03 - One-Sided Love

191 3 6

Pairing: Mullette

He stared at the frenchman quietly, nervously for the longest time. It wasn't a unknown fact among his friends of his huge crush on Lafayette. Now if only he had the courage to confess...

It was finally the day. Alexander and John had set up a blind date between the two, hoping to give Herc the courage to actually tell Lafayette how he feels.

Hercules swallows nervously as he stares across the table from the dark-skinned frenchman. Lafayette looked a bit uncomfortable, not meeting Hercules's gaze, and that was basically the entire date.

Once it was over, Hercules takes a deep breath as they stand on the sidewalk, "Lafayette... I've had feelings for you... For a really long time now."

Lafayette looks shell-shocked eyes settling on the Irishman in front of him, "...Hercules. I'm afraid I cannot return your feelings, mon ami."

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