-Chapter 10- 'Sacrifice'

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None of the kingdom got any sleep that night as they were all out looking for Zachary. Chord searched everyone's homes and found no sign of Zach. Callum searched farms with the farmers... Nothing was found. Kurt searched the roads and found nothing and searched all the town and found nothing... Blaine searched the woods with a group of professional hunters and trackers and again found nothing. Where was my baby? Where is my Zachary? The guards searched the kingdom, the castle and anything around the castle in a five miles radius. They found nothing. My dad personally went out and started looking for witnesses and so far nothing. I stayed in my bedroom sulking over the loss of my child as it was stabbing me in the heart continuously. I got changed into a grey knee length dress as I then heard my door move behind me. "Hey Megs" said Kurt as he entered with Blaine and Chord. "Please tell me you found something? Anything?" I asked as I sprung to my feet. "Well if dead ends count... We found many of those. No sign of our son" cried Kurt as he then sat down on my bed and began to cry. I sat down next to him as I began to cry alot. "I went with the hunters and we found nothing in the woods and from what Kurt told me earlier he found no tracks... So I came up with the conclusion that perhaps a magical entity took Zach? Preferably a flying one" said Blaine as he looked out to my balcony. "Are you saying it could be a witch?" snapped Chord. "Hey you can't rule them out. But all I'm saying is that whatever took the child was clearly someone who can fly, or has a magical or mythical being that can fly them to places" explained Blaine. "But witches help the community" snapped Chord. "Umm.. earth to Chord, I'm just saying that it's something but I'm not saying it's a witch but we can't just rule them out... Anyways why are you so protective over them anyways?" Asked Blaine. Chord just ignored Blaine's question and then went over to comfort me. "If you want I can invite the witch if you want to help?" Suggested Chord. "That would be a great idea since I have a clue intact our only clue" I said drying my tears. Chord got the same familiar purple powder from his pocket and threw it into the ground filling the room with the same purple mist and with the same familiar witch in a dark hooded outfit making sure we can't see their face. "Ok, so I'm guessing the wedding is cancelled. Apart from that I'd love to help in finding your son" said the witch as she folded her arms. "Well I've figured out that who ever did it was either using magic or was on a magical entity anything that flys really" explained Blaine. "And I have a piece of fabric that has been ripped off of who ever did it" I said as I passed the piece of fabric over to the witch. "Interesting... Blue fabric.. feels expensive" said the witch. "So a royal did this?" Asked Chord. "Maybe... Or just someone with a very decent income" said the witch as she looked towards me still hiding her face. "Look I know you are trying to help us but it would help if we knew who you were" said Kurt as he looked up to the witch. "By seeing my face you put me in danger-" "cut the shit! How do we even know that we should even trust someone we have no idea of the identity!" Kurt interrupted abruptly and stood up. "What are you doing Kurt?" I asked with concern as he began to approach the witch as she began to walk backwards away from Kurt. "Prince Kurt, I mean you no harm but please step away from me or I have no choice but to freeze you in your tracks" cried the witch as she was now backed up against the wall. "Kurt leave her alone!" said Blaine. "It's not necessary to remove her hood Kurt now stop it!" I shouted as suddenly the room began to fill with neon yellow mist as it went around Kurt and levitated him from near the with to over near the bed. "What the fuck?" Cried Kurt. "That's not the witch!" Said Blaine in concern as his eyes widened as he looked around the room. "Then who was it?" I cried. The room began to fill with silence as we saw Chord just standing there facing the ground in silence with his right hand glowing neon yellow. "Impossible..." Said the witch as she then walked over to Chord slowly.
"Chord... Chord mate... I think you need to calm down" said Blaine cautiously. "That explains his love of witches" said Kurt as he looked at Chord with anger. "But this is impossible! He is unable to have powers" said the witch as Chord then looked up to us his eyes rolled back into his head as he collapsed to the ground. "Shit!" Cried Blaine as he ran to catch him and succeeded. "What's wrong with him?" I cried as I walked over to him. "Well when all new witches or wizards suddenly have a burst of energy and if they suddenly use it all up too quickly then they end up collapsing. But this shouldn't be possible since he was born powerless and ninety nine percent human!" Said the witch as she helped settle Chord down on the ground."Dam... You are strong" said Blaine looking pretty impressed. "Thank you..." Said the witch in a nervous way. The witch seems to know alot about Chord... That's when my simple brain finally figured it out. "I know who you are" I said as the witched looked towards me. "Do you?" Said the witch. "You are Chord's sister... Aren't you?" I asked. The witch sighed and nodded. "That explains why he was protecting you and witches" said Kurt feeling kind of foolish. "You are safe with us. Can we please see what you look like since we know your true identity?" Asked Blaine as he held the witches left hand. "Um.. ok..." She said as she lowered her hood with her right hand revealing a pale girl with a curly strawberry blonde Bob. Her eyes were the same as Chord's though... which were hazelnut brown. "Wow... You are a beauty beyond expectations" said Blaine as he began to blush. "So what's your name?" Asked Kurt. "Aurora... Aurora Blake" said Aurora as she folded her arms carefully. "Nice too meet you Aurora" I said as Chord began to moan as his left arm moved to his face. "Easy buddy careful" said Blaine as Chord started to sit up. "What happened?" He asked with confusion. "You fainted due to using all your power straight away" explained Aurora. "We are family, of course I was going to protect you" said Chord as Blaine helped him stand up. "Well yeah but now because of you we can't stay here" Aurora signed. "Why not?" I asked. "You don't have to leave" said Blaine in shock. "We have to now that you know who we are" said Chord. "Not many people are happy or feel safe around us now a days and it's just getting worse... After we have found your child we will both leave the kingdom" said Aurora as she didn't form any tears. I guess she's like Blaine in that case since he doesn't really show emotion that much either when it comes to sadness. While chord is to himself but is very emotional.
