Too Good To Be True

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My name's Meredith.

Who am I kidding. Nobody calls me Meredith.

Everyone calls me Mere. Pronounced "mayor" not "meer". You might as well call me Mere, too.

I'm 16 years old, and typical. No, I don't have some exciting story, or something that sets me apart. I like going on the internet. I consider Netflix to be my boyfriend. I would call myself a junk-food-connoisseur.

Next thing you know, I've moved to Wisconsin. It's not as bad as people make it seem. Wisconsins fine. Appleton, Wisconsin, to be exact. South of Green Bay, home of the Green Bay Packers, which almost everyone loves. My family is nothing special. I have a mom, a dad, one older brother and one younger sister. I've lived in Wisconsin all summer, and now, September 2nd, I start school.

The first day of school at Appleton North High School is started with the ever-dreaded blaring alarm clock. The greatest enemy of any teenager. I get up, eat breakfast, straighten my hair, brush my teeth, and before you know it I'm out the door, starting my five-block-long adventure to school. I meet up with my friends that I met over the summer.

First we have Christina. She's stunning, loud, and the girl that everyone wants to talk to. Everyone knows that person. She talks to everyone, and is always laughing about something. Some people hate that girl, but I don't mind her. She's my best friend.

Next, theres Blair. Blair is the one person that gets me. It's rare that someone else gets me. We would both like to consider ourselves professional fangirls, if that was real. We thrive off of a good Supernatural marathon, or a good chick flick, even the one that makes everyone break out the tissues. It never gets old to me. I'm happy.

Last of my group of friends, well, the group that I was fortunate enough to be accepted into, is Alfie. Well, technically Alfred, but nobody has called him that since the subbstitute teacher in 2nd grade, or so I've been told. I just got here. Alfie is just like me, but he considers himself a fanboy. He likes to join me and Blair on our movie-marathons, and he can often be seen shedding a tear for a good chick flick. He's an emotional one, alright, but I still think he's awesome, no doubt.

My group, we balance each other out. I was glad to have a group when I stepped through the doors of North, and I took myself directly to the office. I honestly had no idea where I was going. I opened the office doors, and told the secretary I was new, and hadn't recieved my official scedule. She printed it off for me, and another boy walked through the door.

Wow. I honestly couldn't take my eyes off him, no matter how cheesy it sounds. He had lovely brown hair, with it flipped up in the front. He had green eyes, beautiful green eyes, and a nice build. His red A&F shirt was making his abs quite prominent.

"Rory, meet Meredith." The secretary stated. "Meredith, Rory."

"Hey." He said, and raised one corner of his mouth to form a crooked smirk.

"Hi." I replied. "But call me Mere. Nobody calls me Meredith except for my grandma and my mom when she's angry." I let out a nervous laugh.

"No problem." he said, laughing a bit too. "We have all the same classes, so lets head to Biology first."

He opened the door for me, a gentleman, I like it, and we headed up what I was told were called the "Blue Stairs". We came into the biology room, and the seating chart said we were next to each other. We got settled in, and talked.

I soon heard the bell ring and I knew it would be a rough year when the teacher, with frighteningly bright red hair, slammed the door behind him, as I jumped, and felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, which turned out to be Rory's, trying to comfort me. The teacher was going on about the basic, welcome back, I don't give grades, you earn them, ritual of every class. We got the sylabus, and before you know it we were headed on to our next class. Things were going well. Actually, things were going too well.

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