Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Third Person's POV

Amanda decided to just go to sleep and not let that day get any worse. The next day wasn’t off to a bad start at least until she got to her new job. Of course, as luck would have it, the first people she happen to run into were the girls who were at her "date" and they were just sitting at one of her tables. Even Erica was there waiting with all of her friends and as Amanda walked over to her table and Erica said "Did you really think Jason would really like a girl like you?"

Amanda's POV

I felt my face growing hot and red as Matt watched me from the counter. I felt as if I was about to cry and I guess it was noticeable because Matt quickly noticed and he called me up to the counter where he was. Erica noticed as well because as soon as Matt called me she gave me a slight smirk and before I cried I walked over to Matt. "Hey what’s up? You look upset, did those girls say something?" I quickly denied and I went back and took their orders and quickly gave them to the chef. It was about time for Matt’s break and mine was just an half an hour away. While I was ringing in another order to the chef, Matt walked right behind me and right before he walked away he whispered "I know you were lying and I will find out the truth." He left as I rolled my eyes at him.

Luckily the diner wasn’t so busy so Erik let me go for my break early so I headed out the back and as I was walking to the closest convenience store to buy a drink and a bag of chips. When as I was about to walk inside the store I heard someone whisper loudly enough for me to hear "I know you’re lying." Knowing this was Matt it made me laugh and he came out of the shadows and walked me into the store. We both got a snack and we walked around for a while until our breaks were over. We talked about our plans for summer break and we walked back to the diner a few minutes before our breaks finished. When we walked in Erik looked amazed and he said "Maybe having you work here will be a good addition after all. I’ve never seen Matt get back from his break on time." Matt rolled his eyes and I just laughed at him. We got back to work and luckily the day ended before I knew it. Matt and I met up to close the diner and he explained that he was going to see Jeremy so he just decided to walk home with me. We finally reached my house and as I walked up to the door I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Matt walking away. Confused, I yelled "Hey Matt, where are you going? I thought that you came to see Jeremy."

Matt replied "I didn’t really need to see Jeremy. I just wanted to make sure you got home safely. I’ll see you at work tomorrow." I was so amazed and shocked that he would do something that sweet. I guess I didn’t realize how long I had been thinking about Matt on the porch. After about 10 minutes of thinking I stopped day dreaming and I headed inside to find my dad and Jeremy watching T.V. My dad told me that dinner would be ready in half an hour so I just headed upstairs to think. I found myself sitting at my desk thinking about Matt, I was so confused. All that was going through my mind was…

Did Matt like me? Did I like him? Was there anything going on between us or will there be anything between us? Am I the only one who can see it now? How would Jeremy react if Matt did have feelings for me?

I didn’t realize that I was thinking so much that my dad had been calling me for dinner. So I quickly rushed downstairs to the kitchen to find my dad taking dinner out of the oven and Jeremy was setting the table. I explained that I was just thinking and I got a bit side tracked and as soon as I said that Jeremy looked at me with a smile on his face as if he knew what I was thinking about. During dinner we just talked about our first day of our summer jobs. I told them everything except the girls at the diner and Matt walking me home. I finished my dinner and I put my plate into the sink and I went upstairs to my room. I was thinking about Matt when there was a knock at my door and it turned out to Jeremy. He walked in and motioned for me to sit up and when I did he sat on my bed next to me. He started to talk but he was interrupted by a smile and a chuckle coming from him. I yelled for him to start talking, he seemed shocked by my urgency but he continued to speak anyways. "So I noticed that Matt and you have been spending a lot of time together and he has been giving you some strange looks. Is there any chance that you guys are together, you know, as a couple?"