"You don't have to leave because of Kurt" said Blaine. "Hey!" Snapped Kurt. "It's only these three Aurora, they won't let people know" explained Chord as his eyes filled with tears. "You trust these people?... After what people did to our dad? You are kidding me right?" Snapped Aurora as she scowled angrily at Chord. "That was one time people threatened our family and since then we have kept quiet. Surely the world is calmer now and more accepting now. Like how Blaine and Megan are" explained Chord. "I'm trusting too... I am sorry for how I acted ok? I've just had my son kidnapped I'm sorry" said Kurt as he stood up looking pretty upset. "You are forgiven... Ok we can stay but if any of you let it out then we will leave understand?" Snapped Aurora. "Understood to the highest level" said Blaine with a sigh of relief. "Very well. Now let me check the crime scene" said aurora as she walked over to the balcony. The balcony was covered in shattered glass and on the railing was long scratches. "Aurora... What are you thinking?..." Asked Chord as his face went pale. "I'm thinking I know how the baby was taken... I'm still figuring out the who and the why" said Aurora. Blaine then stepped out next to Aurora and looked at the scratches on the railing with Aurora and they both carefully traced their fingers over the indent. "Claw or tallons..." Blaine and Aurora said at the same time as they then looked at each other. "Seems to me that the creature that did this is roughly the size of a horse..." Said Aurora. "But has the power of something ten times the strength of a lion" said Blaine. "The side of the indents show the marks to be tallons... So if this thing can fly.... We are looking at a Griffin" said Aurora. "A Griffin? But they're rare around here!" Cried Chord. "Extremely... But who ever the fancy blue fabric belongs to the Griffin belongs to" explained Aurora as she then began to think. I wonder who the sick Twitter was who stole my son... So they are rich, wears blue... and have a Griffin. Blue... Oh my god. "I know who and why!" I cried as they all turned around and looked at me. "It's Josh. His kingdom is blue and he is the only one who would be angry at me since I rejected him!" I cried. "That makes sense since he was so angry that he shouted at your dad" said Chord. "Yeah we know" said Kurt. "How do you know since there was only me and Blaine in the field when it happened?" Asked Chord with confusion. "We were on the balcony screwing" I said as everyone's eyes widened. "Well that was blunt... but to the point" said Aurora as the atmosphere became heavy.
"Right, so it's Josh... Let's go get Zach" said Blaine trying to change the subject. "Yes let's" said Chord as Aurora lifted her left hand which was glowing purple. "So shall I teleport us there or shall we fly there?" Asked Aurora. "I've always wanted to fly" I said with excitement. "Good!" Said Aurora as she with her fingers glowing neon purple and brought her fingers to her lips and did a high pitch whistle. "You didn't call her did you..." Said Chord as he face palmed. "Obviously! Like I'd leave my baby behind" laughed Aurora as suddenly we heard a giant blood chilling neigh. "She's close" said Aurora with a giant grin. "Please tell me it's a dragon?" Asked Kurt with excitement. "Don't get your hopes up" said Chord as he patted him on the back as we made our way to the balcony. We were greeted by one white horse with a yellowish tint to its main and another horse but this one was completely black as coal with a grey main. "You even brought Storm?" Snapped Chord. "Well yes of course I brought Storm! Like my little Kunzite could carry all of us. You're supposed to be smart!" Snapped Aurora. Chord rolled his eyes as he ran over to the black horse and began to stroke his face carefully. "Sorry if I sound stupid but how did these horses get here?" I asked as I went onto the balcony followed by Kurt and Blaine. "They're not horses..." Laughed Aurora. "They're unicorns. See they have a horn on their head" said Kurt as he pointed at the white horse's horn. "No you are both wrong they're Pegasus. They are pretty much just winged stallions but they are similar to the unicorn and the qilin" explained Blaine as he stroked the white horse carefully. "Correct... How did you know?" Asked Aurora. "Well one because everyone with a brain knows what a Pegasus is! two because I learnt about all of the mythical creatures since I needed to know about them so I knew how to hunt them down and handle them if I came across one" explained Blaine as he then winked at Aurora and she blushed in an instant. I should be happy for him... But if anything I feel angry. I'm jealous of it since I can't have him... But I have Kurt. Keep calm Megan, keep calm. Maybe he doesn't actually want her and is trying to make me jealous? Playing with my emotions... I'm in conflict with myself. "So are we ready to go and save my son?" Asked Kurt as Aurora then hopped into the white Pegasus and Blaine on behind her. The Pegasus then reared in distress. "Easy Kunzite" said Aurora as she stroked Kunzite's mane carefully and it gradually calmed her down. "What does Kunzite mean?" I asked as I petted her. "It's a name of a purplish pinky gemstone so why did you call a white Pegasus that?" Said Blaine as he raised an eyebrow. "Because of the colour her horn goes when she uses her magic" explained Aurora. "Yeah and my one here is Storm. But I won't explain why I called him that since we need to go rescue Zach" said Chord as he hopped into storms back and then I got on behind Chord then Kurt behind me.
