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Prequel to 04 - Grave
Pairing: Obscure Jamilton

Thomas Jefferson 1st Person POV

My best friend... Now my enemy, possibly the last face I may ever see.

The cold bites harshly at my exposed skin as I stare across at James Madison, the cold gun feeling heavier than it actually is.

My heart is pounding in my chest so hard that I'm afraid he may hear it, brown eyes staring back at me.

Our seconds emerge from the side, Alexander Hamilton coming over to me, and Aaron Burr going over to James.

I wish I know what is happening in his brain when he is told that the final peace talk was unsuccessful.

I know my own thoughts, and I wish that I could rewind time and set things right.

I adjust my glasses as I hand my letter to the awaiting hand of the Secretary of Treasury, thanking him with an unworldly calm.

I approach my former friend as he does, our steps nearly in sync. I feel as if one misstep can send the world into a frenzy.

Our eyes meet for a second but quickly tear away as our cold hands grasp each other, forming a steady handshake.

I hope he doesn't feel my hand trembling.

We both turn so we are back to back, guns hanging at our sides. Slowly, as if underwater, I hear Burr and Hamilton start to count down.

With each count comes another step.

With each step, one of us comes closer to our deaths.

I turn my thoughts towards the times I had with James.

I suddenly come to a decision as we reach pace seven.

I cannot kill this man.

As soon as our tenth step is taken, and we are told to fire, I turn and point my gun towards the sky.

It isn't my gun that makes the bang.

It is me who dies.

One man, not two, is what a duel calls for.

And Madison is the one. We are not two.

I catch a glimpse of the other side. Everyone who I know and love who has died is there, watching. They're just phantoms.

I'll be joining them.

Blinding pain flares out from the center of my chest, working its way out like wildfire.

I fall.

The medic quickly pushes his way over to me, Burr and Hamilton ushering Madison away before coming to my side.

Breathing is a lot harder.

I can only see light.

My chest stops moving.

I join everyone on the other side.

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