The Test of Time

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~Fira's P.O.V.~

We ran down the North path, on our way to Elderpetal. I hoped that we wouldn't run into the Zoroark again, Mother had said that we shouldn't trust him. She had her superstitions about him, Saying he was a bad omen and such, and in fact, Father had dissipeared because of him.

I wouldn't argue, I think it was true, I haven't seen him around since father left, so, it sounds true...

I told Ryu this recently... he however, saw it in a different light.

"You might want to take it with a grain of salt." He said slowly as he put a scroll away during my one of my recent visit to his home "Jumping to conclusions like that without any other information could land you in trouble." He grimaced , I guess that's happened before? No doubt one of his parent's tests that he went in unprepared for.

"Do you have any proof that he didn't?" I asked him, setting my cup down a bit harsher than I normally would " Mother has always said that Dark types are out for Psychic types." Remembering my tone of voice then right now makes me think I sounded pretty passionate about condemning him.

"If that were true, our parents would've killed each other a long time ago." He stated rather bluntly as he sat down across from me then pulled out and rolled out another scroll for us to study. Edo period. "Every murder has an ulterior motive behind it, other than outright hate."

Maybe he was right. Then again, like he said, grain of salt.

We arrived at Elderpetal's clearing , A Ledian floating in the middle.

"Late? I guess you guys really were trying to patch up the big one..."I wasn't sure whether or not to label it a gender by voice, the pitch and tone constantly changed, a somewhat odd thing I noticed with most Bug Pokémon with no distinguishable male or female traits." But, you three are here, that's what matters... Well... I'm ready, I wish you three good luck."

We nodded in acknowledgement as we saw the bleach white tree before us spring into life, the two biggest branches becoming his arms and hands and a good two thirds of the trunk becoming the body, and at last the hollow t the top portion slowly had a red dot glow. Elderpetal had awakened.

" Who stands before me?" His voice seemed to come from nowhere, but everywhere at once , I swear time stopped as he spoke.

Ryu took the lead to break the silence "Ryu, Trainee and son of Yojinbo of the Exalted Zenith Clan."

'Exalted Zenith Clan'? Like 'Noble High Point' as in noble and successful?That sounds kinda made up...but knowing how secretive his parents are, I wouldn't be surprised if that was true.

Maybe I should watch my back from now on.

Tiz stepped up next "Tiz, Brave Page and decedent of Paladin of the Round Table."

Well that explains a lot, he's trying to live up to his ancestor's reputation. Paldin was a Chesnaught along with a Bisharp, Gallade, Escavalier, Samurott, Serperior, Kingdra, Aegislash, Scizor, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Aggron, Roserade, Magmortar, Blastoise, Mismagius, Haxorus, Rapidash, Beedrill, and Xatu that were heralded as some of the greatest knights of their time. I wonder if I had some fancy or cool ancestry...

"Young lady, Introduce yourself." Elderpetal's stern command brought me back to reality

"Fira, Daughter of Magus!" I yelped out quickly.

Elderpetal seemed pleased to finally hear my name "I see... now for the test!"

He asked a series of many knowledge questions and basic dungeon exploring procedures.

The last was a rather strange question.

"What do you see in your future?"

I've never really thought that far ahead, maybe a few weeks from now, but not to the future he speaks of... Now that I think about it, Mother could see into the future, I could ask her-

"That's easy!" Tiz yelled out, a laugh following shortly after it.

What was he talking about? Planning for your future isn't a split-second decision...

"Yes, that is an easy question."Ryu let out a light laugh

Did they really have everything planned out?!

They both held up a hand into the air.

I get it now.

I held up my hand with theirs.

"To be the best rescue team in history!" We all shouted in unison "Team Chrono!"

To my-and everyone else's- surprise, Elderpetal let out a hearty laugh. What was so funny?

"It's been years since such enthusiasm has reverberated throughout my orchard!"  That was a surprise "You three shall make a fine rescue team, You have passed."

The Leadian nodded "Congrats you three!" We turned to the Leadian "You three are officially a rescue team!" We cheered again as we ran out.

A lot after that was a daze as we received our scarfs, but we-well, at least me- were still conscience during the celebration thrown for us 

It was surprising to see so many Pokemon get along so well, putting aside their differences in the name of tradition.

Quite a surprise to see the turnout, I thought it was going to be smaller.

Then I noticed something.

Mother wasn't here.

I walked through the crowd, drink in hand, looking for her. After the search, my venture was fruitless, and I was on the edge of the crowd.

I turned around to head back into the fray. The lighting for the party was better than the darkness of the night. As I turned, I saw the Zororark speaking to Lady Kiran(Rumor has it, she used to be a gracious opera singer from a northern town far away from here, she moved here to teach the othes to sing and run a restaurant that she and her former rescue team started.)

Call me what you want, but I quickly found a way to evesdrop on the two without being noticed.

I strained my ears trying to pick up their conversation...

"... It's possible that she just went out for a bit, nothing too big to worry about." Kiran told the Zoroark in a rather calm tone "She doesn't have a familiar, so she does most of her work herself."

The Zoroark sighed"I guess, but should we really wait to tell?... a team of four should be good, but consideration into how long they've been out of exploring..."

A team of four that leaves in the night must be rare...

Kiran chuckled" You care that much, Z? Cotton is going to have an easy time with a child if you stay like this."

Z, so that's his name? Interesting, not like a Hex will work on him though.

"W-well..." Z stuttered, obviously flustered judging by his voice

The conversation drifted off from there, allowing me to leave and process the information, perhaps the guild had answers? First comes my freinds ,though...

The night ended with us three split up into our homes, unable to talk(Paladin had passed out, no surprise, really, and Ryu left after the main formalities) until the morning.

Mother wasn't home either, I guess one of her trips, nothing too big.

I did some chores before I went to bed, I have a long day ahead of me...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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