"Hold on tight everyone and follow me ok Chord" explained Aurora. "Alright" said Chord as I held onto Chord and Kurt held onto me while Blaine held onto Aurora. Kunzite's wings began to flap as Kunzite began to levitate off of the ground and fly over the balcony up into the grey sky above as Storm quickly flew up like an elastic band that was pulled then suddenly let go. "Holy shit!" Shouted Kurt. "Hope none of you are afraid of heights" laughed Chord as I felt Kurt's grip from around my waist get tighter. "Are you scared of heights Kurt?" I asked looking back to him. "No... Just falling!" Laughed Kurt as he kissed the back of my neck as we flew over my kingdom. "How long till we arrive at sapphire kingdom by Pegasus?" Asked Blaine. "Well at the speed we are going it will probably be becoming sunset when we arrive there so we are doing pretty well so far compared to taking horses or walking" said Aurora. "Now that is pretty far" said Kurt as storm and Kunzite were flying side by side only just above the clouds. The green hills that once were giants were now spots on the earth's surface as we flew over it all. The smell of fertilizer on the fields and damp filled our nostrils as all we could hear was eachother, the flapping of wings and the gush of air everything when Kunzite or Storm swooped down. "Do you think Zach is alright?" I asked Kurt as I began to cry again. "Megs... I honestly don't have a clue. I'm not going to sugar coat this. We are probably flying over their for a... Corpse" cried Kurt as he began to cry as well. "You two no need on crying ok? Don't assume the worst until you find a reason to then think the worst" said Aurora. "Aurora. They are parents of a baby boy who may or may not be dead. If you were in their shoes I don't think you would be ok either" yelled Chord. "Yeah I wouldn't but I wouldn't cry about it until I saw a proper reason to cry. Crying won't help you in life. It's a way of expressing an emotion but it won't find a baby. Commonsense, logical thinking and a level head is what you need in a situation like that. Not letting your mind create problems that aren't there and you know that Chord" snapped Aurora as she scowled at chord aggressively. "She's right you know... You both shouldn't cry. Have some hope yeah?" Said Blaine trying to keep the peace. Even though Aurora was very blunt she had a point. Kurt and I have to be strong for our son and each other. I wiped away my tears with my right hand as Kurt then stopped crying too. "I know something that could distract the both of us on this upsetting journey" whispered Kurt in my ear as his hands travelled from my waist past my sides and onto my chest. "Kurt this is one in public, two highly inappropriate" I whispered back in an annoyed way. "You sure? It will help us calm down and honestly I don't care about the fact it's public! I care for you and our son but we are a mess. We need to chill out a bit. What do you say?" Asked Kurt in my ear as his hands carefully moved in a circular motion with his left hand going anticlockwise while his right hand went clockwise. Kurt had a point but this was ridiculously inappropriate... Even though it was very calming. "Well Megs?" Whispered Kurt in my ear in a deep voice which made me physically weak as he then squeezed my breasts. "Is there any chance we could land for a bit?" I asked carefully trying not to moan. "Well Kunzite and Storm do need a rest so I don't see why not but only for fifteen minutes" said Aurora as we began to swoop down towards the tall grassy meadow below us. Kunzite and Storm landed carefully as we all got off carefully. "Right fifteen minutes starting now" said Chord as he then walked over to Blaine to talk to him about something as aurora began to check on Kunzite and Storm. "Come on Megs the grass is tall enough to literally just go over there in the tiny clearing near that rock" whispered Kurt in my ear as he pointed towards the rocks over by the right of us. "But they might hear us" I said anxiously. "Then we be quiet then" laughed Kurt as he held my hand and guided me through the grass which was up to our waist in height.
We got to the rock and then Kurt sat down with his legs crossed as I then sat next to him as his hands began to touch me continuously ontop of my dress. I covered my mouth with my right hand to contain my moans as things intensified. Kurt's hands were now going under the bottom of my dress and he began to rub ontop of my underwear carefully. Slowly I uncrossed my legs and straightened them a little bit apart as Kurt began to kiss me. "Thirteen minutes" I heard chord say in the distance as Kurt then stopped kissing and carefully moved my underwear over to the side with his left hand while his right unzipped his pants. Carefully his cock immerged out of his pants as he then layed down on the ground and smiled at me. "For once you are in control" said Kurt as I carefully got ontop of him without going above the tall grass. Carefully I moved my hips in a circular motion as Kurt thrusted quickly. "Ten minutes" I could hear Chord say faintly as I muffled my moans with both hands as Kurt picked up the pace and began to thrust even faster as he covered his own mouth to stop him from moaning out loud. My insides felt extremely hot as if I was burning from the inside out. "Five minutes everyone" I could hear Chord say in the distance as Kurt then came inside of me and I moaned loudly which didn't muffle very well. "What was that?" Asked Aurora as I then carefully got off of Kurt carefully trying to be silent. "Sounded like the Princess..." said Blaine as I could hear his foot steps through the grass. "To be honest I haven't seen her or Kurt since we landed..." Said Chord. "What are we going to do?" I whispered to Kurt with concern. "We pretend we went for a piss" explained Kurt as he put his cock away and zipped back up his trousers. "Alright..."I replied in an unsure way as I went to straighten my dress. "Wait" said Kurt as he held my arm as he looked at my underwear which was still pushed to the side. "What is it?" I asked. "Your underwear needs to be taken off" said Kurt. "Why?" I said as my eyes widened with shock. "Because even though it was pushed to the side it has got some cum on it..." sighed Kurt. "And how exactly do I ride on the back of Storm without them?" I snapped. "Look if you want you can have my boxers ok?" explained Kurt as he quickly took his trousers off and his white boxers then he passed them to me. He then put his trousers back on again as I put on the boxers which were a bit too big for me so I ties a knot in the side of them so that they won't fall down. "Kurt?" Shouted Chord. "Megan?" Yelled Blaine. "I'll crawl away a bit to make them think we were taking a piss ok? You say you are here ok?" Explained Kurt as he began to crawl away from me as I stood up. "I'm here!" What's up?" I replied as I began to walk towards them awkwardly. "Where have you been?" Asked Blaine as he folded his arms. "Well I'm sorry I didn't realize that I had to notify you when I have to go to the toilet!" I snapped as Blaine and Chord blushed. "Sorry it's just you were gone for quite sometime time" replied Chord. "Boys, maybe it takes a girl longer than you lot to take a piss due to complications now leave her alone!" Snapped Aurora as she approached me. "Thanks" I said as Aurora went into her pocket and gave me a bright orange berry. "That should help with the pain" said Aurora as she then sat on Kunzite followed by Blaine. "Have you seen Kurt?" Asked Chord. "There he is!" Shouted Blaine pointing over in the distance infront of us. Chord then ran over to him "what are you doing?" Asked Chord as he then suddenly turned around again. "Serves you right" laughed Kurt as Chord started to walk back to me. "What's he doing?" Asked Blaine. "He is leaking the lizard" answered Chord as he got onto Storms back and I got on after him. "Hurry up Kurt!" Shouted Blaine impatiently. "Do you mind! I'm trying to take a piss in peace!" said Kurt in a childish way. "You have about ten seconds before I go over there and kick your spoilt ass!" Snapped Blaine. Kurt then put his dick away and walked over to us and sat on storm holding onto me. "Finally!" I laughed as I looked back to Kurt as he winked at me. "Let's go Kunzite!" said Aurora as Kunzite flapped her wings and went up into the sky followed by Storm. The grey sky became black as the atmosphere became miserable.
