Chapter 3: Let The Shopping Begin

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Hi Hi Hi!!!!!!!!!

I almost gave myself a heart attack, I switched this to a different new story file to copy it off and I totally freaked out when I misread and thought I forgot to copy the last chapters over when I was actually just reading the wrong wrods. Call me Goofy and give me a title :)

Thank you so much for all your support guys, I really do enjoy it


Chapter 3: Let The Shopping Begin

The next day I asked for time off of work and Adam was suspicious, but he let me off when I told him what was happening. I had a whole month and a half off of work: THIS WAS GOING TO BE EXCITING AND SAD, at the same time. Exciting because I'm shopping for my wedding day, InShaaAllah, and sad because I actually like work, it's like an escape, though you don't hear that much, not from my family or friends but an escape to my own little world where I can come up with my own little stories. It all started Saturday, my mom let me sleep late but I woke up at 5:00 anyway because Fajr was in a few minutes and I couldn't sleep. That always happens to me, may it be at Eid, a party, or even anything exciting and I can't sleep knowing about it. I sat in bed, reading a book till 8:42 and then I called Rahma and Fatima to ask if they wanted to come shopping with me today. Of course, they said yes and we agreed to meet up at Mia's Dresses, a store that sells all kinds of dresses, jewelry, accessories, and almost everything. It also happens to be our favorite store, it was where I first met Rahma and Fatima. Rahma was looking through the racks, muttering to herself and I was on the other side of the rack, also searching. I remember that we both happened to grab the same dress at the same time. With her hand still tightly gripping the dress, Rahma moved out and out of her side of the rack. ''Let go, please, I'm buying this dress'', she smiled politely, but now I knew that was the same smile she gave when she was getting anger and was about to get really mad. And you should never, ever, never make Rahma mad, but I didn't know that at the time so I just held on to the dress as tightly as her and calmly shook my head. ''I'm sorry, I saw this dress and took it, so I'm buying it''. Though I might not appear it, I am quite stubborn sometimes, even for my own good. Rahma slightly tugged it her way, but strong enough to let me know what she wanted to reply. I stood my ground and we glared at each other, both still holding on to the dress. ''There's one that looks exactly like it, right there'', interrupted a girl leaning against the wall watching us. We both looked to where she was pointing and saw it was true; there was another dress. I grinned sheepishly and went to go look over the other dress. I was in line when Rahma bugged in front of me. ''Excuse me..Uh..I was standing here'', I informed her pointing to myself. ''Yeah, I know, but my stuff is over there and I just went to go get it, my other stuff is still here'', she smirked and I got the sudden urge to slap her. I was just about to leave the store when I saw it had started to rain and I didn't have an umbrella. I had also walked here so by the time I got home, I would be drenched. ''You need a ride?'', I heard someone say and when I looked behind me, I saw that girl that had told me and Rahma that there was another dress. ''Yeah, if you would be willing'', I told her, not wanting to seem desperate. She smiled at me. ''Sure, you can come with me''. As we both walked through the door, we heard a ''Wait!''. Again, I turned around, only to come face-to-face with Rahma. I scowled and turned back again. ''I was listening and I'm wondering...can I come with you guys, too?'', she huffed, waiting her smooth cheeks though there was nothing there. Fatima agreed and took us both to her car. I stayed away from Rahma and she stayed away from me. We were close to my house when I heard Fatima's stomach grumble. ''Hey, do you want to go to Choco's Beaverage and Sweets?'', she asked. Choco's was this neat, little store down by Markham's Avenue and it sold all kinds of delicious things. I nodded, feeling hungry all of a sudden. Fatima pulled into the parking lot and we went in, greeted by an amazing smell. I hmmed and closed my eyes, breathing in the smell of chocolate, vanilla and yumminess. Rahma giggled, staring at me and I smiled back. We decided to share an Extra Large Choco Mountain, which tastes exactly like it sounds. In between eating and laughing, we talked. I found out their names and they found out mine. I enjoyed myself and it was fun, mostly because I was usually always by myself, being an only kid and all. But that day I figured people weren't so bad, they were actually nice to know. That was the day we all became friends. 

 I came a little early, waiting outside the door for Rahma and Fatima. After 10 minutes of waiting, I got bored and went on inside to look at some clothes. A blue-black empire dress with thick straps and a little fluff wrap around the middle that spread like ripples down the length of the dress caught my eyes. I was looking at myself in the mirror, unsure if the the color was right for me when Rahma popped up behind me with her usual stream of words following right after. ''Are you going to take that dress, it's cute and it's just prefect for you'' she assured me as if she knew what I was thinking. ''I'll go try it out'' I said walking toward dressing rooms. I grabbed a black-light gray jean jacket on the way and tried them together. I smiled, a slight dimple forming in my left cheek. It was perfect. I went back to show Rahma how it looked and saw her speaking to some guy. When I squinted, looking closer, I saw the guy was Luqman. I gasped and quickly hid behind a random clothes rack. My cheeks burned bright, just by feeling them I knew they were red. ''Oh, Amran is just in the dressing room, you could wait for her if you want''. Rahma's voice drifted back to me, a reminder yet that this was all real. Should I wait, should I go? OMG, I totally don't know what to do. My heart is racing and my palms are sweaty. I feel a slight push and two seconds later, I realize my mistake: I was falling. I came down with a CRASH! Right in front of Luqman and Rahma. I looked up, my cheeks still blazing red, ''Oh, hi guys''. Rahma laughed, holding her stomach while Luqman ran over to help me up. ''Thank you'' I said to Luqman after I was standing straight. He just smiled and I could tell by the glint in his eyes, he was laughing too. I blushed and turned away. I can't believe Luqman makes me react like this, it's just so strange. Before I knew I was marrying him, I was just fine and friendly with him but now I can't be around him without making a mess of myself or blushing fiercely. ''Hey guys, what's up?'' Fatim joined the group. ''Just watching Amran fall out of a clothes rack''Rahma laughed, her body still racking with the laughter she held. ''What?'' Fatima raised her eyebrows at me. ''It was an accident'' I assured her but Rahma kept giggling. ''Salaam, Luqman'' Fatima greeted Luqman. He smiled at her, seeming happy and fine with my friends. ''Though I don't mind you being here, may I ask why you are here?'' Fatima asked, her arms protectively around my waist. ''I just wanted to speak to Amran about the wedding plans and how it's going to happen'' he told her calmly, not at all offended.  I blushed again, putting my hands to my face and feeling the warm heat beneath my fingers. Rahma saw me and literally started choking with laughter. I glanced away, straight into Luqman's eyes. His mouth lifted and his blackish-brownish-goldish eyes smiled, too. I quickly looked away before my face could explode like a volcano. Yep, I'm falling hard. I'm not exactly sure what will happen first; I'll die of embarrassment and happiness or Rahma laughs so hard, she'll burst. ''Amran, you can go with Luqman, me and Rahma will wait here'' Fatima urged me on, already pulling Rahma away. I smiled gratefully at her and stared at my sneakered feet, way too scared to look Luqman in the eye. ''Do you want to go to Choco's Beaverage and Sweets?'' Luqman asked. I cleared my throat, swallowing several times. ''Yes, that's fine''. He smiled again and I smiled back, starting to calm down. As we walked out the door, I looked back to see Rahma still giggling and Fatima smiling behind me. Luqman took my hand, warm finger pressing over mine and I blushed again, a zip of nerves going through me. When we got to his car he opened the door for me, like the gentleman he is, and I got in. And we drove off to Choco's Beaverage and Sweets. To go talk about our wedding plans, I though, my grin growing wider and I looked out the window so Luqman couldn't see my smile. 

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