-Chapter 6- 'Baby'

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"I'll go get Chord and Kurt" cried Blaine as he lay me down on the bed carefully. "Please don't leave me in my own" I cried with fear as I reached out my hand to him. "Stay still umm... You need warm blankets? Hot towels? I don't know... Just stay there stay calm alright?" Said Blaine in shock. This is the first time I saw Blaine actually panic... He's normally very calm but now I'm seeing a new side to him. He ran out of the room and rushed down the stairs leaving me on my own. I was afraid like if I moved I would instantly be cut in half so I stayed as still as possible as I felt as if my insides were being ripped apart. Fifteen minutes later shouting could be heard from the stairs outside my door. The door flew open and Kurt ran to my side. "Are you ok? I'm sorry that it took so long to get your food. I should of stayed here by your side instead" cried Kurt as he held my hand and kissed it with concern. Chord then entered with a first aid kit and placed it on the floor and opened it without a word. ,"What is he getting from there?" I asked as my eyes widened with shock. "I'm just putting some gloves on ok? Then I'm going to have to have a bit of a dig around to check how the position of your child is" explained Chord. "What do you mean by a dig around?" Cried Kurt. "Well in terms that you understand Kurt, I'm going to have to insert my hand into her vagina to check if the baby will be coming out head first or not" snapped Chord. "Shut up you two. Honestly bickering like children at a time like this. If this baby ends up as either of you two's child I'll be concerned. You need to think about poor Megan in this situation. You're stressing her the fuck out with your pitiful verbal conflicts. If this ends up as your child you need to step up! Grow a pair boys. Time to be men" said Blaine as he entered the room and shut the door behind him. I then screamed in pain. "Ok ok. Sorry Chord but just do what you need to I hate seeing her in pain like this" cried Kurt as he kissed my hand. "Ok um... Princess please undo the blanket please so that I'm able to work" explained Chord. Kurt helped me undo the blanket carefully as he still wasn't happy with Chord. "Ok this may hurt a bit ok?" said Chord as I held onto Kurt's hand. Doing his best not to hurt me Chord put his hand inside and kept going further inside. I screamed louder than a howler monkey as I squeezed Kurt's hand which caused to moan from pain. "Ow! You're doing ok... Ow ow ow!" moaned Kurt. "Megan is still in more pain than you stop being such a child. If you want she can hold my hand instead" explained Blaine as he walked round to my left. "No I'm good... It's just in the end of all this there will be a baby and my hand will be broken" said Kurt as he tried to laugh away the pain. I screamed again as Chord removed his hand from inside me. "Well?" Asked Blaine. "Is it ok?" I asked with concern with tears going down my face from the pain. "Well... The baby is there" explained Chord. "Don't like the sound of that. And what's the problem?" Asked Kurt as he began to get a bit freaked out. "I'm just concerned on the possibilities it could be affecting the baby is all. But it is head first. Now Megan, every time you feel a contraction you need to push ok? It's going to hurt but we are all here for you" explained Chord as he got his arms out and was getting ready for the baby.
