-Chapter 7- 'Who's Your Daddy?'

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Chord then stood up with me then wished me a good night as he then left the room without turning back. I walked back to my bed with all that Chord said replaying like a broken record in my head as I then picked up my baby and walked out onto the balcony with it carefully. It giggled warmly as it looked at me with its sky blue eyes. "I don't know what you are or half of who you are... But I promise you that I will protect you no matter what and nothing will ever change that. I will find who your father is too and I'm sorry that I've created such a mess for you and me. Things will get better hopefully... But one thing that can't be taken away from you is that this kingdom is your playground. You are surrounded by a kind community in this kingdom and no matter what you do you'll be loved" I said to the baby as I caressed it's head as it then yawned as I looked out to the horizon as the sun began to go down. After than went back inside, fed the baby then went to sleep.
Nine months later...
I woke up to my baby crying again. Luckily Kurt, Blaine and chord have been helping me with the baby but this time When I looked at my baby I was shocked to notice that it's once beautiful blue eyes are now browny green. Now this really made me understand who the father was but I was concerned about how the baby had the same colour hair as me. I picked up my toddler and went to the top of my stairs just outside of my bedroom door and shouted for Kurt, Blaine and Chord. In seconds they all ran up the stairs. "What's the problem?" Cried Chord. "Is the baby hurt?" Cried Blaine. "Is the baby ok?" Cried Kurt. As I entered my room and they all entered my room panting quickly. "No. It's just that it's eyes have changed colour" I cried. "Really?" Said Blaine in shock. "That's good so now we can rule people out since it's difficult a while ago due to its hair" explained Blaine. "Yeah since most of us have brown hair but maybe it just got Megan's hair colour theory" said Chord as he began to catch his breath. They all looked at the baby and at that point the crying stopped. "Did you use to have people in your family with those colour eyes Megan?" Asked Chord as he looked at the child carefully. "No why?" I replied. "Then that means it's definitely not my child" explained Chord with slight relief but also slight disappointment. "Well it's just you and me left in the running" said Kurt with a goofy grin. "Yeah but it has been fun these past couple of months, sneaking the baby past staff and Megan's family to go have fun outside and teaching it to walk it was so much fun" said Blaine. "Yeah especially when the baby smacked you in the face with the shovel when we were digging up 'buried treasure' on that treasure hunt you made" said Kurt. "Oh yeah, what ever the gender it doesn't half pack a punch" laughed Blaine. Over the past months since my chat with Chord I have kept to my word and haven't kissed any of them or slept with any of them no matter how much they tried. But I can't stop them kissing me. Two days ago Blaine did his best to get to bed with me but I told him I couldn't and it didn't stop him at all. So, in the woods he kept kissing me up against a tree but of course I actually wanted him to but it was him doing it all not me so I'm kind of sticking to it. I can't help it if I refuse and they do it anyway. Plus the night before today while the baby was asleep Kurt came up to my room and kissed me over and over again as well as touching me.
