Part 7

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He awoke feeling much like his first day in the cave. His arms would not cooperate and his mind felt sluggish. He could faintly hear the scuffing of boots against the ground and the crackling of a warm fire. Eventually he gained the strength to sit up and he lifted his heavy eyelids to see the three guards and robed man standing before him.
"Let us begin. Hold out his arm." The robed man spoke as if he were a higher being, his voice carrying a certain regality. Two of the guards went to his right side and gripped his arm tightly, as if he could move it on his own accord anyway. The robed figure removed his hood now exposing his features.
What stood out the most was the pale white hair that flowed down into the robe unseen, the glowing red eyes that seemed ageless and understood more than anyone should, and pointed ears which confirmed his race as some sort of elf. He grimaced as sharp pain stabbed through his head. His body still not ready for much movement or if any at all. As the pain subsided the robed man began muttering quiet words unknown to him, but he could feel the sheer power emanating from them.
At first it was a light tingle, then pain shot through his arm as if hundreds of spears had been driven into it. His screams filled the cave and his muscles clenched painfully. The two guards fought to hold his arm in place as the magic did it's work and the third guard now held his left arm. He peaked over and saw that glowing lines slowly crept up his arm. He watched closely and noticed that the lines looked eerily familiar, but they lurched forward past his elbow which caused his mind to go blank. Pained yells escaped his lungs as the lines worked up his arm.
Back in the cell the woman shook violently at each scream. She remembered the pain from the process of placing the tattoos desperately wishing to be able to cover her ears and to forget all the suffering she had endured. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks as more screams echoed throughout the cave. She felt as if the screams would never end, but they suddenly ceased by an explosion that shook the cave causing rock to fall and crack loudly against the ground. Once the shaking stopped the only thing she could hear was the beating of her heart.

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