"Focus on your breathing ok?" Said Blaine as he held my other hand. At this point I've got Kurt holding my right hand on my right, Blaine on my left holding my left hand and Chord below me around my legs waiting for the baby to come out. I pushed and pushed each time on each contractions and nothing could of ever prepared me that it would of been this painful. "You're doing great but keep pushing" said Chord as both Blaine and Chord kissed my cheek at the same time. I pushed another three times and salty streams of tears went down my face and I screamed again. "You're ok, you're ok" said Blaine as he looked to me then Chord then back to me. "I can see the head" said Chord as he looked up to me with a smile. "So the baby's head is out?" Asked Kurt. "No but it's see able" explained Chord. "Keep going Megs" said Kurt as I squeezed his and Blaine's hands as I pushed harder than before. "Ok ok the head is fully out, one more push but even harder than the one before" cried Chord as he supported the baby's head. The pain was unbearable but I pushed very hard and I felt very strange as I felt a piece of string was with it which was actually the umbilical cord. "Ok the baby is out but don't move yet anyone" said Chord as he carefully placed the baby down onto a white towel and clipped the umbilical cord then cut it neatly with a pair of scissors. Chord then cleared the baby's airways and wrapped it in a white towel. "Can I hold my baby?" I asked. "You can soon after you have pushed out the placenta" explained Chord. Kurt, Blaine and I looked at him with shock. "What?" I snapped. "You've got to be fucking kidding me she just pushed out a baby" snapped Blaine. "I thought it was just the baby then nothing else" cried Kurt. "No after the baby comes out a circular organ comes out as well. This organ was nourishing and maintaining the baby through the umbilical cord kind of like a filter" explained Chord. "So you're telling me I'm pushing another thing out of me" I yelled. "Yes. I am. Now the quicker you do the quicker I can clean your child so you can actually hold it" explained Chord. I rolled my eyes and my hands were sweaty as I pushed over and over and over again. "There we go it's out. Relax now ok and avoid having sex for a few weeks or so, so that your insides can recover" explained Chord as he took the placenta and put it in the bin. "You feeling better now?" Asked Blaine. "I'm having a stinging sensation but apart from that I'm pretty shattered" I explained as Chord took the baby to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. "Oh I forgot to tell you Kurt, I found out who was the person who took my virginity in the stables" I said as I sat up a little bit. "Who?" Asked Kurt as he and Blaine let go of my hands. "It was me" sighed Blaine. "Seriously? Well honestly when it comes to how adventurous you are I'm not surprised" said Kurt as I then looked towards the bathroom door. "Just curious but has anyone heard the baby cry at all?" I asked with concern. Kurt and Blaine looked at each other with shock then looked towards the bathroom door. "Chord?" Shouted Kurt. "Yeah?" Said Chord as we could faintly hear him from the bathroom. "How's the baby?" Asked Kurt slightly becoming aggressive. The bathroom door opened and Chord walked in holding the baby. "Why don't you see yourself" said Chord as he placed the baby in my arms. "It's so beautiful" I cried as I looked at my baby and cried uncontrollably. It was pale but had reddish marks on it and it's eyes were closed tight and it's hands were so tiny. "While in there I was checking for mutations as I also put a diaper on it" explained Chord.
Kurt calmed down again and then kissed me then just looked at the baby in fascination, Blaine looked at it carefully in deep thought while Chord looked at it while faking a smile. My stomach then growled again. "Can someone get me some food?" I asked as Chord then stood up and exited the room as he said "I will". Kurt and Blaine looked at it and Kurt then stood up. "I will be right back don't go anyway" he said as he kissed my cheek then ran out leaving me with Blaine. "Why do you look at the baby like that?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Asked Blaine as he raised an eyebrow. "Like it's from another planet. This could be your child but instead of looking at it like it is related to you, you look at it like it's a threat why?" I snapped. "I look at it with wonder but I'm skeptical because I don't want to be like Kurt. You know, getting so happy about it when it might not even be mine" sighed Blaine as he looked upset. "Oh ok. Sorry for snapping at you but if this does end up being yours, what do you see as a future with it being?" I asked. Blaine stood up then exhaled then laughed. "Well, I always thought of what if I had a child. I would want a son and I'd always take him out hunting, fishing and teach him everything I know. I'd make sure he becomes a fearless leader who instead of avoids challenges, he would go looking for them instead" explained Blaine as he smiled. "What if it was a girl?" I asked. Blaine looked up to the ceiling in deep thought then back down to me. "She would be a fantastic dancer and very creative and will grow up to inspire everyone she meets" said Blaine as he kissed the baby's head. "And if this isn't your child?... Would you want to be around it?" I asked. Blaine looked blankly at me then sighed. "I'm not really sure. It's alot to process really. I'm guessing from how Chord is coping he sees himself as he's not the father, while Kurt is doing the opposite" explained Blaine. "And you are doing the same as Chord" I said as I looked at my baby then Blaine. "No, I look at this baby as both, like it is and isn't. So I'm looking at this the way I should so that way I don't think fully of if being mine or it not being mine. That way no heartbreak" explained Blaine. "You want this to be your child don't you?" I asked as Blaine kissed me. "Of course I do but I don't want to hurt myself over it" said Blaine as he held out his hand to touch the sleeping baby's head. "You want to hold it?" I asked and as soon as I said that Blaine's eyes widened and he hesitated. "I.. I don't think I should it might wake the baby" said Blaine as he then scratched his chin. "Fair enough" I said. "I'm curious on how you are going to tell your parents about this" asked Blaine. "Oh shit yeah, I forgot about that" I cried. "It's going to confuse the crap out of them" said Blaine as my bedroom door opened and it was Chord with a plate of sausage rolls and a bar of chocolate. "Food for the princess" said Chord as he placed it on the bed next to me. "Thank you Chord" I said with a smile. "No problem but I think it's best that you get some rest" explained Chord.
