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Okay, so this is basically an outline for a fic I want to write in the future in chapter book format.  Don't mind the plot wholes and their strange dynamic.
As we walked off the train to enter our 6th year, Scorpius grabbed my hand.
I guess as a shield or something, or maybe a good omen for the school year.  He flashed me a quick smile when I faltered, completely comfortable and confident.  I had always thought Scorpius was perfect just the way he was, but I think I liked him better after he gained some confidence.
"Ready?" he asked, tilting his head slightly to look at me.
When we sat across from each other in front of the fire that night, sharing a blanket, Scorpius kept reaching out to push my hair behind my ears.  He looked beautiful in the fire light, even more so than usual, and that's when it all came back to me.  Last year was when I realized just how much I loved him, and in what way I did.  I guess you can say I'm a little bit gayer than young me would have expected.  And I'm a lot gay for Scorpius Malfoy.
The opening ceremony had been beautiful as always, but it gets less exciting every year you spend at Hogwarts.  But the first years seem to love it, and it's always cute to see the little greenies in awe of the floating candles.
"You know I love you, right Albus?" Scorpius asked, a hint of unsureness coming through in his voice. He wrapped his arm around me, I as leaned  on his shoulder.
I was surprised.  Scorpius always tried to stray away from doing anything that could be seen as more than friendly.  I couldn't help but wonder what happened to him over the summer that he didn't tell me about.  First the hand holding, hair touching, and now this.  I wasn't complaining.
But, love? I knew I loved him since 2nd year, it didn't matter what type of love it was. I never thought Scorpius would have thought the same thing. Not wanting to hurt his feelings by undermining his what he said, I responded,
"Yes, of course-"
"No, Albus.  I don't think you understand," Scorpius said seriously, grabbing my shoulder and making me turn to look him in the eyes, "I'm never going to leave you.  No matter what.  We've already seen a world without each other, and that world was shit," usually, that would be a joke, but neither of us laughed.  It wasn't a laughing matter. "I don't think I can live without you.  And I don't think the universe can live without us being together either."
"I know I can't live without you Scorpius.  You are the most important person in my life. More important than myself."
Our eyes stayed locked the whole time.  I crawled closer, my knees resting on one of Scorpius' thighs.  This was turning real gay, really quick, but it was like my body was on autopilot. I couldn't stop it. I had to get closer. Scorpius turned towards me, lifting a hand to run his fingers through my hair and tuck it behind my ear.
"I love you, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy." I didn't mean for it to sound so romantic, but it just came out that way. Like that was the only way I could have said it.
"And I love you, Albus Severus Potter." He sounded completely sincere, and my heart pounded furiously.
Scorpius leaned down and pressed a kiss onto my forehead.  He pulled back just enough rest his forehead against mine. His skin was hot against mine, and I never wanted him to pull away.
We stayed like that for a minute, a long, love minute that was reserved just for the two of us. I could tell we both new that what just happened wasn't normal, but normal doesn't necessarily mean ideal. We just wanted to be close to each other, just to be sure the other was still there.
(Scorpius POV)
Albus fell asleep in my arms. It was kind of surreal, carrying him up the stairs and placing him on his bed. Albus always looked so at peace when he slept, unless it was one of those nights when the nightmares came and it seemed at if that peace had never existed in the first place.
Thinking back to all the time I'd spent with Albus, I could say without a doubt that Albus was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. With his green eyes and soft, messy hair, and his wide smiles and loud laugh. He looked the most beautiful when he laughed.
It was bitter sweet to remember that the only time I really saw him laugh was when he was talking to me. I love bringing him joy, but I wish he had other things that made him happy in his life. What could I say, I was the same way. Other than my admittedly unhealthy obsession with Rose, Albus was the only light in my life. My father was never really around, although he tried, and even though I liked school, it didn't make me happy. Albus made me happy. I love Albus.
It may be seen as weird that I can say that so surely, but what does love mean? Someone you love makes you happy. Someone you love is someone you wanted to be with for the rest of your life. Someone you love loves you for you, and every part of you, and you're expected to do the same. How does that not fit me and Albus perfectly? I love him, and that's that.
The next morning, I had to leave my place on Albus' bed, where I had been kinda creepily watching him sleep.
"Albus," I whispered, "Psst.  I'm going to meet up with Professor Longbottom to talk about OWLs.  I'll see you after," I finished, then out of habit leaned over and booped him on the nose.
Albus smiled, "Okay.  Don't be too long."
"I won't."
A/N:  Obviously this isn't finished, but I'll probably make this into an entire finished multi chapter fic later, so if you want to use anything from this fic, I'm actually planning on writing it.  Anywho, sorry I haven't posted in a while.

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