"Where are we?" I asked sheepishly as Blaine looked towards me with a look of concern chiseled into his face. "You ever been out of your own kingdom before?" Asked Blaine. "No. I haven't so where are we?" I asked again. "Well princess... We are close to the sapphire kingdom" said Aurora as the clouds began to become thinner. Below us the ground was grey and the trees had no leaves on their twisted abnormal branches like a doll with the limbs turned the wrong way. "This place has really gone to the dogs!" Cried Kurt. "You been here before?" Asked Chord. "It was a long time ago... But the grass out here wasn't like this before it was filled with life" explained Kurt. "You know fuck all about this place!" Snapped Blaine which took us all off guard. "Well I know some stuff" growled Kurt. "Stop it the pair of you! It doesn't matter who knows what about this place. What matters is the fact we save Zachary" shouted Chord. "You are stressing Storm and Kunzite out" snapped Aurora. "Sorry. I apologize for my outburst Kunzite and Storm and especially you Aurora" sighed Blaine as he looked up then back to infront of him. "I'm sorry too" said Kurt. "You're forgiven the pair of you. Anyway hold onto your hats... We have arrived at the sapphire kingdom" said Aurora as we could see a castle in the horizon. The castle was grey with a black roof. The castle had four circular towers on its corners with a moat around it filled with lava which had skeletons around it. Slightly away from the castle there was the kingdom which was very dull with the colour scheme on the buildings which were black and different shades of grey. The whole kingdom and castle was in a giant cube prison with a graveyard near the entrance of the kingdom. "What a ghost town..." Said Kurt as we were preparing to land. "Indeed..." Said Aurora as Kunzite landed carefully in the kingdom town square followed by Storm. The town had an eerie deafening silence and the only sound in the kingdom was just Kunzite and Storm's hooves clip clopping along the path. "That's odd... Normally we would be greeted by now" said Blaine as he jumped off and looked at the houses. "Yeah... Normally it's the creepy grave digger who greets you" said Aurora as she hopped off then stroked Kunzite. "Maybe they have all gone to bed?" I Suggested as Kurt and I got off of Storm's back. "At seven thirty? No chance!" Said Chord as he hopped off of Storm then stroked him carefully. "The sun is setting... Maybe they have made a rule or something about being out after dark?" suggested Blaine as he looked at the black marks on the ground. "What's that?" Asked Aurora as Blaine knelt down to black mark and stuck his fingers into it then brought it to his nose. "Shit..." Said Blaine with concern. "What's wrong?" I asked with concern. "We need to find shelter now!" Ordered Blaine. "Pack up Kunzite and Storm!" Cried Chord as he pointed to the sky. Aurora's eyes glowed purple as Kunzite and Storm were surrounded by purple mist as they then began to shrink down into little toys. Chord picked them both up and ran towards us and dragged us into a gap between two houses. "What's that for?" I snapped as I looked back out of the alleyway the way we came in and it was filled with a wall of orange, yellow and red flames. "Dragons..." Said Kurt as we all looked at the wall of fire as it then disappeared. "That explains the reason why the town is silent" whispered Aurora. "Yeah and the piles of ashes scattered around..." Sighed Blaine sadly. "You mean what you smelt was the remains of a person who lived here?" I said with shock. Blaine nodded slowly as there was suddenly a loud ear piercing roar. "Ok we need a plan" said Aurora as she peeked round the corner carefully. "Maybe we could try to get into the castle or go into someone's house and find answers" explained Blaine. "Ok but how do we do that?" Asked Kurt. "Not sure yet. Give me a minute" said Blaine as he then closed his eyes then drawn his sword. "You're not going to kill the dragon are you?" Snapped Aurora. "Well yeah if it comes to it but that's not my intentions. From what I understand about dragons is that they wouldn't attack a kingdom for no reason. They tend to stay in their territory and guard their territory from what they think is a threat" explained Blaine.
"The sword then is only for self defense. Don't hurt it" said Aurora as Blaine nodded then ran out into the square again. We watched in horror as a giant blood red dragon appeared. It's claws sharper than kitchen knives and it's needle like teeth sparkled in the light. It's eyes were an orange fire with its pupils dilated like a black hole sucking in all bravery leaving behind nothing but cowardice. "Easy there" said Blaine as he looked into the dragons eyes then threw his sword away from him. Carefully Blaine lifted his hands up showing the dragon the palms of his hands. "What is he doing?" Asked Kurt. "He's going to get killed!" I cried with concern. "Shh. Just be quiet. If it goes to barbecue him I'll just put a force field around him" said Aurora. Blaine then knelt down to the dragon and bowed. The dragon sniffed Blaine twice then exhaled through its nose quickly and the wind from it blew through Blaine's hair and then the dragon just sat down looking at Blaine closely. "Ok. Easy there buddy..." Said Blaine as he carefully stood up carefully. "Shall we join you now Blaine?" Asked Aurora carefully. "Yes. He means us no harm" said Blaine looking back to the dragon as it stared at Blaine. "So what was the bowing shit about?" Asked Kurt. "It is showing respect towards the dragon which is what they do to each other of its own kind. They bow to each other. They are very social creatures..." Said Blaine. "Ok but why is it staring at you like that?" I asked curiously. "I said they were social. I didn't say they were very trusting" said Blaine as he rolled his eyes. "Ok so now what? How do we get inside with the dragon staring at you like that?" Asked Chord. "Well that's simple. You lot continue without me" explained Blaine sadly. "What! That's not good we need you!" I cried. "I'll be fine and so will you lot if you leave me here. If I leave now the dragon will return to barbecuing the kingdom!" Explained Blaine. "You're an idiot you know that" said Aurora as she looked at Blaine carefully. "I know...but someone has to do it. But just in case the dragon suddenly changes mood... Couldn't give me a kiss could you?" Asked Blaine blushing uncontrollably as Aurora did the same. Aurora hesitated as she then walked up to Blaine and brought her lips to his. Blaine hugged Aurora as their tongues began to explore each others mouthed slowly. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This must be just a dream... I know I chose Kurt... But I can't change the fact that I also love Blaine... I couldn't look at them anymore so I looked to my left to see that Chord was as shocked as I was. I then looked to my right and saw that Kurt was surprised as well. My mind was filled with mixed emotions while my stomach was in knots. I felt disappointed with Blaine but I must try and come to terms with things... I pushed away Blaine... I rejected Chord... I made my heart be set on all of these boys all due to my situation on my birthday and for what? For my heart to be not broken in two... But into three. Blane then pulled away as a single tear fell down my face. Kurt looked to me and saw the tears in my eyes. "Are you alright Megs?" Asked Kurt as he placed a hand on my shoulder.