Jeremy finally spoke and he immediately got his answer when he saw the shocked reaction on my face. I quickly yelled "No, no not at all. There is nothing going on between us. We just work together that’s it." Jeremy didn’t quite looked convinced so he asked me if I had any feelings for Matt. I said "No, well maybe, ok I don’t know how I feel right now." Jeremy’s smile quickly returned as he yelled "I knew it!" I laughed at him and then told him about Matt walking me home. As I continued to talk while I studied his face his smile slowly disappeared and his face got serious. He told me that he noticed how Matt changes every time he sees me, like if he’s sad or angry he will automatically turn to happy or joyful. Jeremy told me that he believed that Matt had a crush on me but when he questioned Matt, he just blushed and made an excuse and went home. When I heard this I felt my face getting hot and before I knew it Jeremy yelled "Oh my gosh! You like Matt don’t you?" I quickly clamped my hand over his mouth so my dad wouldn’t hear him. As soon as he started talking again a devious smile appeared on his face which I knew would lead to know good but before I could point it out he said "Ok I have a plan, I’ll ask Matt to sleep over tomorrow and you will go to work and walk back here with him so he can spend the entire day here. Then I will say I have to meet up with dad for the day and I will go somewhere so you guys can spend the day together. Finally I will come back home and when we are about to sleep I will ask him how his day with you was and depending on how he talks about it, I will say ‘Dude, sounds like you are in love with her’ and I will get the answer out of him."

I was mixed with feelings, I was amazed that Jeremy could come up with a plan like that and I was excited because I would be spending the entire day with Matt. We continued to discuss our plan until it was time to sleep. The next day happened just as we had planned. Luckily there was no trouble at work except that I became very confused because I knew Matt was looking me, sort of watching over me to make sure every thing went well but when I looked around to give him a smile he would quickly look away as if I didn’t know he was watching me. I decided to ask him about it on our way home and that didn’t take long to come. Five minutes later Erik was closing up and we started walking home. I asked him "Hey I was meaning to ask you something, by any chance were you watching me while I was working?" He immediately started blushing and I felt really bad so I said "It’s no problem don’t worry. I just wanted to make sure so I didn’t have to call the cops." I said with a slight chuckle and I knew it had worked because his face turned to a natural color and he even laughed with me, hopefully not at me. We finally reached his house so he could get his stuff. We walked inside and up to his room. I was very shocked to see his room was very neat and clean which made me wonder how he and my brother were best friends. I guess he saw my shocked reaction because he quickly said "Yeah I’m a lot neater than I lead on." He said with a smile and I broke out laughing because I was too amazed. He motioned for me to sit on his bed while he retrieved his bag from the other side of the room I quickly texted Jeremy telling him that we were at Matt’s house so he could get his bag. Soon enough we left and headed towards my house. To our surprise no one was out considering it was only 7 o’clock. We were almost there when we saw someone standing by a building watching us walk. We were 5 feet away when I realized it was Jason and I guess that Matt saw me worried because he protectively put his arm around me. I was confused until he whispered in my ear "Just go with it until we get home," so I did. I finally realized he figured out it was Jason from when I tensed up and he was trying to protect me so I went along with it by putting my arm around Matt’s waist. He seemed kind of surprised but didn’t question it. We walked right past Jason and we stayed that way until we got home. We walked inside and Jeremy saw Matt with his arm around me and pulled me into the kitchen. Jeremy said "What was that? Did you forget our plan?" I quickly told him what happened and that the plan was still on. So we went back into the living room with some chips to make it look like we just needed snacks and we saw Matt sitting on the couch. We sat down next to him and put the chips on the coffee table. Jeremy turned on the T.V, and decided to watch a movie when his phone rang. He had to leave which was the next stage in our plan. As soon as he left we knew what to do, we looked at each other then ran to the kitchen and got some sodas, some candy, and some cookies. Let me explain we have a secret hiding place where we hide some goodies when we go shopping and only we know about it. We decided to watch our favorite series, The Hunger Games. I put in the movie and sat back down next to Matt and we watched the movie. We spent the next 3 hours watching both movies, laughing, gasping, and talking. When the movie ended I heard my dad’s car driving up so we ran into the kitchen and hid what little snacks we didn’t finish and ran back to see my dad turning the T.V, off. We told him how we watched some movies because Jeremy had to leave. We decided to make dinner, which consisted of us throwing flour at each other and cleaning it all up then just ordering a pizza.

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