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"Hi," Soeun awkwardly greeted the guy who sits infront of her.

Seyong simply bowed a little bit to her as a sign of gratitude. However it is, Soeun has higher position than him. So he needs to respect her thought she's younger than him.

"So you really know her, don't you?" Another guy in the meeting room interrupted their conversation.

Seyong rolled his eyes. He had no idea why the guy is here when he's in different department from him. Like he got no relation in this project. Probably he's here after hearing the news on the new girl going to handle the project.

Oh yes, Euijin could never resist a newcomer.

"Just shut up if you want to stay here," Seyong said and looked at the blank paper infront of him, "So," He lifted his head up, "What are you planning to do?" He asked the question to Soeun.

Soeun smiled upon the question. Well, she's glad somehow that he's someone she knows; although she didn't know anything about him other than his name but at least she wouldn't be too 'awkward' around him, right?

"Wow, Seyong. You acted different infront of her. Just be yourself dude," Euijin nudged the boy using his arms as Seyong was acting weird at the moment.

Seyong passed a death glare to Euijin who sits beside her. He is a real nuisance guy. Soeun, also, starting to get annoyed with his existence there.

Look, hey, they're trying to work out on something now. Both of them need to brainstorming for new ideas so that the project would be a success one. But how can they do that when there's a snake in the room? Sighed.

A knock on the meeting's door room startled the three of them. All of their attention turned to the one who knock the door, "Euijin, come into my room," They could hear the tense in the man's words.

Seyong let out a sheepish smile as he knows what's going to be next. Well, Euijin should never challenge Seyong's patience. Afterall, he's everyone's favourite workers. Euijin scoffed but then followed the man from behind.

"Sorry for that," Seyong said when Euijin left the room.

Soeun shrugged, "It's okay," She paused and looked at the transparent glass door, "He's originally annoying?" She asked.

Seyong chuckled to her question, "Well, he's born to be annoying, I guess?" Seyong's answer managed to bring a little bit laugh from Soeun. Seyong couldn't help himself but smile when he saw it, "So, how are you?" He asked the girl.

Soeun frowned upon the question, "What do you mean by that? I'm fine, I guess?"

"Looking at your condition yesterdat after gulping 3 small cups of soju, I don't know whether,"

Soeun cut his words, "Okay, till that word only. I'm okay. Totally fine," She claimed.

"Glad to hear that," Seyong said and smiled, "So should we start with our discussion?" He opened the file infront of him and Soeun slightly nodded her head.


"Are you free tonight?" Soeun asked Seyong who was still sitting infront of his computer. He had his eyes locked on the screen but there's nothing on it. It's just a blank black screen.

Seyong slowly turned his head to the left side and could see a girl was standing beside him. He frowned, "Why?"

"Uh," She stuttered, "Do you mind to join me for dinner?" She paused; as she was hesitating for a while, "It's okay if you don't want to," She changed her mind in instant and was about to leave the boy behind before something stopped her.

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