Part 6

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His eyes slowly lingered over her slumped form. Tattoos now covered her arms, stomach, upper chest, and the left side of her face. She seemed to be wearing even less clothes now that there were more tattoos. Torn pants covered her legs, a crude fabric like tank top covered her bust, and her feet were bare. There was evidence of malnutrition across her body.
Her arms and legs seemed a bit bony, and her eyes were sunken. Moments later one of the guards approached the crude cell and tossed a loaf of stale bread that had been roughly torn in half. One half landed on the woman's lap and the other hit the man's thigh. The guard then unchained the man and in gruff voice said "Feed her." He looked back at the guard quizzically and the guard ground his teeth "Now." The guard's voice was stern and cold as he turned and walked away. He picked up his piece of bread and scooted over to her, gently touching her shoulder.
She jolted awake and pressed her back against the metal bars. The panic in her eyes faded away when she saw who it was and he tore a piece off the loaf, raising it up to her mouth. She looked from the bread to him a few times and he gave her a small nod. She gingerly took a bite and slowly chewed the stale bread. Her face lit up noticeably and his lips twitched up into a small smile as he tore off more pieces for her.
After she finished off her half he offered his half "Here, you need it more than I." She leaned forward and ate half of his share slowly. "You...need to well.." her voice was quiet and raspy, but seemed a bit better. He reluctantly chewed on what was left of the stale bread and grimaced slightly at the texture. As he finished the bread he turned his back to see of the guard was heading to the cell. "Before the guard returns I must know, what they are doing to you?" He kept his head cocked sideways to watch for the guard and he pulled his hood down further. She took a moment before she spoke "They are...slave traders...t-they grabbed me off the streets..forced these m-markings onto my skin..." Her voice was shaky and he could see her tremble.
Before he could say more he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. "If she's fed head back to your side." The guard was at the other side of the cell with his hand on the hilt of his sword. He slowly scooted back and leaned back against the bars as he raised his arms up. The guard or now better named slaver re-chained his wrists and went back to his tent. Moments later he heard murmuring that was too quiet to make out exact words.
Then two guards and a man dressed in fine dark robes walked up to the cage. He looked up into the the hood of the mysterious figure and saw glowing eyes that seemed glassed over. Then the robed figure whispered and with a wave of his hand the man's world faded to black.

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