I couldn't tell him after everything we have been through that I have feelings for Blaine still but I can't lie either. I couldn't take it anymore so I just broke into tears as I fell to my knees. "Megan?" Said Blaine as he looked towards me with confusion. "She just misses her son so let's get going and save him" said Chord as he folded his arms. "Alright... Get going everyone. Head to the castle yeah?" Said Blaine with a gulp. Aurora nodded to Blaine to we all walked over to the castle and carefully walked across the wobbly safety hazards of a bridge. "I guess they don't get much company..." Said Kurt as we were half way across the bridge. "They don't like people that disagree with them so they made this as dangerous as possible to keep the kingdom in line. Plus to stop them from having an opinion of their own" explained Chord as he finally got to the other side of the bridge followed by Kurt. "That doesn't seem very fair on the citizens of sapphire kingdom..." I cried as I got off the bridge. "It's not but the king doesn't give a shit about their welfare. It's been this way for decades. Before we were born and before our parents this kingdom has been the troubled lands" sighed Aurora as she then knocked on the sturdy spruce door. The door creaked open to reveal a skinny girl who was pale as a cloud with long black hair which was platted. "Can... Can I help you?" She said quietly as her grass green eyes stared into our souls. "Hello there miss, is the king and prince home?" Asked Kurt. "Not so loud. We must be silent for the prince has just gone to sleep... The king is not here and hasn't been for a while" explained the girl in a faint whisper as she held the door open. "Do you know when he will be back then?" I asked. That question made the girls eyes grow abnormally wide as she then looked around her then back to us. "He will not be returning to us at all. He's not with us anymore" said the girl as she leaned in close to us. "What do you mean?" Asked Aurora quietly. The girl's eyes filled with tears as she shook her head. "Could you let us in please?" Asked Chord quietly. The girl carefully nodded and opened the door wide for us to enter. The girl was wearing white with little red splatters on it. The splatters were in strange shapes and in certain places. "That's a pretty dress" I said without thinking and that made the girl cry. "What's wrong?" Asked Aurora as she tried to comfort the girl. The girl shook her head rapidly as she began to cry alot more as Chord then looked towards me with fear. He walked over to me carefully and brought his mouth near my ear. "Those marks on the dress aren't a design... That's the girls blood" he whispered as he struggled to speak. The very second that Chord told me that I ran to the girl and hugged her carefully trying not to hurt her. "What's your name sweetie?" I asked as I began to cry too. "I'm servant number seven" cried the girl as she hugged me back. "Surely that's not your name sweetie, what did your parents name you?" I asked as she then let go of me and I let go of her as she dried her tears. "I never knew my mum... All I know is the story" explained the girl. "What's the story then servant number seven?" Asked Chord. "The story of the bastard child. Once upon a time there was a prince and a servant. The prince was spoilt and mean! One day he slept with the servant and she then had a baby. The servant tried to keep the baby and run away with the baby to give the baby a better future. The prince.... He found out about the baby and refused for the servant to tell anyone that he was the daddy so he killed the servant... The baby he kept but never kept it in the royal blood line so instead he made the child his servant. The end" said the girl with tears building up in her eyes. "Are you saying that you're Josh's daughter?" asked Kurt with concern as the girl nodded as she dried her tears. "That's fucked up" snapped Kurt as he looked to me then to the girl. "This will never happen to you again sweetie. You're coming with me" I said as I hugged the girl. "You mean you want to adopt me?" Cried the girl with a smile on her face reviewing that she was missing her two front teeth. "Of course" I said as the girl then hugged me. "Before we go anywhere sweetie what's the blood from?" Asked Kurt carefully. "When I don't do what the prince wants he... He hits me with a rope thing" cried the girl as she cried again. "What does he ask for?" Asked Aurora carefully like she was walking on thin ice. "Bad things... Please don't let me explain what" cried the girl as tears fell down her cheek. "Don't worry we won't sweetie you're safe now and he won't hurt you ever again!" I explained as I hugged the girl again. "How old are you?" Asked Kurt as he hugged me and the girl. "I'm six and my birthday is in a couple of days" explained the girl. If she's six that means Josh made her mum pregnant at the age of twelve! "Do you know how old your mum was at the time?" Asked Aurora. "Some say she was eleven and some say she was thirteen" explained the girl. That poor girls mum... Josh is such a sicko.
"You have nothing to worry about anymore and you are not going to be called servant number seven anymore. Instead you are now Raelynn. I'm princess Megan from the kingdom of Dawn and this is my fiance prince Kurt from the kingdom of Aegis. We are now your parents" I explained as Kurt looked very excited and hugged Raelynn. "Now I have a son and a daughter and at some point another bundle of joy" said Kurt happily. "I've always wanted to have a family" said Raelynn as she suddenly moaned in pain. "What's wrong?" Cried Kurt. "It hurts!" cried Raelynn as she began to cry. "It's alright stay still and let me work my magic" explained Aurora as her hands glowed purple and she put her hand in the center of her chest which made around her hand under Raelynn's skin begin to glow. "This should heal any sounds instantly without any scaring" explained Aurora. "A witch? You are lucky. All of them are dead here" explained Raelynn as Aurora removed her hand from Raelynn's chest. "That's nice... Anyway the pain should be gone now. Could you tell us what is the dragon here for?" Asked Aurora. "The prince has a blue one locked up with three eggs" explained Raelynn. "That means the dragon out there is attacking this kingdom because it's trying to save it's mate and children" explained Chord. I could relate to the dragon... It has more to save in comparison I have just my little Zachary to save though. "To save this kingdom and Zachary we need to fight Josh" explained Kurt. "Yeah... But what ever happened to the king?" Asked Chord. "The prince killed him" said Raelynn. "He killed his own father? Sick prick!" Snapped Aurora. "Where do we find him?" Asked Kurt. "In the graveyard buried next to the queen" said Raelynn. "We ment the prince" said Chord. "Oh he's in his room asleep after getting the screaming thing to be quiet" explained Raelynn looking fairly confused. "That must be Zachary" said Kurt as he drew his sword. "Who's Zachary?" Asked Raelynn. "Your little brother" I replied with a smile. "I have a brother? Cool!" said Raelynn jumping with excitement. "Aurora? Can you stay here with Raelynn while Chord, Kurt and I get Zachary?" I asked. "Alright... Chord be careful" said Aurora as she placed a hand on his shoulder then hugged him. "I'll be alright. What's the worst that could happen? I'll be back before you know it" said Chord as he got a hunting knife from his back pocket. "We better get going" said Kurt. "Be good Raelynn" I said as chord, Kurt and I walked off down the dark hallway.
