Chapter 9: The Call

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I roll myself over, grabbing my phone and selecting the side button that allows me to view the time. Call me paranoid—this is likely the hundredth time I've done this in the last two hours—but I can't I risk it. If I'm late my dad will never let me come over here again. Better yet, he would likely show up here and drag me back home after seeing no parents, beer cups, and boys scattered all over the floor.  I have exactly one hour left before I need to get my ass back to my house.

No one has woken yet.  Sleeping bodies lie all over the floor right where they sat most of the night. No one even bothered to change their clothes, including myself which just added to my anxiety last night. Sleeping in pajama pants would have been much better than a damn skirt, especially with Tyler sleeping a little too close for comfort.  This shouldn't bother me as much as it does, especially since I grew up with him sleeping over most nights. Everything changed homecoming weekend.

Tyler was only part of the reason for the lack of sleep though. The other reason was the guy I knew was upstairs right now.  The one who is some sort of criminal that my dad told me to stay away from.  The one whose own sister told me to keep away from him.  The one who, last night,  I definitely did not stay away from.

I was not thinking straight when I let him take me into that bathroom.  I was thinking with my vagina and that needs to not happen again. That finger of his—not invited back for another round. 

The problem occurs whenever I'm in the same vicinity as Jax. I have never experienced feeling so aroused with a simple look and he likes to look at me. I like that he looks at me. No one looks at me the way he does, like he's undressing me with his eyes the entire time we have a discussion, but still managing to have a conversation. Kane has never looked at me like that or made me feel like he was interested too. Even the way Jax held me on the couch was different than Kane did the other night. Not only did Jax make me feel like he wanted me, but it was like he was protective too—like he knew that Tyler was bothering me.

Now, I'm just torn. I am ridiculously turned on by Jax, the off-limits criminal who wants to use me sexually and toss me to the side when he's "bored" and hopelessly in love with Kane who seems to have me friend-zoned (better yet, he looks at me like a sister). It wasn't until Tyler spilled the beans about stealing my virginity that Kane showed any sort of interest and now that I have it, I'm back to Jax.

I huff and flip myself over, pulling the small blanket I found up higher and feeling it leave my ankles bare. I really need to learn to sleep at my own house. I flip once more, attempting to get comfortable and giving up, just to continue glancing at my phone again and then back to Tyler.

I have to wake him and I really don't want to. He's a liability from last night. No one in this room could fuck things up for me like him and I'm not exactly his favorite person after the shit Jax pulled to piss him off last night.

Tyler is very much aware that Jax kissed me and that I kissed him right back.  He also knows that Jax's number is currently in my phone.  Tyler has an extremely big mouth and since last night did not go his way, I have a terrible feeling that he will open his big mouth to his bother.  Or dad.

I use my elbow and nudge him a few times before finally I hear his breathing change and his eyes flicker open, lifting his thick eyebrows with confusion and looking around the room.  He then allows himself to fall back to his pillow while he clutches his head and groans.

Hope that hangover sucks today, buddy.

"What do you want, Gabby?" he rolls himself over, unwilling to look at me.

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