Chapter 30: The Three Disappointments

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Felix and I walk through the front door of our home, not realizing we were walking into a family war zone.  Sydney's sobs from the couch combined with the yelling between our parents stopped us dead in our tracks.

The three of them stop and stare at the two of us.  Eerie silence clouds our living room.  Immediately I feel a knot in my throat; I'm getting the sense that Felix and I are in trouble.  The question is... for what?

"You guys are so stupid!" Sydney cries.  "It's not fair!  They get in way more trouble than me!"  With a quick wave of her hand she gestures to the two of us. 

My mother sighs towards her youngest daughter, then glaring back at my dad.  So obviously we did something to piss him off and the whole house is on lockdown.  My mother's eyes are telling me there has been unfair treatment towards Sydney. 

"What the hell did we do?" Felix questions first.

He never learns.  Don't ask questions, allow them to willingly give us information first.

My dad's nostrils flare with anger. "Think real hard" he nods once angrily.  "What could you two have done recently that would upset your parents?"

He speaks slowly, attempting to not yell at us right away, which I'm thankful for as I nurse my headache.

"Parent" my mom rolls her eyes and walks into the kitchen.  "Singular. Syd, leave them to argue."

Sydney storms from the couch to her room.  "So fucking stupid!" she yells.  "I hate all of you!"  The door upstairs slams hard causing Felix and I both to jump.

I begin racking my brain.  There are lots of things we could be in trouble for - the party, not staying away from Tyler, not staying away from Jax, drinking, lying about Courtney...

The silence from my brother is telling me that he's trying to figure it out too.  The question first becomes, which one do we guess first?

"Anytime now" dad crosses his arms across his chest.

Neither of us offer anything, I look down the the ground.  I've been in trouble enough this year.  Felix however, is never in trouble.  So whatever we did - it's bad.

"Are we in trouble for the same thing?" Felix lifts his brow to my dad.

Idiot, keep your mouth shut.

"I don't know, are you?" My dad questions him back.

The lump in my throat is growing, combined with the headache I'm currently rocking, I begin to feel ill.  Suddenly, last night's tequila is rising in my throat and it's taking everything in me to hold it down.

"Fee..." I mutter quietly to the boy next to me.  "I feel sick."

"What's that Gabs?" My dad holds his hand to his ear mockingly.  "Not feeling well today?"

I take a deep breath through my nose as Felix rubs my back.  "Dad..." he sighs.

"Not cherry this time Gabs?"  Dad begins to pace the room with his finger to his chin.  "Vodka?" he begins his guesses.  "Rum? Schnapps?... Tequila?"

With the last guess I take another deep breath, suppressing the sick I'm holding back a little longer.

"Tequila, huh?" His eyes light up and he disappears to the kitchen. He returns with a bottle and unscrews the cap. 

"Found this last night by the lake..." he waves the bottle in front of my nose.  "Smell familiar?"

My stomach churns at the scent that is assaulting my nose. I can't take anymore.  I run to the bathroom and begin violently throwing up all five full solo cups of tequila that I drank last night, and some mozzarella sticks I had at Kane's before we left.  Felix follows me in and holds back my hair as I grip our toilet for dear life.

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