"So how are we going to figure out that the baby is who's now? Since it's either Blaine's or mine?" Asked Kurt. Blaine shrugged as Chord folded his arms and began to think. "Maybe we will see by its characteristics?" I suggested. "I have a better idea we find a witch to do so which is more local than the one from another kingdom" suggested Blaine. "How will that work?" Asked Chord. "Because they have magic and know things" said Blaine. "Can't argue with that" said Kurt. "Funny thing I know one..." Said Chord sheepishly. "Who?" I asked. "Look let me ask you first are you ok with witches etc?" Asked Chord. "I'm fine with them since they're very helpful in my kingdom" explained Blaine. "They are helpful here too but there isn't any from what I know" I said as my baby pulled my hair gently. "I haven't met one to know exactly" sighed Kurt. "Well what if I brought one here?" Asked Chord. "That is fine with me" I explained as Blaine and Kurt nodded in agreement. Chord then got a pink powder from his pocket and threw it at the ground and it gushed up in a purple flame and a figure wearing black covering its face with a good emerged. "Wow..." Said Kurt as he looked at the purple smoke disappear slowly. "Ok I need your help" explained Chord. The hooded figure walked towards me and saw my baby and it made my baby cry instantly from fear. "This the child?" Asked the figure. The figure was definitely female. "Yes can you find out who the father is?" Asked Chord. "Depends. I need a drop of blood from each potential father" explained the figure. "Blood?" Cried Kurt looking slightly pale like a ghost. "A couple of drops not much" said the figure looking towards Blaine and Kurt. Blaine at that second got a hunters knife from his back pocket and then slowly dragged the daggers sharp blade across his index finger tip which sliced open like a Christmas turkey. Blood began to gush from the cut but Blaine did his best to keep a straight face. "You are brave. If the other potential is too chicken he can sit out but then we can't tell if they are the father" explained the figure in a sarcastic way towards Kurt. "I can do it... Blaine can you clean your knife then pass it to me please?" Asked Kurt as he became very shaky. "Sure" said Blaine as he went into the bathroom and cleaned the knife then came back and passed it to Kurt. Kurt began to shake alot and he was very afraid but then he held his breath as he got the blade against his index finger on his right hand and quickly cut it. "OW! FUCK!" Kurt yelped. "You both, what are your home flag colours?" Asked the figure. "Mine is green and the cry baby here is blue" explained Blaine as Kurt then looked at Blaine giving him daggers. "Very well, cover your lips in that of your own blood then kiss the baby's cheek" explained the figure. "What? I'm not letting blood be on my baby!" I snapped. "Do you want to know the father or do you want to be left in the dark?" Said the figure as they folded their arms. I stayed quiet as Blaine and Kurt covered their lips with their own blood like red lipstick. They both then kissed a cheek on the baby. Kurt kissed the left while Blaine kissed the right. Their kiss left lip prints of blood on the baby's face as it then stopped crying. "Now we wait. Your flag colour should appear in your kiss mark on the baby's cheek. If it doesn't then you're not the father" explained the figure as it's hands began to glow yellow as it then poked my baby on the forehead. My baby began to laugh as it's left cheek began to glow blue as the whole of my baby's face began to turn blue too then fade back to its normal pale complexion. "Congratulations Kurt you are the father" said Blaine as he sighed looking pretty upset. I washed my baby's face then Kurt washed his lips and then kissed the baby on the forehead. "I'm so happy this is probably the second best day of my life!" Cried Kurt. "What was your first?" I asked as he then walked up to me and whispered in my ear. "A mixture between our first kiss and when we were on the balcony. Which now that I think about it we should do again at some point". As he said that my legs felt like jelly but I had to do my best to stand since I was holding my baby.
"Well I'm done here, Chord? See you around" said the voice as they disappeared in a puff of purple smoke. The way she talked to chord sounded like they personally knew each other... Who was this mystery figure. "Now then, Kurt, Blaine. Let's put a plaster on those cuts" said Chord as he sorted them out. "Well then let's leave the father and the princess alone" said Blaine looking slightly hurt as he said that. Chord nodded in agreement as they both left and shut the door behind him. "I'm so glad it ended up as my child" cried Kurt as he then kissed me passionately and I then put our child down on the bed and continued to kiss him. "To be honest I'm happy that it was you too" I said with a smile. "I'm also glad that I'm not infertile" said Kurt as he then looked at the baby happily. Suddenly the door opened again and it was Chord. "Just wanted to say that you better