Let's go for a Jaunt

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Batman had always believed that skills required exhaustive training. Once he was confident Robin had returned to perfect health Batman started making sure the new skill sets were trained.

"He doesn't need the hyperspace suit anymore," insisted J'onn.

"Until we've done thorough testing he's wearing it," insisted Batman. "Robin go." They started in the salt flats teleporting to points in visual range at escalating distances. Kid Flash would run and catch up with Robin then check all of the meters and gauges. Rob had a radiation dosimeter, temperature gauges and oxygen meter attached to the suit. Now that he was consciously jaunting the meters stayed level.

"Boys! BOYS!" Roared Batman. "This is not an excuse for some extravagent game of tag. Focus!"

Robin and Kid Flash looked at each other guiltily.

"Bats you know they're just waiting for you to finish your testing then they're going to be cooking up the craziest races they can think of," chuckled Barry.

"I am aware of that," ground out Batman. The desert heat in a mix of black leather, nomex and kevlar did nothing for Batman's mood.

The Flash spent the afternoon cooking up crazy races for the boys because no matter that Batman often thought Flash an idiot. Barry had the emotional intelligence and empathy to understand that Bruce was far more concerned about Dick going off and testing in secret and running into trouble then he was about a wasted afternoon.

Robin's jaunts were nearly instantaneous but when Barry added in other challenges like picking up marbles at 50 different stops or breaking the visual clues so that Robin had to Jaunt near a stop and look where he was going next or manually enter a space because he didn't know what it looked like inside, Kid Flash often caught up and won the race.

It seemed to take a fixed amount of time to jaunt no matter the distance. Robin could jaunt carrying organic matter but not life forms with any kind of traditional consciousness.

Proof of the exhaustive nature of Batman's testing, Robin knew he could carry a venus flytrap, jelly fish and certain types of worms, protoza and amoebia but none of the bugs tested, nor mice, people ect...

He could generally only carry about half of his body weight and about twice his volume. The helium balloon experiments had been funny. When he got near his volumetric limit sometimes strings would come but not balloons. A single balloon larger than his volumetric limit always got left behind.

The distance of a jaunt seemed to have no impact on Robin's exertion level but the quantity of jaunts did. By the end of a full day of testing Robin was so exhausted he didn't argue that he wanted to just jaunt home in the blink of an eye. He crawled into the Bat Jet and fell asleep still wearing the uncomfortable hyperspace suit.

In further testing, Robin jaunted from Caracas in Venezuela to Bali on the other side of the world and seemed less bothered then the fifteen minutes Batman had him going back and forth from the batcave to the library as fast as he could.

Martian Manhunter followed the testing and studied the results as if it was his new hobby. Miss Martian knew it was because all of this reminded J'onn of his lost daughter. He'd been so proud of her when they discovered she was Novis-type. M'gann occasionally found herself reminding J'onn that even though Robin could communicate telepathically now he wasn't Martian and Robin liked a little more private headspace then the average Martian. Actually Meagan was finding that a little difficult too.

The distance of a Jaunt wasn't irrelevant but it took an extreme situation to prove that. Oa contacted Hal Jordan desperately needing him to transport a vaccine to a distant corner of the galaxy and Martian Manhunter volunteered Robin who was with him in the Watch tower. They were about to begin working on telekinesis.

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