Chapter 2: Excitement and Congratulations

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Hi, again. The story is continued, quite still. 

I just added a picture of Rahma(Left) and Fatima(Right). 

I wouldn't mind some ideas if you have any and any cover ideas either. Vote, and comment(I would really like to hear what you think about this story). Thanks, love you guys muchy


Chapter 2: Excitement and Congratulations

This morning when I woke up, the aroma of my favorite breakfast was drifting up to my bedroom. I rushed through my shower and quickly got my clothes on. Then I did my wadu, followed by praying Fajr. I grabbed my backpack and took the stairs two at a time. I was just about to step down the last stair when I heard a very loud''SURPRISE'' shouted up at me. I steadied myelf and looked down. There stood my grandmother, my parents, Luqman, and his parents, smiling as they cheered to me. I smiled, happy to see such love. I ran down the last stair and hugged and kissed my parents and my grandmother. Then I turned to Luqman's family and saw his mother reaching towards me with open arms before I was even completely turned around. She squeezed me so tighly I could hardly breathe and finally let me go when Luqman gently put his hand on her shoulder. Luqman's father stepped forward and shook my hands. Now: The last person left was Luqman. He smiled at me, that beautifully wonderful smile he has always had and also the smile that easily charms me. He walked forwards and pulled me into a hug. Sadly, it was a quick hug. ''Now if we're done with all the hugging and kissing and loving, I think there's some bread and soup waiting to be eaten in the kitchen'' my grandmother interuppted. We all laughed and proceeded in a single file line towards the eating room. I was the last person to head into the room and Luqman was the 2nd to last person. His parents and my parents had already entered the room. Quickly, before anyone could see, he gave me a chocolate Crunch bar, the king size. Before he let go, he squeezed my hand. I blushed and the corners of my mouth rose higher, if that's even possible. ''So we need to speak about the wedding things'', my father said when we all sat down. ''Such as: Where it's going to take place, how it's going to be done, and when it's going to take place''. ''And what type of dresses and hijabs Amran will wear'' my mother added, always the fashionista in the family. I felt a little bit overwhelmed so I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I nearly tripped flat on my face trying to get away so I could be by myself. I locked myself in my room and leaped on the bed. I, Amran Akbar, am getting married. I still couldn't handle it. I mean it would be lovely and awesome to have a wedding and get married and finally feel my age, but what am I getting into, really. I know I have feelings for Luqman, so of course marrying him is just find. But..but what exactly? I just feel totally happy, but my emotions are so mixed up at the moment it's hard to tell what my true feelings are. I glanced at the clock and when I saw that it was 8:20, I leapt out of bed. Work starts at 9:00 and I can't  be late, not on a day like this. I, for seemingly the umpteenth time today, walked down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. I grabbed my lunch bag and stored inside it: 2 breads, 1 small square bowl of soup, a granny smith apple, and a large Mighty Mango Naked Juice bottle. It's kind of embarrassing but I have an obession to Mighty Mango, a fruit mix juice with no sugar at all, but still delicious. ''Work starts soon so I have to get going'' I said as I walked back into the eating room. I grabbed my backpack, kissed my parents and grandmother, hugged Luqman's mother again and shook hands with his father, then I quickly hugged Luqman and sped out of the house so my blushing cheeks couldn't be seen. 