"He's got a point you get some sleep" said Blaine as he kissed me on the lips and I put the baby down and ate all the food on the plate then went to sleep. When I woke up my door opened and it was Kurt and Blaine struggling to fit things into the room. "What are those?" I asked. "You'll see soon but close your eyes it's a suprise" said Kurt as I then closed my eyes. I heard footsteps, the door close and like something was put down. "Ok open your eyes" said Blaine. I opened my eyes slowly and I was surprised to see one very fancy cute lilac cot that rocked with a white vail attached to it. Inside of the cot was a soft padding and soft around it too. Next to it was a small wooden crib which also rocked and it looked hand made with above the head board was a circle with the carving of a tree on it. Inside of the crib was some soft padding on the bottom but not around the sides. "I love the look of these" I cried as I placed my hand on the crib and gently glided my fingers over the sanded down oak. "Knew you would" said Blaine. "Yeah I thought that since the baby is here that it would need its own little place to sleep" explained Kurt. Though they were smiling I looked at the cots carefully and I could tell they both got these for me and I could tell exactly who got me which since Kurt obviously made it clear he wishes that it is a baby girl which explains why the cot is pink while Blaine mostly wants a son but he's open to the thought of having a daughter but not as much. These gifts for the baby wasn't just a gift. They were trying to see who I liked more otherwise they would of been fine with just one cot being in here... I'm not ready to decide on who I love the most so I did the only thing I could do. "They both look so cozy for the baby that it should have the chance to sleep in both on alternate nights" I said as I then placed the baby carefully in the cot. "Sounds fair" said Blaine with a smile. "Yeah" said Kurt as he just looked at the baby in the cot sleeping peacefully. "So have you thought about how you are going to tell your parents?" Asked Blaine. "No idea I'm thinking about telling them but only after we are able to figure out who the father is I sighed. "Why not now?" Asked Kurt. I could tell him that it may or may not be chords due to what happened in the stables but from how Chord and Kurt are getting along recently I can't trust him with it yet or he would probably get Chord fired... "Maybe because she doesn't want to tell her parents that she's been sleeping around. They might not trust her again" explained Blaine. Kurt looked at me suspiciously then shrugged. "Alright so do you know the gender of the baby yet?" Asked Kurt filled with uncontrollable excitement like a child in a sweet shop. "I don't know yet the only one who knows is Chord" I explained. "Yes I do but I don't think it's wise to wake the baby just to find out it's gender" explained Chord as he entered the room. "Then why don't you tell us instead of keeping it to yourself" snapped Kurt as he folded his arms. Chord shut the door behind him and shook his head. "No because it's not a surprise otherwise. Besides I believe it's best not to know in this case so that once you can identify who the father is you can then see the gender of the baby" explained Chord as he walked over to the bed. "Well that sounds like alot of crap to me" I said as I rolled my eyes. "I think it's a good idea" said Blaine. "How is that a good idea?" Growled Kurt. "Because not only is the father's identity revealed but so is the gender. So that it then sees if it's the gender the father wanted or not" explained Blaine. "Can't argue with that I guess... But I still want to know what the baby's gender is! The suspense is killing me!" Cried Kurt. "Well tough luck there. You'll have to go and get on with things not knowing" said Chord as he rolled his eyes. As much as I want to know the gender of my baby the idea that chord and Blaine already agreed on is already in place.
