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There's nothing half so peasant as coming home again.
~ Unknown


The wind was a bit chilly, but air was warm. He felt it run trough his hair as something brushed against his cheek.


Adam's eyes shot open as he saw grass. He sprang up looking around. He was in some short of field, dawn was leaving skies in beautiful purple, orange and pink shades as the sound of grass brushing echoed every time the breeze ran trough it making the little flowers swing in it's force. The boy couldn't believe his eyes... He wasn't in he cage... He was back on earth... He was home...

The boy looked around wide eyed the corners of his lips turning upwards into a big smile. He laughed in disbelief. Slowly kneeling back down he let his palm run over the gentle green grass beneath him still not believing this all was real. "No... no way..."

Happiness. The feeling seemed so new, so beautiful. He felt like he could ran around the whole world and the huge grin wouldn't leave his face. He could bearly breath, he thought he might actually cry how happy he was.

Adam fell back into the grass's gentle touch smiling widely. There were no words to describe how much he missed this. After a while he stood back up still grinning like an idiot and started to roll down the hill "WOOOOOOOH!!" the boy laughed not caring if anyone sees him or that he probably acts like a little child.

He just stared in the skies at the purple clouds feeling the chilly wind hitting him. Just listening to the leaves and grass brushing in the breeze and looking at the fluffy clouds moving in the light of the setting sun the boy felt pure happiness and calmness for the first time in E X T R E M E L Y long time.

When Adam had finally calmed down he understood that he could drink a whole ocean and eat planets if that was possible. He stood up looking around a hoping for some source of food, water or shelter.

Luckily, a small house over a hill was standing there with windows shining with orange light trough the curtains. This could be possibly the luckiest day of his life. He ran to the house getting his bare freezing feet dirty.

Slowly he stepped in front of the house. Lifting his fist he softly knocked on the wooden door. Nothing happened. He did it again and then heard a female's voice from inside "Wait a bit! Just give me a sec!" Adam heard footsteps coming closer to the door. A blonde woman with a ponytail and plaid opened the door looking down at the boy with surprise. "Hey, darling. How can I help you?"

Suddenly Adam could feel hot panic spread inside him. It's been so so so long since he had talked or done anything with an actual human. He couldn't get words out right. It seemed almost impossible. Oh god, what was he even thinking when he knocked on that door?

He swallowed trying to man up and get a normal sentence out. "Uh...Could-d you please....um...feed me? I'll...p-pay if there will be....a n-need to." His voice was pathetically hoarse. He felt his face heat up from shame. God, this was horrible.

The woman burrowed her eyebrows "Well...Sure I guess. I have dinner cooking up in the kitchen so you'll have to wait for few minutes but okay. Come in." She stepped few steps further to let the boy in. Adam carefully came inside the house the warm fuzzy feeling of happiness returning. It wasn't even his house and yet he still felt so good just by being inside a cosy warm building.

It was really hard to hold himself from jumping into the woman's couch and just lay there for an entirety warped up in a fuzzy blanket. "You look like you just saw The Oz land. What's got you so spectacular?" Adam turned around facing the woman and awkwardly sutter out few more words in a small voice "N-non- nothing..." The starnger raised her eyebrow a bit but didn't say anything.

"Alright. The dinner should be ready soon, so you can come to the kitchen already." He nodded and followed after her into the kitchen. A nice smell of cooking potatoes and sausages was filling the cozy kitchen what made the boy's belly almost growl.

He carefully sat down to the table looking as the blonde woman finished cooking the food "Don't forget to wash your hands, sweetheart." Adam looked at he confused but then remembered about having to wash your hands before eating cause of hygienic reasons. He swiftly walked up to the nearest sink and did what he was told and then ran back to have his food.

She put his plate in front of him and sat down across the table. Forgetting about anything how he should eat when he was a guest he took a handful of his food stuffing it into his mouth and eating it with full hamster cheeks. He did it a few times more but then noticed the woman staring at him with a really surprised look "Wow, what kept you in hunger for so long, pup? He couldn't say anything in return since his mouth was full of food so he just looked down feeling his face heat up.

"Thank god you washed your hands" she laughed "To eat properly you have to use these, tho." She took his fork and knife and showed it to him. Adam nodded and carefully wanted to take them back but she pulled them away from his reach "Oy! First wash your hands from fat. "

When that was done he took the fork and knife and began eating as a cilivized human even tbought he still did it with hurry to fill up his stomach "Now, we probably need to get to know each other. I'm Donna, what's your name? And don't tell me you're Eleven." He raised his confused sea blue orbs again but she just chuckled "It's just a character from a serial. This whole situation kinda reminded me of it."

Adam looked back down at his food and finished chewing "Adam..." Donna nodded "Alright, Adam. What happened?" The boy didn't answer that. Not only cause it was hard for him to speak in general but also cause he didn't think he could get himself emotionally to talk about it just yet. He just kinda ignored the question and continued eating.

He heard Donna sigh "Alright, I'll take that a sign of not talking about that today. She stood up and walked over to wash her plate "You can stay here over a nigt. But when you're ready which hopefully will be tomorrow, please tell me everything so I can help you out, alright?" She asked as Adam hesitated but then slightly nodded.

"Alright. Stay there, I'll find you some clothes to sleep with. I hope a mattress on the floor will be okay for you." She walked out of the kitchen leaving the boy alone and the silence filled only by her going around her house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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