It was 8:52 by the time I got to work and my smile was as big as life, and even still my cheeks were blazing. I parked my small Civic Honda in one of the parking spaces in front of the buliding called-Authors Reality- which is where I work. I am an author and I write stories, as anyone who spends more then 10 minutes can easily see. I literally skipped into the building, so happy was I. I was just taking out my notebook and paper notes when my best friend, Rahma Abdi, shouted, ''Boo!'' from behind me. I jumped so high my head almost hit the ceiling. ''Well, that's the first boo I've gotten all day, with all that's going on'' I hinted, calming down.''What else is going on?'' Rahma asked getting my hint. ''Do you really want to know?'' I asked. ''Amran, you know I don't have time for this, so please just tell me or else..''. ''Okay, okay'' I said breaking down. Rahma has a history of being the type of person who can make you laugh so much you would cry. I leaned into her and whispered in her ear, ''I'm getting married''. She shrieked so loud I had to put both hands over my ears which made me drop my stuff and I had to bend down to get them. She also bent down to help me gather them up, talking a mile a minute, ''To who, when is it going to happen, Are you going to tell me or what?'' she continued ''You know I will just keep on pestering you until you tell m- ''Luqman'' I said just to stop her from rambling on and on and on and on. She gasped and dropped the items she had just gathered. I sighed, slightly annoyed. ''As in Luqman Shadid, THE Luqman Shadid?''. I slowly picked up my stuff making her wait until I was finished picking up to tell her. ''Yes, THE Luqman Shadid'' I informed her when I had finally picked up all the stuff. Again, she shrieked, wrapped her hands around me in a hug and started jumping up and down. And me always the happy-go lucky, joined in the happiness. We were jumping up and down and making a rackus when our boss, Adam Abdi,same last name though he has no relation to Rahma, cut in with a single sentence, ''Ladies, what in the world is going on here?'' We rapidly straightened up, for a muslim girl knows her manners or at least sometimes we do, and murmured, ''Nothing'' walking away. As soon as we got to my office and locked the door, we continued our Scream Fest. ''What am I missing''? said a voice from behind us. We both turned around, kinda freaked out, then calmed down when we found it was just Fatima. Fatima Adan is my other best friend and also a very helpful family friend. ''Amran is getting married!'' Fatima jumped up and gave me a HUGE bear hug, almost tighter then Luqman's mom. Almost. ''Baby girl, your getting married!''. Fatima is the oldest of us but even she isn't married yet, which is kind of strange because as in the same way she's the oldest of us, she's also the most mature. ''So what kind of dress are you going to wear?'' Rahma asked. ''I think you should wear blue and white cause the white brings out your skin color and the blue brings out your beauty or maybe you can wear green and, actually, that's should wear black and red''. As Rahma continued to explain why I should wear one dress or another, I sat down at my desk and turned on my computer. ''So what do you guys think: Should I write about how my wedding ends up?'' I asked wanting an opinion. ''Yes, yes, you should title it: The Wedding Of Amran and Luqman'', Rahma barged on before Fatima could even say a word. ''Rahma, there's a thing called privacy and I think Amran needs it''. Fatima got to Rahma before I did. We are the best of friends and get along really well, but Rahma is always the one that does all the talking. Which is find with me because I'm not much of a talker, anyway. Rahma grinned sheepishly and glanced shyly at me as in 'sorry'. ''It's okay'' I told her, turning back to my computer. ''So what do you guys think of this cover, it's classic, beauty-ful and fun all at the same time'' I pointed to the cover on my screen. There inside the rectangular box was a pretty muslim girl with a long golden wedding dress and a golden-white hijab and a beautiful bunch of red flowers pressed together between her hands. ''I like it'', Rahma and Fatime both said at the same time. I laughed and clicked out of that cover, looking and searching for words that I could use as a title. As Rahma sat down to look through her phone for a nasheed, she loves nasheeds so much she listens to them all the time, Fatima sat pulling book after book from my bookshelf near the closet by the window. ''Ah...Fatima, what are you doing?'' I wondered, raising my eyebrows slightly. She turned around to face me and said''I'm not doing anything, I'm organizing your bookshelf which if you ask me, needs a serious cleaning'', with that she turned her back to me and continued organizing the bookshelf. My bookshelf wasn't that messy, just a little and that's only because since I love reading as much as writing, I happen to read all the time, anywhere,everywhere, even while eating and I always want to be able to grab my book quickly so I don't push them all the way in when I'm leaving them in the bookshelf and sometimes I forget to fix it. My problem, I guess. I rolled  my eyes and went back to searching for words to use on the cover. I turned around again. ''Hey, guys, do you want to help me pick out my wedding outfit?''. Fatima and Rahma both looked at me like I was crazy. Rahma stood up, hands on her slim hips, and with emphasis told me, ''Of Course, we are going shopping with you, Amran''. Before she turned around, she added, ''InShaaAllah''. Fatima and I repeated it after her. InShaaAllah, if Allah(SubhanaTaaAllah) wills, my wedding day will happen, if Allah(SubhanaTaaAllah) wills, I will go shopping with Fatima and Rahma. After a couple more minutes together, Fatima and Rahma left to go upon their own work and I stayed in my office, trying to come up with a title, though not succeeding. Just 3 minutes before my lunch break began, I shouted aloud, to myself, ''Aha!''. Finally, I had come up with a title, Alhumdulila. I hurriedly wrote it up so I wouldn't forget it, and grabbed my lunch, hardly able to wait to tell Fatima and Rahma. I saved it over and over again, a few more times. I always do that, just in case it hadn't saved the first few times. Smiling to myself, I grabbed a book from the bookshelf Fatima just fixed and headed outside, where we always meet. I sat down at one of the tables outside, reading while waiting for Rahma and Fatima, who always come a few minutes after I do. When I saw them coming, I waved my hands and shouted, ''Rahma, Fatima, hurry up!''. They hurried their pace just a bit and in seconds they were by my side. ''So, did you come up with a title?'' Rahma asked before I could say anything. ''Yes, I did, do you guys want to know what it is?''. I jumped into the conversation. They both gave me the weird look they gave me back in the office when I asked could they shop with me, 'Fatima opened her lunch, a Nutella sandwich, her favorite lunch, 'Why wouldn't we want to know?''. ''Sorry, guess I just have the jitters''. I began again, ''Yes, I do have a title and it's InShaaAllah''. I waited for their reactions, holding my breath. ''What exactly do you mean?'' Rahma asked, barging ahead as always. ''Well, I know all of us know what InShaaAllah means and also the reason we all said it when I asked if you could go shopping with me, since the wedding is not predictable by our standards, we don't really know if it might happen so InShaaAllah, for the title, means that if Allah(SubhanaTaaAllah) wills, it will happen''. Rahma just shrugged and said, ''That's good, I like it'', going back to eating her food. Fatmia smiled at me and said she liked it too, it was very interesting and attention attracting.  I opened my bag and looked at the medium sized watch on my wrist. ''It's almost Duhur, so we better eat fast''. In about 10 minutes, we were all done eating, so we went to the bathroom to go make wadu. I drove us to the Masjid, we prayed, then we came back to work, which we only had 2 hours left of. By the time work ended, I was a little tired, having written the first 3 chapters of my story. When I got home, the house was silent, only the floor creaking below my feet made a sound. ''Pa, Ma?''. I continued walking. I headed into my bedroom, still searching but about to give up. When I enterd my room, I saw a note on the note. I grabbed the note and set it on the draer by my bed. I went to the bathroom, changed my clothes, got a quick drink of water and finally sat down on the bed to read the note. 