The hallway was quite chilly for a castle surrounded by lava... It doesn't make sense. "I can't believe that Josh killed his own dad, had sex at twelve years old and killed the woman he fucked then beat up his own daughter! Then goes out of his way to kidnap Zachary then to cause all these dragon problems which leads to countless innocent deaths!" Snapped Chord with a raging passion which was kind of sexy. "I just hope he doesn't hurt Zachary" said Kurt as he wrapped his left arm around me while holding his sword firmly in his right hand. "Me too" I said as my mind began to fill with graphical images of Zachary as a corpse while my eyes began to fill with tears once again. "Be strong Megs... You've come so far to break now. I believe in you" said Chord as he looked at me with his brown caring eyes the same way like he use to before my birthday. I dried my eyes as we were about to head up some stairs as Chord suddenly stopped. "Why have you stopped?" Asked Kurt. "Haven't you noticed that we are in a castle surrounded by lava but inside the castle itself the deeper we go the colder it gets?" Said Chord. "What does that have to do with the price of eggs?" Said Kurt sarcastically. "It means the dragon that Raelynn was on about that was blue is an ice dragon" explained Chord. "So the coldness is not actually coming off of Josh but from the dragon" laughed Kurt. "Yes" said Chord. "Are you saying that the colder it is in here... The closer we are to the dragon?" I asked. "Precisely!" Said Chord. "So do we free the dragon first or get Josh?" Asked Kurt. "The dragon is clearly alive in a cage from the temperature in this castle. However, we still have no idea how Zachary is so I say we get Josh!" I explained. "Good plan. Let's get going" said Chord as we headed up the stairs quietly to see if we could hear Zachary or if anyone was coming. After a couple of floors and checking rooms we then came across navy blue double doors and the sound of crying. "There there little man. You will be alright just get some sleep ok?" said Josh on the other side of the door. I moved to the left side and chord to the right as Kurt kicked the door open with alot of force which made the door hinges snap on the door frame. The room was large with a double bed with blue bed set and a little cot in the middle of the room and a balcony. "Fucking hell! Ever heard of knocking!" Snapped Josh as he stood there in just a blue robe and nothing else with his arms folded. "Ever heard of don't steal things that aren't yours!" Kurt snapped back aggressively as chord and I entered the room after him. "I have but it's unfair when you see that the grass tends to be greener on the other side of the fence. Mind you, you should understand that can't you... Chord and Kurt" said Josh as he flashed a devilish smile. "Megan, I think you should wait outside" said Kurt as he looked back to me. "Don't tell me that little childish Kurt and scrubby servant Chord haven't come clean about their secrets" laughed Josh. "What is he talking about?" I asked with concern and anger. They are hiding shit from me? Even now? Seriously? "Princess honestly I have told you everything he's bullshitting you" cried Chord. "I hate to say it but I agree with Chord" said Kurt as he approached Josh with his sword blade. "Now, now Kurt. Put the sword away before you do something you don't want to do" said Josh as he stepped back a little bit. "Who said that I don't want to kill you? for kidnapping my son and causing me and Megs so much stress... And causing our wedding to be cancelled for now give me one reason not to make your insides become outside?" Threatened Kurt. I had never seen this side to Kurt and bloody hell was it sexy but scary. "Not going to lie you got me there" said Josh as he shrugged. I ran to Zachary and scooped him up into my arms as he then hugged me. Chord stood next to Kurt with his dagger in hand. "Oh the young wizard... Your mum dead yet?" Laughed Josh. "You're not in a position to make unfunny jokes Josh" shouted Chord. "Very well but this whole thing wasn't about you two... It was about Megan" said Josh as he pointed at me. "What about me? I rejected you and you became a maniac because of it. Not my problem" I said as I rolled my eyes.
