Chap. 9

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To put it briefly, Saturday night and Sunday were, well, depressing.

I sat in my room, ocasionally being checked on by my mom, my brother t hreatening to kill them both, and crying into a pint of Ben and Jerry's. 

I went to school on Monday, against my will.

I walked to my locker, and Alfie and Rory were waiting by it, next to Blair, who was yelling at them. 

I got to them and said,

"I really don't think anyone wants to hear what I think of you two right now, do us all a favor and leave."

They both walked away, and Blair got closer to my locker. 

"What do I even do now?" I asked. 

"I guess you could ask me the same question" she replied.

What did she say?

"Wait, don't tell me..."

"Yup, Chuck called it quits just about 10 minutes ago." as she burst into tears. 

I hugged her and wanted to say so many things to him.

They were so perfect, god why us.

"I don't even know what I did." she said between sobs. "he just said that 'Its not really working out' when I thought everything was going perfectly."

The bell to go to class rang, and it was insanely hard sitting next to him. 

"You can't get away now,  you have to talk to me." Rory said. 

"You aren't getting me back.  Sorry if I'm the first person thats told you that." I said, without looking at him. 

I kept conversation minimal during class.  I wanted to keep myself from saying anything I regretted,  seeing as I've been getting increasingly more sassy over the last few days.

I got a lot of weird looks through the day, and later I was informed by Christina and Blair that I'd become "Mere-the-girl-that-turned-down-Rory-Dawson" , which sas often followed by a "who in their right mind" or a "I'd never" with the ocassional "so stupid".

I've been labeled, again. 

Not only new girl, which I could at least handle.

I continued miserably through my day, with very few people on my side.

A few people gave me understanding looks, but mostly mean glares. 

I didn't have any homework, so of course I drowned myself in a Supernatural marathon,  with only a break for dinner. 

I recieved several texts from Alfie, and I realized that he was maybe just trying to help.  I shouldn't be mad at him.

I asked him if he wanted to come over and talk,  and he said he would like that a lot. 

He was coming at 8. Current time is 6:54.

I went on my phone for a bit and decided to check Facebook.  

I scrolled through my newsfeed, and saw Rory had posted.

"Don't push me away when I'm just saying I'm sorry."

Be a bit more obvious, why don't you.

He makes it sound like it's my fault.

Is it?

No,  Mere, he's trying to get into your head.  Don't let him.

I try not to, but I can't help but wonder.

Is it?

I continue on, and end up spending an hour on my phone, when I hear the doorbell ring.

Thank god it's actually Alfie this time.

He has a bouquet of roses in his hand

He smiles,

"I'm sorry." we both say.

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