Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Amanda's POV

To my surprise I saw the guy from the street that smiled at me, but when he noticed that I saw him he quickly turned around. A few minutes later I decided to get up and walk back home. Before I left I called my dad to tell him about the interview but he had to hang up. So I decided to just walk home and as soon I walked outside I saw that guy turn around. I got kind of nervous so I just started walk to my house but he decided to walk to me and he called me telling me to turn around so for some reason I did and he said "Hey I’m sorry that I was looking at you when I saw you in the street I just thought you were so pretty. Then I saw you in the diner and I just couldn’t take my eyes off of you and then when you saw me so I panicked." As he said that I started blushing like crazy and he could tell because he chuckled slightly.

He introduced himself to me "My name is Jason and I’m 16 years old and if you could, would you go out with me?" On the outside I was so calm but on the inside I was freaking out because he was so cute and just a year older than me. I calmly replied with "Yeah but when?" He asked for my address and I told him. He then said that he would pick me up on Saturday at 7pm. We swapped numbers then we went our separate ways. I got home before I knew it, I guess I didn’t notice anything because I was thinking of Jason. When I got home it was 5:30 so my dad wasn’t home from work yet and Jeremy was probably at his summer job. He got a job as a bag boy at the local supermarket. I ran up to my room and changed into some sweatpants and a t shirt. I then ran downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and ran back up stairs to my room. I decided to start my summer homework and by 6:30 I was finished so I headed back downstairs. I found Jeremy sitting on the couch playing video games.

"When did you get home?" I asked Jeremy. He said since 6:00 so I walked in the kitchen to find my dad cooking dinner. I saw he was cooking macaroni and cheese which was my favorite so I thought just how could today get any better. I started to tell him about my interview and all I told him was that I had to meet a friend on Saturday. Luckily today was Thursday and it was just 2 days until my date. The next day school went by so quickly, well maybe it didn’t but I was to happy to care because it was the last day of school and the day before my date. On my way home I was approached by a group of girls and one of them surprised me by introducing herself and all of her friends and she said her name was Erica. What had surprised me the most was the fact that these were the girls that were talking about me after class.

I got home and to my surprise Jeremy and Matt had been sitting on the couch playing video games and I said hi and went upstairs to my room. Matt and Jeremy had been friends since they were in 2nd grade until now and they were in 11th grade. Matt had become like my 2nd big brother. I decided to listen to some music and just go the computer for a while. Suddenly I heard a crash coming from downstairs. So I jumped up and ran downstairs to Jeremy and Matt looking as confused as I was. "What was that crash?" I asked and they both shrugged then we all ran in the kitchen to find dad cleaning up a broken glass bowl. I ran over to him with a broom to clean up while Jeremy asked "What happened? When did you get home? Why are you home so early?" Of course, leave it up to Jeremy to ask a lot of questions all at once.

Dad understood every question and answered with "I got to go home early. I got home 10 minutes ago and I dropped a bowl while taking it from the cupboard," which left a smirk on his face. After I finished cleaning up the remains of the bowl, all four of us walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Dad was apologizing for scaring us with the crash and I saw his hand was bleeding, probably from the glass. So I got up and went into the kitchen and got a wet hand towel. I hurried back to the living room and took dad’s hand and started wiping the blood then he thanked me and I walked back into the kitchen and washed the towel. Then she hears Jeremy asking her dad why he didn’t tell them he was home. Her dad’s response made her chuckle as he said "I did say "Hey guys," but you both were so into the video game that you didn’t even hear me."

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