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"So will you come to my house later?" Seyong asked the girl whom sit infront of her at the moment. He was currently in Soeun's room since they have something discuss regrarding the latest project.

Soeun put her pen down and looked at the man with a smile plastered on her face, "Should I?" She was trying to play around with Seyong since Seyong always turn down her offer. Eventhough he will eventually did it at the end of it.

Seyong pouted, "Im Soeun," He called out the girl's name with a really cute voice.

"Okay, I'll go," Soeun gave up as soon as the older man infront of her did that. Seyong is 5 years older than her but there's him doing such things and show it off to her.

Seyong automatically smiled, "Thank you," He said and took the file he had on the table and left the room to continue with his work.

"I'm nervous," Soeun grabbed Seyong's left wrist as he was driving towards his home.

Seyong chuckled, "Chill, okay?" He tried to calm the girl's down as she was really nervous about meeting his mother today.

The girl sighed, "Will your mother like me?" She asked.

He nodded his head, "She will like you," He paused, "Trust me," Seyong assured the girl with his warm smile.

"You're home," His mum greeted him at the door as soon as he entered the house. Soeun who was small in size, hiding behind Seyong as she felt too nervous at this very moment.

Seyong grabbed the girl's wrist, "Im Soeun," He called out her name and put her beside him, "Mum, this is Im Soeun, my girlfriend," Seyong introduced her to his mother for the first time ever, and damn, finally Seyong admits that they're in relationship.

Soeun startled by the sudden 'girlfriend' word from Seyong. It's the first time ever he said that word, "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kim," She bowed to the old woman infront of her.

Seyong's mum smiled, "Just call me mum, that would be better," She said though her face doesn't really shows that she's in a good condition. But then, she managed to pass a slight smile to the girl; as if it's really a genuine one, "Come in," She invited the girl into the house.

Both Soeun and Seyong took a sit in the living room. It was really awkward at first but then Seyong said that he needs to go to the kitchen to help his mum. Soeun insisted to help her instead, since she's a woman anyway but then Seyong said it's okay and she just need to wait here.

"Isn't that," His mum couldn't even continue her words because Seyong decided to interfer.

"She's a nice girl," Seyong claimed. He has been knowing the girl for 6 months and he believes that she's a nice girl though he knows the fact that Soeun is the reason why Taeyong killed himself.

His mum scoffed, "But if she's a really nice girl, your brother wouldn't kill himself for her," She stern with her words, "Wait, are you going to let yourself fall for her and let yourself end up like your brother?"

"I will not kill myself, mum," He put both of his hand on her shoulders, "Don't worry," Seyong assured his mum.

His mum gave up, "You better be real about this," She sighed.

Seyong chuckled, "You said the same thing as Soeun," Finally, the tense between them has been loosen up a little bit.

"Sorry," His mum said as soon as she put the food on the table, "These are all I could cook today," The dishes on the table look luxurious but then Seyong's mum thought she didn't do well enough.

Soeun smiled, "No," She insisted, "It's more than enough," She said before they're all started to eat the food.

A lot of conversation going on between Soeun and Seyong's mum. It's almost Seyong didn't exist between them. Seyong should accept the fact that his mum really wants a daughter but she had two sons instead. So, Soeun's existence in the house somehow brought a little bit happiness in the house.

When Soeun was about to leave the house, his mum asked her to stay for a night at their house but she refused since she needs to go work on the next day. But Soeun promised that she will stay here when she got the chance later. Then, Seyong sent the girl to her home before bid for a good bye.

"She's a really nice girl," His mum claimed as soon as he's home after sending the girl back to home.

Seyong smiled, "I told you so, mum," He said, "She's a really nice girl," And that's how the conversation on the girl continued till the midnight.

Soeun slammed her body on the bed as soon as she reached her room. She let out a silent sigh as she thought about what happened at Seyong's house before, "What did Mrs. Kim means by I killed Seyong's brother? Who the hell is Seyong's brother?" She couldn't help but overthink about the conversation between Seyong and his mum just now.

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