Chapter 37: Graduation

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"This is the most hideous thing I have ever worn..."

Syds's eyes are wide as she eyes my cap and gown. "I would have to agree. There's just so much... green..."


"What are you wearing under it? Something for Jax? He will be there right?"

My face goes a hot shade of pink as I turn away from my mirror and towards my fourteen year old sister who is sitting on the edge of my bed, scrolling through her phone.  That is definitely not a subject I feel comfortable speaking to her about.  She is definitely going to be trouble when she's my age, wow.  My parents think I'm bad?

"You wear clothing under it you little perv, not just lingerie... and yes he will be there for Courtney. Mom and dad probably won't let me anywhere near him though."

I turn back to the mirror and tug the neckline of the shiny green gown I'm wearing. It's also terribly uncomfortable. Maybe she's right, maybe I should wear something other than jeans and a nice shirt under this. I don't want him to see me as a giant green blob. Super attractive.

"Did you figure out what side I wear this thing on yet?" I hold up the green and yellow fringe from my cap.

She looks back to her phone and reads for a moment. "It says that you wear your tassel on the right and then move it to the left once you are handed your diploma."

I shift it to its correct place, take one last look in the mirror and give myself an approving nod.

"Shoes?" Syd points to my feet.


I begin digging through my closet for my yellow chucks, but remember how discolored they were after my walk with Jax on our date. White will have to do today. They will likely make my gown look even more green, as if that were possible.

"I'll meet you down at the car. Remember, don't fall on your face while on stage. That shit would be embarrassing in front of your boyfriend..."

I take this opportunity to smack her in the arm as hard as I can for putting that idea into my head. My anxiety about today was bad enough. She just laughs and walks out.


Once my shoes are on, I'm back in the mirror, looking at my giant green robe, knowing that this is how Jax will see me after not seeing him up close for a whole week.

Nope. Nope. NOPE.

The white converse are kicked off and I shimmy my jeans down. Courtney's skirt is still sitting on my dresser; I never gave it back after her birthday. I slide it on and unzip the gown, allowing it to hang freely open. With white converse back on, this is much better. Another nod, and I'm out the door with my family.


I am lost in a sea of green in our gymnasium.  We sit in front of a stage, with risers to our sides and behind us.  There are tons of people on them, everyone's families have come to watch them walk across a stage and collect their piece of paper.  It's sort of dumb, I'd rather they just threw a big party for us. 

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