The Summer Job

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Chapter 1

Third Person's POV

As the school year came to an end, Amanda started to look for a summer job but as her search progressed she still did not find a job. "How’s the job hunting going, kiddo?" Amanda’s older brother, Jeremy, asked as she walked downstairs for breakfast. "Not so good. I’ve been looking everywhere, but I can’t find a job for me during the summer," she replied as her father hands her the breakfast. "I guess I could help you look after school," said Jeremy looking at Amanda waiting for her reaction. Amanda was surprised that Jeremy offered to help her look for a summer job, then the real Jeremy came out and made the deal for her desserts for a month. To Jeremy’s surprise Amanda agreed to the deal and the shook on it a little while before piling into their dad’s car so he could drive them to school.

As they reached the school their dad looked in the rear view mirror to find Amanda with a frown on her face. She got out of the car still with the sad look on her face but she was surprised to hear her dad say "Hey don’t have that look on your face, this is the last week of school and just to think next week you won’t have to deal school for another 3 months." Amanda saw the look of hope on the father’s face so she put on a smile for him. But secretly she was dreading going to school even if it was almost over. She had been having trouble in her school. Not with her grades, but with everyone else at her school. She just felt as if she didn’t fit in, besides the fact that this was her first year there and she was a freshman, she just felt out of place. The school had a half a day but to Amanda it felt like forever. After class she walked towards the back school yard to meet Jeremy so they could go look for her job. As she was walking she walked past a group of girls who immediately start whispering and talking about her. She tried to ignore them but she couldn’t help but hear them and by the time she met up with Jeremy she had tears in her eyes. "Woah, what’s wrong? Why are you tearing up?" asked a very concerned Jeremy.

Amanda sniffed and replied "Nothing I’m fine, can we just get out of here? Can we stop off at home first so I can change?" Jeremy knew she was lying when she said she was fine but he decided to leave it alone and agreed to go home first. They reached their house and as soon as they got inside Amanda ran upstairs to her room and locked her door and started crying. All that was going through her mind was "Why can’t I look like all the other girls at school or at least look nice enough so I wouldn’t be made fun of for how I look?" She realized that she’d been crying for roughly 5 minutes so she wiped her eyes and grabbed some clothes and went into her bathroom to change. She grabbed a pair of grey shorts with a blue long sleeved shirt with a grey jean vest. As soon as she went into the bathroom she looked at herself in the mirror and then she reached for something from her drawer underneath the sink and she pulled out a razor. She looked at the razor in her hands and she cringed as she made a slit on her fore arm. She quickly wiped the blood from her arm and she got dressed and she slid on her baby blue Vans sneakers and hurried downstairs to find Jeremy sitting on the couch on his phone texting, probably to his best friend, Matt.

"Hey sorry I took so long I got distracted," Amanda said as Jeremy got up from the couch. Jeremy replied "Oh don’t worry I actually just got down here a minute ago." They both left and they walked to a couple local shops unfortunately none of which had any opening positions. Suddenly there was someone yelling behind them "Jeremy. Hey Jeremy. Turn around!"

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