Champagne Soldier (A Zayn Malik FanFiction)

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I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans over my underwear. Then I walked over to my closet and grabbed a white lace tank top and my leather jacket. It smelled of cigarette's and stale booze. As I creeped a loose wood board creaked under my foot, I grimced and slipped on my boots. Carefully, I stepped into the hallway leading into the kitchen, sneaking past my mom's room. I could hear her soft snores and I took that as a go. Making sure to be quiet I grabbed a muffin from the cabnit and headed towards the door.

The living room was dark even though it was 7:30 in the morning. Thick curtains were haning from the huge windows blocking out the light so poor mom could recover from one of her famous hangovers. She was awake till the wee hours of the morning drinking scotch and tequila. I knew that because she woke me up with her pittiful sobs over her dead husband. My dead dad.

He died 4 years ago of lung cancer. I didn't even cry for him, I was glad. He beat me up until his dying moments, calling me 'useless' or a slut. My mother cried for so long over him, before he died she was bearable still singing to me softley at night when I had nightmares but now. . .now she was a drunk.

I skipped over the marble steps and got on my 2012 Infinity 300cc Scooter. I got my black helmet and slipped it on over my long light brown hair.

I heard the front door open, and mom staggered outside sheilding her eyes from the sun. "Aria! Get back insi-" Before she could finish her sentence I sped off. Knowing I would be in loads of trouble tonight, I headed off to school.

School was hell. No one bothered to talk to me except my very few friends, and I liked it that way. With all the preps, jocks, and skanky cheerleaders ruling the school, I didn't even bother keeping up my classes, I just sat in the classroom not listening to the teachers drone on and on about simple cells or Christopher Columbus.

I chewed my black mint gum and doodled in my notebook. The only thing I really cared about was drawing. I was a spectacular drawer. I couldn't solve a math problem but I could draw Vee's, my friend, face with perfect shawdowing. I knew, I would persue it when I was older. But I knew it wouldn't be easy, I had F's in every grade except art class. My art teacher Ms. Bridge was an idol of mine. She helped me sculpt.

After highschool, I had no idea where life would take me. But I knew that I was going to France. The City of Lights it was called but Vee thought it was The City of Love. Don't ask me, I thought it could be both. France was the only thing in my future that I knew was clear.

School was ending in just a couple of days, then I would be done with highschool. I wouldn't see any of my friends again, and I didn't mind. They were all staying in Holland anyways. I wasn't.

As soon as the bell rung at 7th hour I waited for Vee by her locker. I looked through the crowds and spotted a short pixie-like girl coming towards me. She had short cropped black hair with a purple tips. Her skin was clearly very very white. Vee skipped the rest of the way towards me. She was only 4'9 and me being 5'5 I towered over her.

I smiled slightly, "Can I go over to your house? My mom is hungover and I really don't want to hear her slurring profanities at me tonight."

Vee laughed, "Of course Aria. Your always welcome at my house." Her bell like voice, irritated me sometimes. She always sounded chipper, like nothing bothered her.

We walked outside together, Vee had missed her bus so I offered to give her a ride on my scooter. I tossed her a helmet and she strapped it on. Then I headed over to her house.

Vee's house wasn't huge but it certainly was bigger than my one story shitty gray house. Her house was two storied and was a light shade of brown with bricks around the sides. She had a balcony in her room. Though it looked unkept and slightly rickity.

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