"You played all of our feelings Megan and Blaine and Chord know it. Kurt doesn't because he is luckily your little favourite" said Josh. "Stop being so butt hurt!" Shouted Kurt. "Well Josh has a bit of a point but that doesn't change the fact he is a monster for killing his own dad, beating up his daughter and making her a slave then kidnapping" said Chord. "Look boys... Kurt, chord. Lower your weapons since I don't have one as you can see I have nothing on me but a robe" said Josh as he rolled his eyes then walked towards me. "Get away from her!" Yelled Chord. "Relax... Honestly I would never hurt her or the baby" said Josh as he then looked towards me as he kissed Zachary's head. "Get off of my son!" I snapped. "I'm not going to hurt him. As I have explained previously I am unarmed" said Josh as he then circled me slowly. "What are you planning Josh" snapped Chord as he then stood next to me. "Nothing. Honestly if you lot really don't believe I'm weaponless I'll show you" said Josh as he undone his robe and revealed himself to me and Chord. "What the heck!" I cried as I then looked away. "Really? Put that shit away" snapped Chord as Josh's hand went behind his back under the robe. "Look. This is all for Megan. She would be all over me if that baby wasn't here..." Said Josh as he suddenly pulled out a knife and lunged for Zachary in my arms. In an instant Chord jumped infront of me and the knife went straight into the center Chord's chest. It was as if time had slowed down as Chord's body then fell to the ground with the knife still in his chest. "Chord!" I cried as Kurt then went to attack Josh. Josh dodged and Kurt's sword went into the cot and got stuck. Chord was lying there on the ground motionless as I then knelt beside him and held his hand. "Chord! Chord answer me!" I cried. "Just add pressure to the wound Megan... Please" said Chord as he began to cough violently. While I began to add pressure to the wound with Zachary next to me in tears Kurt got his sword out of the cot as Josh had gotten a sword from the side of his bed. "Kurt look out!" I cried. Luckily Josh's sword hit against Kurt's sword with a high pitched clink. The swords clashed against each other over and over again as I kept trying to help Chord. Chord then placed his hand on my blood soaked hands and looked at me with his eyes filled with tears. "It's not working Megan... I've already lost too much blood" said Chord as he began to cough violently again. "No! I can't let you leave my life" I cried as I went to try again but Chord stopped me. "It is no use. But thank you for trying... I was planning to quit my job yesterday so we could run off together but if I knew this would happen I would still do the same thing each time... No regrets" cried Chord as he coughed up blood. "Thank you for taking the knife for Zachary" I said as Chord held my hand firmly. "I would do it again... I'm sorry for...for taking advantage of you.... You made a good choice... With Kurt. He's loyal" explained Chord. "Yeah he is... And a good father" I said as I kissed Chord's hand. "Tell... Tell Blaine to look after my sister... Tell her... I'm sorry" said Chord as he then coughed again then gargled as his eyes rolled back into his head. "No!" I cried as I began to cry alot while holding Zachary in my arms. Kurt swung his sword which hit Josh's sword again and then Josh then swung and cut Kurt across the chest as Kurt screamed in pain. "KURT! NO!" I yelled as Kurt then began to been under his shirt where it was scratched open by the sword. "Josh please leave him alone! Enough blood has been shed... I will be yours if you spare Kurt" I said as I began to cry alot more. Josh turned around to me then laughed.
"I knew you did Megan. Now go onto my bed while I tie up lover boy here" explained Josh as he tied Kurt up and threw Kurt's sword all the way to the other side of the room. "No Megan! You don't have to do this!" Cried Kurt as he tried to get out of the ropes. "Shut up Kurt!" Snapped Josh as I put Zachary in the cot and without Josh knowing I picked up the knife that was used to kill Chord and hid it under the pillow quickly as I sat down on the bed. "You think I'd believe you dressed like that? Come on" said Josh with a smile. I had a plan but I had to be very convincing. I'm sorry Kurt I am thinking of you during this until I get the opportunity... I carefully took my dress off and let it fall onto a pile on the floor. "You wear boxers?" Said Josh with a look of shock across his face. "I was borrowing Kurt's boxers due to an incident on our journey here" I said as I let the boxers fall to the ground and I took my bra off as Josh took his robe off and walked over to me. "Megan! No!" Cried Kurt as he struggled to break free. Josh then layed me down on the bed and forcefully began to kiss me. I kissed back the best that I could as I felt his cock began to poke me as it then entered me. "Ow!" I cried. "Don't worry baby, it will only hurt for a little bit" said Josh as he began to thrust while every now and then turning back to look at Kurt. "Stop! Please!" Shouted Kurt. "What's the matter Kurt? Jealous?" Laughed Josh. If he keeps looking towards Kurt every time he thinks he's pleasuring me... Maybe that's my chance if I make it really convincing! "Faster! Please Joshy" I said with a fake smile. "Of course my love" said Josh as he then thrusted faster while just looking towards Kurt the whole time as I moaned loudly as the bed rocked and knocked against the wall. "Just stop! Please!" Pleaded Kurt as he began to cry. In his voice I could tell he was very hurt by what I just said. "Oh I'll stop... After I let out a load" laughed Josh as he kept looking back towards Kurt. As he did so while moaning I sneaked my left hand under the pillow and grabbed the knife and held it tightly. "Hey Josh" I said with a smile as he then turned to look at me not noticing the knife in my hand. "Yes my love?" Asked Josh. "I was faking it" I said as I sliced the knife across Josh's neck. Josh's blood splattered over me and I pushed him off of me as I then heard him gargle on his blood as he then stopped moving. "Wow!" Said Kurt with his eyes wide. "What?" I said as I got off the bed leaving Josh's body bleed out on the bed. "I just didn't think that you would have it in you to kill someone Megs" said Kurt. "He threatened my son and my man as well as killed my friend he deserved it" I explained as I put on my clothes again. "I still can't believe you let him fuck you to do that" explained Kurt as I walked over to him and cut the rope to free him. "Well it was to save your life I don't love Josh and never did" I explained as Kurt then kissed me passionately. "Good. Grab Zachary and let's get the fuck out of here!" Said Kurt as I grabbed Zachary and we began to run out of down the hallway and down the stairs we then ran into Aurora with Raelynn. "Where's Chord?"asked Aurora as she looked at us with concern. Her eyes widened and she scowled at me angrily. "Where's my brother?" She shouted. "Aurora... Chord sacrificed himself to save Zachary" said Kurt sadly. "No! No! Fuck!" She shouted as she then started smashing some of the objects around us. "We have to go" said Kurt as he approached Aurora carefully. She then slapped Kurt round the face. "No! Fuck you Kurt! You hated Chord! Why couldn't it of been you instead!" Cried Aurora as she then pushed Kurt on his chest which caused Kurt to scream in pain. "Aurora calm down please Kurt isn't to blame. The one to blame is Josh since he killed him" I explained. "Then where is that slimy dick! I'll kill him!" Shouted Aurora. "I killed him. I killed Josh" I said and Aurora looked to me and just broke down on the floor. "Princess Megan? Just to let you know we let the dragon go and Blaine is outside with them making sure they leave peacefully" explained Raelynn. "Good. And don't call me princess. Call me mum and call Kurt dad ok? And this little one is your little brother" I explained as Raelynn looked at Zachary and smiled. "Hello little brother" said Raelynn as she stroked his head. The door of the castle then opened "the dragons have left with the eggs and won't be returning" explained Blaine as he then saw us. "Hey Blaine..." Said Kurt. "Why is Megan covered in bloody, why are you bleeding and where is Chord?" Asked Blaine with concern. "Chord is dead" said Aurora as she continued to cry. Blaine ran to Aurora and hugged her. "It's ok. It's ok. Dry your tears" said Blaine. "It's not ok!" Cried Aurora. "I know but I'll go get Chord's body and I'll carry it down for us to have a funeral for him ok?" explained Blaine. Aurora nodded in acceptance but she refused to look at either me or Kurt as we stood in the town square as Blaine came along with Chord over his shoulder. "I'm sorry for your loss Aurora. He was a great person and I'll miss him dearly" I said as tears fell down my face. "It's ok... It was Chord's nature to help others... No matter how he was feeling he put others first" explained Aurora. Blaine walked over to us and placed chords body down in the square.
