TwentyFive - Don't Worry, I've Got Y- Never Mind

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We headed back from the pizza place early because it was going to storm. The sky was darkened and lit with the occasional streak of golden lightning and the loud rumblings of thunder. Every time a bolt struck near us or the boom of thunder sounded, I cowered back into my seat. Tony was shooting me worried glances and swerving slightly every single time. I couldn't help but feel like I was gonna puke.

It may be obvious by now, but if it isn't, I"ll say what's wrong. I have this weird, irrational phobia of thunderstorms. Really, I hate them. I cry nearly every time. This was bound to be a big storm; there hadn't been even a slight storm in a while. The only time I remember it even raining in the past two months was when Tate had passed.

We arrived at the house eventually. The screen door was banging against the wooden house and the posts on the deck were trembling slightly.

I got out of the car worriedly, clutching my jacket around my sides then realizing that I don't have one on. D*mn. That's why it was so cold.

"Aww, man! I'm almost out of gas, too! I guess if we need to get out of here for some reason we can use my mom's car, so whatever," Tony whined.

I ignored him and rushed myself into the house. Julie was sitting at the counter, drinking out of a mug and watching the small TV they had in the living room. There were reports of severe thunderstorm warnings, and even tornado/hurricane watch. It had me quite worried. If a tornado came, I'd break down and cry, and this rickety house I've come to love would be torn down in a flash.

Another problem was that they had no basement. They probably have some sort of little underground shelter thingy, but that wasn't exactly what I had in mind to end my "perfect" first date.

As Tony walked in, I could see the distraught look clear across his face. He walked over to his mother and placed both hands on the corner, leaning slightly into the table.

"We have that cellar still working fine, right?"

"Well, duh, Tony. It's a cellar. They don't break or expire very easily," Julie noted sarcastically. I nodded in agreement. Tony simply sighed and walked off into his room, probably to gather some stuff. I decided on following him and raced up the stairs, nearly slamming into the wall as I did so.

Tony was off in the corner stuffing some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle plush into a large duffel. I gave him a questioning glance but he ignored it, turning back to the task at hand. That task included throwing all his collectable toys into a huge green bag.

I turned to the bed to start packing the meager amount of possessions I owned. One by one I threw items of clothing into the dissheveled mess, carefully leaving the glass elephant for last. I placed it gently atop the garments and zipped the leopard spotted bag up tight.


I shivered in the corner with blankets and Tony's arm wrapped around me. The situation here was especially tough for me now. Tony and his mom didn't even look fazed. Tony was sitting here with his phone, arm loosely draped around me. Julie was resting next to him, playing with her hair. Then there was me. I was the emotional wreck that no one noticed. Tony seemed slightly concerned at first, but then he must've either forgotten or just gave up on the matter.

I thought that it would've been pretty easy to notice. After all, I did look like I had just gotten out of some tragic incident where tons of people died, yet here I was. Freaking out over a little thunderstorm.

I decided to get over the fear this time, and I thought I could really do it. But then, boom! A loud rumble of thunder would sound, and all my encouraging thoughts would go down the drain. I cuddled into Tony chest as this happened yet again.

My hair was all over the place and my eyes were red. I knew that I looked like a total mess, but you know what? I didn't care. No one else cared, so why should I?


This time I lost it. I totally freaked out, screaming loudly and shrillly. It kind of echoed around until I did it yet again, maybe even louder with the sobs mixed into the pathetic crying.

"Ging? Are you okay?" Tony questioned.

"Do I look like I'm okay? I hate thunderstorms," I sobbed into his shirt. He just pulled me in closer and rubbed my back softly. His chin rested on my head and his other hand played with a strand of my black hair. This was much better than before.

"Aww. Too cute," Julie whispered, and I heard a click come from her spot in the cellar. I looked up to see that she had taken a picture, and scowled jokingly. "Hey, I have to get Tony's first girlfriend in a picture. Or so I assume, first girlfriend? If not, then soon," she squealed.

"Mooom, don't," Tony whined.

"So you are dating?"  He nodded.

"First girlfriend? Cool," I said.

It was kind of funny to think of being Tony's first girlfriend. I would've thought that he'd had at least two by now. But I liked that. I really liked that.

Sorry, short!

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