Chapter 52: Restless Night

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In an attempt not to wake my sleeping daughter, I very carefully crawl out of my bed and sneak to the hallway, quietly closing the door behind me.  It's four in the morning, the entire house is sleeping.

I didn't sleep at all last night and I just want Kane's arms around me.  My dad doesn't like the idea of Kane in my bed while we are here, which is ridiculous since we are engaged and have obviously fornicated. I mean yes, he has his own apartment in Minneapolis but he's never there.  So here I am, sneaking into Felix's old bedroom so I can cuddle with my damn fiancé.

Kane is lying on his stomach with his arms wrapped around his pillow, mouth hanging open with a light snore.  I can't help but to smile.  "Move over, handsome" I whisper close to his ear.  His eyes flicker and he rolls to his side, lifting the comforter so that I can crawl in beside him.  He wraps the blanket and his arm around me and places a gentle kiss on my shoulder.

"Did you sleep?"

"No" I sigh.  "Sue is coming over this morning and I have to explain to her why I've kept Zo a secret for seven years.  How do I do that? It's her granddaughter..."

His body remains tense but he lets out a deep breath.  "Do you want me there for support?"

As lovely as his offer is, I can't have him there.  He doesn't need to hear about my relationship with Jax.  I'm definitely going to need him after though.

"No. I need to do this on my own.  It's something I should have done before I left."

"I get that." He presses another kiss to my shoulder.

"Kane, what if they want to be in her life?  It's not that I don't want her to know her grandparents.  I love Sue and Larry.  But after these two weeks... I'm not coming back.  Nothing has changed."

"We will make it work.  Maybe they can meet you half way and you can spend time with them.  Listen to what they have to say first and go from there. Stop worrying. Try and sleep, Gabs."

I nod and snuggle in close, falling asleep in his arms.


A throat clears, causing my eyelids to open instantly.  My dad stands with his arms crossed in the doorway of Felix's room.

Laughter erupts from Kane's chest as he pulls me in close. "Morning Dan."

"This defeats the purpose of the separate rooms..."

"I assure you there was no sex last night Mr. B... just groping, possibly some foreplay..."

I giggle and cover my face as my dad glares at me shaking his head. "I don't know what he's talking about daddy... I'm a virgin."

Laughter comes from the hall from Sydney. "Right. Me too dad! Let's ask Felix when he gets here! I bet he's one too!"

"That boy is no virgin" Kane chuckles and buries his head into my back.

"Right. Well, your immaculately concepted child is awake downstairs and would like pancakes."

"I'll make her pancakes." Kane crawls out of the bed and gives my dad a pat on the back before walking out of the room.

My dad continues to hover in the doorway, worry clouding his tired face. Is he seriously upset that I crawled into bed with my fiancé? I'm mean really... he caught Sydney having sex with her fiancé in the shower. Kane was joking about the groping and foreplay (okay, mostly joking about it... there was a little groping).

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