-: Epilogue :-

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I'm tagging everyone who wanted to read an epilogue back then... I don't know how many still want to read it, but I'm doing it anyway...
That's all I could find...
If the writing seems a bit different, please know that it's been 2 years since I wrote this book and even more since I read AssClass.
A 1000 words special epilogue for all of you!


-: 7 Years Later :-

3rd POV

A girl with long dark hair stood in front of the old 3-E classroom, her hands clasped together and eyes closed as she silently prayed and remembered her three teachers. Her dress billowed around her as the mountain wind played around.

"Yo, queen of the morning dramas!"

She turned around and smiled widely upon seeing her previous classmates.


"You're still in costume," Yukino Kanzaki pointed out. "Is it okay for you to be out here, even if you're on call?"

"Yep!" Kayano Kaede gave her a close-eyed smile. "I snuck out during break. I feel guilty that I'm never able to come out here and help you guys anymore."

"Okay then," Sugino tossed the keys in the air, grinning, "Everyone knows the drill; hop onto it!"

The twenty something students started to clean up their old classroom, the old nostalgic place where they had so many wonderful moments which were just memories now.

Kayano picked up the paint can and dipped her brush into it. She couldn't help but be reminded of (y/n)-sensei's letter that had been written to her.

"...Your mistakes don't matter in the long run. It's your future, it's your canvas. Paint it to the best of your abilities, and whenever you feel down, whenever you feel like you can't do something, just remember that I'm standing right behind you. If you want to give up, I'll be there. And if you want to give it your all, I'll still be there..."

She smiled sadly to herself. She had done it. Living her life now, she kept reminding herself of one of the best teachers she had had whenever she faced anything. Good things, bad things, everything had (y/n)-sensei and Koro-sensei behind it.

She looked up at the wooden building that stood in front of her proudly. A gust of wind blew and she closed her eyes- it was almost like Koro-sensei, Yukimura-sensei and (Y/n)-sensei were watching over them.

She remembered the night they lost Koro-sensei. How much they all cried. And she remembered the night (Y/n)-sensei died. All of them had cried so much...

It was terrifying, to shake her and find that she won't respond. It was horrifying, to see the gentle smile on her face, almost like she was peacefully sleeping. Her last words had struck Koro-sensei, who had broken down. That would have been a good time to assassinate him but nobody had the heart to move. They didn't want to do anything but just hold onto a part of her, to keep wishing that none of it was real, to hope that if they clutched hard enough, she won't fade away from their lives.

But she had. Karasuma-sensei had to make everyone go out to the living room and Koro-sensei flew away but none of them bothered to ask where. He wanted to be alone, and so did they. Her sister was crying too, but it was much less than any of theirs. She knew that (Y/n)-sensei was going to die, but they didn't know...

Her sister had given them all the letters she had just written a few hours ago. That was the last piece of (y/n)-sensei they had, and they cherished it above any of their possessions. They had made copies of the video and Ritsu had encrypted it so that only they can open and watch it; watching it made them cry every time. But those tears didn't feel like a burden. They felt like freedom.

As Kayano talked to her classmates, she couldn't help but feel... Feel that wherever (Y/n)-sensei was, wherever Koro-sensei was, they were watching over them together.

The mountain was a part of them, just as they were a part of it. (Y/n)-sensei had requested to be buried there and before they all left the mountain, they always spoke to her grave.

Hours later, Kayano stood in front of the white stone slab that stood above where her head should be buried. Her living time was written, along with her name.

In a beautiful font was carved upon it,
'To the well-organized mind, Death is but the next great adventure.' It was another request of hers. While they had all shared the letters written to them, Koro-sensei never spoke of what was written in his. They never forced or asked him because they knew how much it had affected him.

"Good afternoon, sensei," Kayano said softly, sitting down on her knees. The rest had already spoken and gone down so she was sitting alone. "It's nearly evening, but afternoon anyway. It's been 7 years since you left us, but I never feel like you left us."

The flowers placed at the foot of the slab and the flowers surrounding her grave swayed due to the wind.

"To be honest, every day feels like an adventure," she traced the carved letters of her name on the grave. "An adventure with you right by my side. Everyone is living life like you wanted us to. Whenever we feel sad, we read your letters. They give us so much courage, love and strength. We remind ourselves of you and Koro-sensei every time life throws a fast ball at us..."

The wind whistles in her ears, the trees swayed and the birds returning to their nests chirped. Kayano closed her eyes, almost feeling that they were really listening to her.

"I'm so sorry I can't come more often. Knowing you, you would probably say it doesn't matter and pat my head with your warm, gentle hand, but I feel like I owe you an apology. Nagisa, Karma... I know they think of you too. Wherever you are, sensei, just know that we will always, always love you.

And more than anything else that I want to say, I want to say thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for every second of your life that you spent with us, that you spent shaping us. Wherever you are, I know you are proud of us.

Thank you. We love you."


The End

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