- Should I confess? -

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(Y/n)'s POV

"I am soooooo confused!" I screamed out in frustration. "Should I do it, or should I not?"

"I think you should," said Irina immediately.

"I think you shouldn't," said Karasuma. I glanced at him. "Don't bring this stuff in the middle of our assassination"

I rolled my eyes. Of course he doesn't care... Who am I kidding?

I banged my head against the table. I sighed when Koro-sensei entered the staff room. I spared him a glance before pulling out my water bottle to drink some water and cool myself down.

"(Y/n)-sensei, you look upset," he said, joining his tentacles. "Is something wrong?"

"Ah, nothing," I mumbled. I looked at my other colleagues. Irina was telling me with her eyes to say it. They would pop out if she doesn't stop soon.

And Kara-nii was glaring at me. He doesn't want me to tell. Ugh!

I huffed and ran out of the staff room and went to the cliff of the mountain. I found Karma-kun sitting there.

"Karma-kun," I said to him. He looked back at me. "Go to class. Right now!"

He smirked.

"Why are you here, sensei?~" he said as if he knew all my problems. I rolled my eyes.

"I am not obliged to tell you," I snarled at him. "GO TO CLASS!"

I screamed out the last sentence. He jumped and ran away before I could do anything else. I sat at the cliff and looked over.

I am confused on what to do. Should I confess to him, or should I not?

If I confess, he might not feel the same way about me, but that doesn't bother me. I have so little life left. It doesn't matter if he says no. I just want to live my life happily.

Like Kara-nii said, it might come between their attempts. I might get kidnapped or whatever if he likes me back, because I am important to him.

If I don't confess, I might die alone and I can never tell him that I don't want him to die and I want to spend whatever life I have with him.

If he does like me back, and I don't confess, he might think I don't like him and it will be something I regret.

If he does like me back, and I don't confess, he might confess to me and then the problems stated earlier can happen.

Ughhhh, why is my life so damn confusing? Why did I have to fall for him?!! Why him of all the creatures in this world?

I sighed when I felt a tentacle on my right shoulder.

"(Y/n)-sensei, you are troubled," he said. "Can I help you in anyway? I don't like seeing my colleagues troubled."

I smiled and shook my head.

"I would tell you what my problems are if you weren't who you are," I mumbled. "I am fine, Koro-sensei. Just some girl problems. Me and Irina will find a way out."

He nodded and was about to go when my phoned tinked.

Say it, or else...

I sweat dropped before looking at Koro-sensei, who was looking at me questionably. His cheeks were tinted pink like he has when he reads those erotic magazines of his.

Nah, I am fine. I won't do it today. Maybe some other time?

Oh god, it is never coming, that day..

Whatever, I gotta go. Bye!

Yeah, I have a English class to take, now. Bye.

I kept the phone down. I looked up to see him eating some sweet I didn't know.

"What's that?" I asked him, standing up. He smiled.

"It's a sweet from India called 'Kazukatli'," he said. "It is made from cashews"

"Weird name. Can I try one?" I asked. He nodded. I picked one. It was shaped like a kite. I bit into it. It was delicious. "I love it! Can I have some more?"

"I will bring you box tomorrow, alright?" He said. "I finished this one"

I smiled and nodded. I don't wanna risk our relationship with some stupid thoughts. Maybe some other day. Yeah, not today.

I smiled and went back to the staff room, chatting with him.

I am happy with my life as it is...

To Be Continued
This chapter is a filler... So idk if u would like it. I mean, u must hate me now, because 'Fillers are trash but those who make fillers are worse than trash'. XD. Found it on Google, but I am going off point. Sorry for the filler. Bye!~

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