First glance, second thought (Frerard drabble)

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First glance, second thought (Frerard drabble)

I wrote this today and I thought it was cute so I might as well post it.

I was basically doing homework when a weird phrase popped into my head - 'mutual sort-of-in-love-ness' - and I thought it was cool, so I took a break from my homework to jot it down. But I got a little bit distracted and wrote this entire oneshot.



Frank and Gerard weren't dating.

They were just friends who held hands and said 'I love you' and fell asleep curled around each other in ridiculous blanket-forts in Gerard's basement sometimes.

There was nothing weird about the fact that they had never kissed, yet were still completely comfortable to undress in front of each other.

Besides, everybody seemed to be cool with Frank and Gerard's mutual, sort-of-in-love-ness, even though nobody had really announced anything or even spoken vaguely of it.

It used to be just the occasional holding on too long in a hug, or accidental smelling of hair. Sometimes Frank would compliment Gerard in a way that the rest of the world would deem too weird or forward for just friends. Sometimes their hands would brush as they walked side by side in the corridors, and sometimes Gerard would interlock their fingers, and Frank would squeeze tightly and smile back.

Neither Frank nor Gerard had ever dated, but neither of them intended to. They had each other. Why would they need anyone else? They would both probably want something physical or a relationship with some kind of title in the future, but for now, they were just… friends who were kind of in love and kind of boyfriends but at the same time totally not.

There were never any kisses– or at least, nobody ever saw them (but the boys in question themselves). There was a lot of public affection though.

It was a little strange at first, the way the two of them would be laughing together in the lockers with all the guys, and then all of a sudden they were too close to be not weird, sitting on each other's laps and mumbling things in ears that made them blush. But soon, Mikey, Ray and Bob just accepted that this was just what Frank and Gerard were like, and this is what they were always going to be like, because it was who they were.

They were just mutual, sort-of-in-love friends who held hands and said 'I love you' sometimes.

They were just Frank and Gerard.

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