04 - Grave

182 3 17

Pairing: Jamilton

Alexander looked at his love, the flowers in his hand.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" He asked quietly.

"I'm sorry I haven't come to visit you. Damn, it's been five years. Time flies." Alexander cleared his throat, already nervous and he's barely said anything.

He then remembers the flowers.

"Here! I bought these flowers for you. White roses, your favorite." He smiles slightly as he sets the flowers down.

He was tearing up.

"It's been 10 fucking years!" He suddenly yells, breaking into sobs.

"Don't you know how hard it's been?! Madison has Burr, but I have no one!" He yelled, collapsing onto his knees.

He was staring at the grave of his dead lover.

"I lost 20 fucking pounds because I haven't been able to fucking eat or sleep!"

Alex calmed down a bit, "Madison is going to pay for what he did. I made sure of that."

"But that leaves me." He nearly choked on his sobs, drawing a silver pistol.

"I swiped the bullet that you were shot with from the doctors office."

He pulls a rusty, old bullet from his pocket, looking at Thomas's name in the stone as he loads the gun with it.

He cocks the gun and holds it to his temple, "Sorry, sweetheart, if my blood gets on your flowers. I'll see you soon."

He closed his eyes, about to pull the trigger, but he couldn't for some reason.

He remembered something.

He and Thomas had always talked about having a legacy, about their stories being told.

If he died, then who would tell Thomas's story?

He forced a smile as he lowered the gun, "This bullet wasn't your legacy." He murmured, allowing the bullet to fall from the gun before tucking the weapon back into his pocket.

"Don't worry. I lived, you died, but I'll tell our story." Alexander said as he stood.

He pressed a kiss to his lover's name on the cold gravestone before standing and walking away.

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