check your baby's gender to finally give it a name. Plus it needs a diaper change and I'm so glad I'm not doing it for once!" Cried Chord as he laughed then shut the door behind him. Kurt looked at me with excitement. "We can now see what gender our baby is!" Said Kurt in excitement as we both lay the baby down on the floor and got a diaper. Kurt pulled it's little green shorts and opened up the diaper. He then got peed on all across his face as he did so. I couldn't help but laugh at him as so did the baby. "Well.. it's a boy alright" laughed Kurt as he cleaned the baby and put a new diaper on him. "You ok with having a son since you really wanted a daughter?" I asked. "I'm fine with anything and besides we can always create more in the near future" said Kurt in a seductive voice. I blushed as he then put our son in the cot and began to kiss me. He then stopped and looked into my eyes with mischievous intensions. "We can't, not infront of our son" I said starting to try and hold onto logic as much as I can. "Alright. Besides I have to go do something today, meet you on the lake later on today?" Asked Kurt as I replied with a smile "I'd love to". "Good and we should be thinking about telling your parents about our son or at least your brother" explained Kurt as he stood up and picked up our son and placed him on the ground as he began to walk around shakily. "It would be best to but I'm just too nervous" I said as I began to breathe heavily. "It's alright, if you want I can do it for you and take the blame as well. Keep calm ok and I'll see you later" said Kurt as he kissed my cheek and went to exit my room. "Your going to them now?" I asked as my eyes grew wide. "Well yeah, I need to talk to them anyway so it's best to get this over with. But don't worry. Your parents are actually very calm and lenient compared to my father. So you have nothing to worry about alright?" Said Kurt as he then left the room. I looked towards my son and watched as he walked around carefully and just by watching him I could see Kurt in the way he acts and some of myself. He was very smiley but was a mixture of curiosity but unsure as he made his way around my room.  His laugh destressed me as if he's laugh was strong enough to lift the emotional stresses off of me. I then had a soft knock on the door. "Megan, it's Callum... I heard what Kurt has said to our parents. Is it true? Is it true that I have a nephew?" Asked Callum through the door.
This is the first time I have heard from my brother since my birthday. "Come in and meet him" I said as the door slowly like a snail creaked open. Callum walked in and hugged me in his arms carefully then looked around the room. "He's on the other side near the balcony" I explained as he walked over to him and kneeled down near him. "What's he called?" Asked Callum. "He's not been named yet" I replied as Callum began to tickle him. "He's a ticklish one" said Callum with a smile. "Yeah he is. He mostly loves to play with blocks" I explained "I wish you told me. I could of helped you know. Even mum and dad wanted to help you" sighed Callum. "They did?" I cried. "Yeah. They want to meet their grandson at some point but I can't say what else they have said though" said Callum as he began to play with my son. "Can he talk yet?" Asked Callum as he pulled funny faces to him. "No. He just makes random noises and laughs as well as cries" I said as my baby laughed at Callum. "So since Kurt is the father of your baby you going to marry him or what?" Asked Callum. "Why?" I asked back in confusion. "Just curious. But to be honest I prefer Blaine since he is more interesting that's all" said Callum as he continues to play with my son. "Well thanks for your input..." I said sarcastically. "Anyways I came up here since mum and dad also want to talk to you" said Callum as he picked up my son. "Why?" I asked. "You'll see just go to them" said Callum as he passed my son to me and I held him in my arms. I didn't ask any more questions as I then exited my room followed by Callum as he shut my door behind us as we headed down the stairs. As I headed down towards the throne room and as I did Callum headed outside of the castle leaving me and my son on our own. I entered the silent ballroom slowly as my shoes squeaked against the tile floor. I then stopped as I was a couple of feet away from my mum and dad sitting contently on their thrones. "Megan is this our grandson?" Asked King Winter. "Yes dad... I'm so sorry I didn't know what to say... So I kept quiet instead" I said as I placed my son down on the floor and he stood there slightly wobbly as he then sat down on the ground. "You know that we would help you, you know that but you didn't come to us for help. Surely there's more to the story than you found yourself pregnant and got potions from a witch to speed up the pregnancy" said Queen Winter. I guess that's the story Kurt has told them...  They're my parents and all but he's the father to my child... "No that's everything" I said as I faked a smile as my son began to walk over to my parents.