Suddenly the baby began to cry. Chord went over to the cot and picked up the baby and began to shush it softly. "What's the matter with it?" Asked Kurt. "Little buddy's hungry. So Megan needs to feed it" explained Chord as he then passed the baby to me. "Ok what exactly do I do?" I asked as the baby continued to cry in my arms. "Breast feed it. Not exactly difficult. Just hold it in your arms and let it latch on like a leech" explained Blaine. "Like a leech?" Snapped Kurt. "Stop being so butt hurt from that quest" laughed Blaine. "How long do I have to do this for?" I questioned as the baby was breastfeeding. "Until it's finished. But make sure to hold it up over your shoulder and carefully pat it's back to burp it after that let it sleep for a while" explained Chord. "We should let you relax. Kurt, Blaine. I suggest you let her sleep for the rest of the day since she has a long night ahead of her dealing with the baby" explained Chord. "Fair enough sleep well Megan and good luck" said Blaine as he kissed my cheek then exited my room. "If you need me just shout for me ok?" Said Chord as he kissed the baby on its forehead and then did the same to me as he then left. Chord then sat next to me as he watched the baby then looked to me. "You look like you want to say something so just say it already" I sighed. Chord looked at me again deep into my eyes as his mud brown eyes glinted with wonder. "I was just monitoring you and the baby" said Chord. "But?" I said as I raised an eyebrow. "But I feel like you don't really trust me or want to know me anymore even though I've fully opened up to you" replied Chord. The baby then stopped drinking and I held it over my shoulder and slowly burped it. "You're kidding right? Of course I trust you. I trust you with me and my baby's life" I explained as I then placed the baby down in the cot. "That might be the case but I feel like you don't. I do know that you have very 'special feelings' for Blaine and Kurt since they take you places and have so much more to offer you and your baby in life... Than I could" said Chord as his eyes began to fill a bit with tears. "Chord..." I said as I reached my hand out to him. Chord quickly got up and grabbed a white night gown and passed it to me then went into my draw and passed me some black underwear. "Chord just talk to me! Don't shut me out again!" I cried as tears began to go down my face as I quickly put on the night gown and tried to chase after him. Before he approached my door I grabbed his arm. "Chord please... You shut me out before after my birthday and only recently we have began to reconnect. I'm not letting you walk out on me again!" I cried as tears ran down my face like a waterfall. I could feel his heart beat speed up as I then saw him suddenly fall to his knees in tears. "I can't be here Megan. Due to my mistakes I might lose my job and I need you to choose between Kurt and Blaine since that is what your parents want. I'm in the way of you making a choice... You need to focus on your relationships between them two and look after your baby now. It's time for you to stop kissing all three of us and start thinking of who you really want in your life instead of having us all getting are hopes up. We aren't going to keep bending over backwards now and that's what I've noticed from Blaine recently that's why they made a cot each even though Kurt made a cot anyways. Blaine and Kurt don't want to lose you and honestly I'm not even in the same rank as them and you deserve better than I do. If this baby ends up being mine... I... I want you to raise it with one of the others since it would have a better life that way" cried Chord. "I'm not letting you leave. You're my friend Chord and I can't help but have feelings for all of you. I'll think about it ok and do my best to choose while the baby grows up but while that happens I don't want you to leave my life and shut me out again. I'll stop kissing everyone ok? In fact I won't until I find out the true identity of the father of my baby" I explained as I was crying myself. "Ok but you must decide over the next couple of months or years ok? Since your baby will show who the father is just by how it looks ok and you can't sleep with any one or kiss anyone while you make this choice since honestly it will make it harder for everyone if you do. I will stay around ok but these are my terms" explained Chord. I nodded in agreement since this wasn't a really good situation we were all in and if I want a normal life again with everyone I've got to do exactly what Chord has said. I didn't know that I was toying with everyone's emotions but this has made things clear to me... I have to really think about the best for me and my baby... Oh god this will be difficult not hopping into bed with one of them... Can't be that difficult right?...

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