''Amran, your grandmother, your father, and I went to talk with the Shadid's on the wedding plans, if you want to, you may come join us. When we get home, we will tell you the plans and you can add your own opinions and change them if you want. There is some rice and Halwa in the fridge, I know how you don't eat much. We will be coming home at 4:30, just before Asar  prayer. XX, Salaam, Amran''.

I glanced at the clock, it was 4:00. I was bored and had nothing to do. I grabbed my Kutaab and started reading my Quran. I was just setting it on the top row of my closet, having finished reading, when I heard a sharp knock on the door. I fixed my hijab and headed downstairs. My mom and dad were smiling and my grandmother was holding something behind her back. While my ma and pa told me the plans,  gandmother headed upstairs, maybe to hide whatever she was holding behind her back. My wedding was going to be August, 23, just a month and a half from now. That's just a month, a month until I get married. We were going to have the wedding at the Musjib and the party at the was going to be at the Circle's Fantasy, my favorite restaurant. I was going to go shopping and buy the outfits, pick the clothes, and choose the decorations starting this Saturday. I was suppose to ask if I could have a month off of work so I could prepare for the wedding. By the time my parents finished talking, I was sitting down on the couch, my head slighly spinning. ''And all this is suppose to happen in a month and a half?'', I asked, wondering if this was all a joke. They both nodded and I could hear grandmother humming a nasheed in the kitchen. I sighed, this was my wedding, my life, so I just had to go with it. ''Ok''. I stood up, hugged both my parents with a thank you followed afterwards. I prayed Asar and went to sleep until Maqrib prayer. It was going to be a long 30 and something days.

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