Apologising is hard

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❝ I wish I had known in that first minute that we met, that unplayable dept I owed you ❞

~ The Antlers - Kettering


Cold. Cold metal. That was the first thing Adam felt when he woke up. It was chilling the boys cheek. He slowly lifted his head and blinked. He was surrounded by iron bars and unpleasant heat...Where was he?

Oh, yeah. That's right. The cage...

The place where he wasn't even supposed to be in. The place where he had to go trough thousands of tortures. The place where all his second life's chances got shattered into peaces and it all cause he said a simple yes all those years ago.

A hoarse cough escaped from Adam's mouth and he rested his head on his palm letting the other one go trough his blonde dirty hair. He felt someone staring...fuck....

With the corner of his eye the boy could see autumn green marbles burning into him. Michael.

Since Sam and Lucifer somehow had got out of the cage, he and the eldest archangel were stuck there alone. It wasn't that bad since Michael had stoped torturing Adam some time ago what meant that all the tortures ended completely with Lucifer stepping out of the cage, but he still had that strong fear that the archangel will attack him if he'll do something wrong.

Adam swallowed and was trying to stop himself from shaking. He desperately curled closer to the freezing iron bars few fingers clutching into his dirty smelly shirt what he's been wearing for all these years. It was hard for the boy to keep still like nothing is happening when he feels sweat starting to pour from him, every breath he takes is fast and heavy and he's eyes are burning from the tears he has to hold back. Why did he got involved, why did they brought him back, why did he say yes! All he wanted was to go home, hug his mother and hear her whisper that everything wad going to be okay, talk to his friends, sleep in real bed and soft covers, get out of the cage and... just go home.

"Um.. Hello."

With that Adam jumped up and sprang to the closest corner of the cage. He gripped tightly the bars behind him until his knuckles turned white. He was taking sharp breaths and staring wide eyed at the archangel wanting to beg him to not to hurt him but nothing came out. The terrify had taken every inch of him. It felt like he was running through darkness and seeing light but the light kept backing off when he was running to it so so desperately.

"Hey! Hey...calm down... Im not going to hurt you. I promise" The reason Adam freaked out so much was only cause the angel hasn't been talking to him since the last time he felt his flesh being torn open cause of him. But now it was wierd. He was so... different. His voice was smoothing, calm and soft. Nothing like he heard all that time ago, then it was cold, angry and mocking. And his eyes, the way he looked at him... so gently, his marbles full of comfort and peace, almost as he was comforting an innocent child. Just there was...guilt...?

Even after all the physical torture Michael made him go trough, even after those years of pain, the way he talked the way he looked... it comforted Adam. Like everything's fine. But just a little bit thought. He still was fucking terrified from the angel. It had helped his panic attack only a slightest bit.

"Okay...so. Eherm..." he cleared his throat awkwardly "I wanted to talk to you because I wanted to apologise." Another silence fell over them as the archangel waited for his ex vessel to respond. "What?" Adam's voice was hoarse and no louder then a whisper since it's been god knows how long since he said and actual word not just screamed, whimpered or simply sneezed but well Mike's angel hearing could catch it anyways.

"I made you go trough a lot of pain which you didn't even deserved and I hate to know that now you probably see me as a monster. I was mad, furious, and you and Sam were the only beings I could let it out on. But now I promise, I'll never, ever make you go trough pain like that again. I won't hurt you, I won't torture you. I'm not the being I was when we first got here, and i want you to know that." Silence fell over them again. Adam didn't know what should he say. What was he supposed to say?

"Alright...whatever I guess." He gulped and sat down pressing his knees close to his chest and warping his arms around his legs. "So...Are we good now?" Micheal's hopeful orbs were staring deep into him "Your apology is accepted. But I ain't forgiving you." The boy coldly looked at the archangel even thought he still tensed every time he felt the angel turn his attention to him. Michael only hanged his head as he was ashamed of himself.

With that the Milligan boy curled up closer to the cold bars and with a sigh rested his head against them again just wanting to die.

He had given up on hope that his brothers will save him long ago. Maybe they tried but didn't find a way how. He hoped so. Sam out of all people knew the best how it was like down here, no doubt he at least tried to find a way.

But it dosen't matter since he will have to be down here for an entirety anyways. So he did what he's been doing for the past months. Maybe even years. He'll just sat there in the endless silence until he'll fall asleep. With a sigh Adam thought;

Oh dear god, please get me out of here, before I go insane...


A/N Yaaas if we don't include this note, the story had exactly 1000 words!

A/N Yaaas if we don't include this note, the story had exactly 1000 words!

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Also I'll probably change the cover. If any of you have suggestions how do you think it would look the best feel free to tell me!
Love ya♡
- xoxo, Hellpupper

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