"How are we going to carry his body back with us?" Asked Kurt. "Already thought of that" said Blaine as he then whistled and a loud screech. A large flying figure appeared from the top of the castle and flew down to us. "The Griffin?" Said Kurt. "It's the most logical thing since I always wanted a pet it means he is looked after. So I'll hop on and the Griffin will carry chord carefully in its tallons and the best thing about him? He can have all of us on his back at once" explained Blaine as he sat on its back followed by Aurora, Kurt holding Zachary, Raelynn then me. "Hold on tight everyone" said Blaine as we began to hover as the Griffin grabbed Chord's body carefully and we began to fly away. We were able to fly to the castle alot faster than if we took Kunzite and Storm. But it was dark anyways so we arrived there in roughly thirty minutes. "What's that pretty castle in the distance?" Asked Raelynn. "Your new home" I said with a yawn. "Almost there everyone" said Blaine as we got to the balcony and carefully the Griffin put chords body down and the Griffin landed next to Chord. "Ok everyone off and get some sleep since it's midnight alright" explained Blaine. "Aurora we will have a funeral in the morning ok?" Explain Kurt as she nodded sadly. "The Griffin can stay on the balcony tonight while we can get some help to put Chord into a coffin now and Aurora we can sort you out a room and a room for Raelynn" I said as we hopped off of the Griffin. "Alright. I'll put Zachary in his cot for now then while you do that then ok" replied Kurt as he put Zachary in his cot and I headed down the steps towards the throne room and explained everything to my parents. Blaine went to his room and next door to him was Aurora's room. Chord was in a coffin in the ball room and in the opposite tower to mine was a beautiful pink room which I got Raelynn cleaned then dressed into a yellow night gown. "Is this my room mum?" Asked Raelynn. "Yes it is darling" I said as I tucked her in. "Does it have to be pink? Can it be yellow instead?" Asked Raelynn. "I'll ask the servants to change it for you tomorrow after the funeral" I said as I kissed her forehead as she yawned. "Goodnight Raelynn" I said as I shut her door carefully and headed to my room. "How's Raelynn?" Asked Kurt as he layed in bed and yawned without any boxers on. "She's alright and if you think we are having sex tonight you can think again I'm too tired" I said as ingot changed into clean underwear and a new clean bra and got into bed. "Wasn't thinking of it Megs I am just too tired to bother with putting new ones on" yawned Kurt. "Alright night Kurt" I said as I yawned again. "Night Megan" said Kurt as he hugged me as we then fell asleep peacefully. The next morning was bright and sunny as I woke up first and put on a beautiful black dress and picked out a black suit for Kurt and put it on the bottom of the bed as he yawned then looked at me. "The funeral today right?" Asked Kurt. "Yeah now get dressed" I ordered as I changed Zachary's diaper then dressed him up in a black suit with a little bowtie. After we all got dressed we headed down to the ballroom and Raelynn was there in a black dress and sat next to me in the front row and Kurt next to her while she held Zachary still. The Pope arrived and cleared his throat. "Brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers. We are here today to say goodbye to Chord Andrew Blake. A friend to all he met and was taken from us by a dark being. He was a hard worker, a brother and for the life he lived we thank him for sacrificing himself for Zachary the recent addition to the royal family. For this hopefully god can open his arms up with love and look after Chord once again" explained the Pope as I noticed that everyone was crying in the crowd. "Now his sister, Aurora Lilith Blake would like to say a few words" said the Pope as he moved to the side as Aurora stood next to chords coffin and looked towards us. "My brother was many things to all of us. He would of chosen to sacrifice himself again and again because that was his nature. Chord, if you can hear me... I forgive you and I hope you give mum and dad a kiss from me" she said as she then broke at the seams. We all spoke in memory of chord and he was buried in the woods behind the stables. Four days afterwards Kurt and I finally were able to walk down the isle and say I do. Zachary began to talk as well and his first word was daddy... Kurt won a little bet that we had made. Raelynn was adapting to the royal life perfectly and is a fantastic sibling for Zachary. Two years later I was blessed with twin girls who I named Lola and Paris. Plus Blaine and Aurora got married and travelled the world on the Griffin. I spent my time mostly on my balcony looking out to the woods and I could always feel as though chord was looking back at me... I then felt a hand on my shoulder and a kiss on my cheek. "Hey Megs" said Kurt with a smile. "Hey Kurt" I said as I hugged him tight. "I asked your parents and they said it's fine for us to take the sapphire kingdom and redesign it and make it better for everyone" said Kurt as he then kissed me passionately. "That's wonderful! But I hope this is actually our happily ever after" I said as Kurt then laughed. "Of course it is Megs we have four children and a kingdom to our selves what more could we need?" Asked Kurt with a smile. "Well now that you mention it I have something to tell you..." I said as Kurt's hand went into mine. "What is it Megan?" Asked Kurt as his smile faded. "I'm pregnant again" I said as Kurt then sighed and rolled his eyes. "Here we go again" Kurt sighed as we watched the birds fly across the sky.

From my experience through all of this I learnt that love isn't something you force. It's something that slowly grows over time like a delicate flower. Love is a flower, that if you don't put time and effort in on it or too much in you will kill the flower. You can't rush it take it slow and remember that a happily ever after is always after alot of tough shit.
                                               THE END

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