"He's a curious one" said queen Winter as she smiled at him. "What's his name?" Asked king Winter. I guess I'm off the hook. Thank goodness. "No idea yet I'll be talking to Kurt about it at some point" I explained as my mum picked up my son. "You should go meet him actually, he's at the lake. Don't keep him waiting" said king Winter as it seemed as if he was hurrying me along. "Ok?" I said as I went to pick up my son. "Don't worry about him I'll look after him ok sweetie. I've been looking forward for this and now I'll enjoy it!" Said Queen Winter as she hugged him. "Alright but be careful, he loves mash but he won't touch carrots. Oh and he is allergic to strawberries!" I said as I began to walk away. "Thank you but I already know this since Chord was in here before you" explained Queen Winter. "Ok see you later, bye" I said as I ran up to my room and got changed into a blood red dress which has no straps and it stops above my knees in length.  I curled my hair quickly and I then walked out of the castle. The air was warm but the wind had a slight chill as I walked into the woods past the field. The sunset turned the sky into a mixture of pink and orange as I saw something through the trees. A bright light flickering followed by the smell of damp, salt water and burnt wood. As I passed the final tree I saw Kurt standing their in black trousers with a red shirt on with a black bowtie with a matching black blazer on. He looked as handsome as the first time I layed eyes on him. "You look beautiful, but I guess that's nothing new to you?" Said Kurt as I approached him. "Well aren't you charming" I said with a smile. As I looked around I noticed a beautiful fire was lit and a picnic basket on top of a red and white checkered blanket with a bottle of champagne sticking out of it. "Follow me Megs" said Kurt as he held my hand and slowly guided me to the blanket and we both sat down on it comfortably as Kurt opened the basket and got out a plate of sausage rolls, a bowl of scrumptious strawberries, some buttered bread rolls, scotch eggs, and a couple of glasses. "This is so lovely, you really shouldn't have" I said as we both tucked into the picnic under the beautiful purple and pink sky as the sun set behind the hill in the distance. "For you Megs, I would make this happen and much more. I would even make your dreams a reality and make every day of your life peaceful and full of fun, romance and of course sex" said Kurt doing his best to be serious but at the end he laughed a little bit. "I bet you would" I said as I did my best not to laugh. "But on a serious matter. Do you think you could see a future of you waking up next to me every morning?" Asked Kurt. At that moment I accidentally choked on a sausage roll. "Are you ok?" Asked Kurt. "Yeah I'm ok" I said as I coughed. "Too much? Im sorry" said Kurt looking a bit uneasy. "No it's not you it's the sausage roll" I said as Kurt's ever so hot smile returned. "After we have finish eating how about we go for a little boat ride?" Suggested Kurt as I could see the flames of the fire reflect in his brown dazzling eyes. "As long as neither of us end up in the water. If we end up in the water I'll kick your ass" I snapped. "We won't at all I promise" said Kurt as he sat closer to me as we have now gotten half way through the picnic. Thirty minutes of talking and eating we then stood up and got into the very familiar boat and Kurt rowed us across the glistening surface of the cool water below us.
Once we got into the middle of the lake Kurt stopped rowing and looked into my eyes and held my hands is his. We got lost into each others eyes for a moment as Kurt then clears his throat. "There is actually something I wanted to ask you..." Said Kurt as he started looking in his pockets carefully. "Ok?" I said as Kurt kept searching his pockets. "Hang on" said Kurt as he checked all of his blazer pockets and then his trousers. I couldn't help but laugh. "Fuck!" Shouted Kurt. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I left it in the fucking basket!" Said Kurt as he turned the boat around and headed back the way we came. We both got off of the boat and headed back to the picnic basket and Kurt checked it frantically. "Got it!" Cried Kurt as he then put it in his pocket. "Ok what is it?" I asked. "Back to the boat first" said Kurt. "No or you'll forget something again so I rather stay here" I explained as Kurt began to blush. "Oh ok then" said Kurt. "Megan, we have known each other for a long time" said Kurt still blushing as he knelt down on one knee. "You've been the only girl that I could ever love and you are the girl I lost my virginity to. So due to this I have a question for you" said Kurt as he got a small black box from his pocket and held it out infront of him, at this point my heart was racing. "Will you marry me?" Asked Kurt as the tiny box opened to reveal a gold ring with a hot pink diamond on it. I didn't know what to say since it was such a big decision as I then spoke "Well... This was sudden but my answer is...."

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