I love my friends and all, and the only reason I like seeing them is because they won't laugh at me unless I mess up. Unless I did something really stupid, at least. I've always had a fear of messing up, and along with that, always wondered what it's like to not have that fear. I have my problems, and being anti-social is one of them. I spent so long trying to be a normal, friendly person but it never works. I'm stuck in a hole with other problems like never knowing what to say. I will probably always be awkward.

"Well," Elise's voice snaps me back into reality." I really don't care. I'll help you curl your hair, if you'd like."

I decline her offer and quickly flick on some eyeliner and a bit of mascara. I brush my hair over to one side and walk downstairs to make some toast. Elise's brother is sitting in the kitchen. I almost forgot about him. He's a little evil 13 year old that most people hate around here, and I'm no exception. He constantly hits on Noelle and occasionally me, too. The only reason he prioritizes Noelle is because "she's more his type".

Little brat.

Well jeez, the least you could do is say I'm ugly and get over it. I get it already. I am. I've only I been told that about a million times!

"Heyyyy," Thomas says, dragging out the Y way too long for my comfort. Looks like I'm in for a day of his harassment. "So, I heard you're staying here now, babe. Maybe we can hang later?"

"How about no, you little creep. Go bug Elise or stalk your girlfriend Noelle instead of bugging me."I grumbled as I took a big bite off my buttered toast.

"Hey guys. What's up?"Elise says cheerily as she walks into the kitchen.

"Oh, you know. Just getting harassed by Satan's son. Other than that, nothing much."

"Hmm, well I guess that makes me Satan's daughter, doesn't it?" She says evilly, with a smirk plastered on her face.

I just sigh and pick up my backpack, which is leaning against the door frame.

"You coming, or am I walking alone?" I inquire impatiently.

"Just a sec! Lemme grab my toast!"

She walks out the door past me and yells for me to hurry up. I run up to her and pull my earbuds out of my bag, sticking them in my ears.

"Alright, let's go to school!"

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