-Chapter 9- 'Zachary'

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"No Chord. I'm not leaving everything behind to run away with you I'm sorry but I cant" I said as Chord's face was filled with pain as if I just opened his chest with my bare hands and ripped his heart out and cut it into pieces infront of him. "I apologize princess... I will no longer give you any problems" said Chord as he choked on his words as he then bowed with his eyes filled with tears. He then left the room design his feet as he shut the door behind him softly. I then heard his footsteps run away to my left as I listened closely as I went up to the door. I opened the door and walked outside of the castle and saw Blaine fighting with my brother again which again was practice. I was surprised to see him here and I was confused on why he stayed since he knows that I'm now engaged. I took a deep breath as I began to approach them. Blaine then saw I was approaching and then stopped fighting causing my brother to win. "Ha! I win!" Cried Callum happily. "Yep... Yep you did. But I won't go easy on you next time" said Blaine as my brother then put his sword away then headed indoors leaving me and Blaine alone together. "How's Zach?" Asked Blaine as he folded his arms. "He's alright... You?" I asked awkwardly. "Hmm... Let me think. Oh yeah. I feel shit, rejected and heartbroken. Nothing that should suprise you" said Blaine angrily. "I understand that you're angry but instead of just holding it against me just move on... I'm sorry too about all this really I am" I cried as I looked at Blaine scowling at me. Blaine then sighed then turned away from me as he then unfolded his arms. "You're forgiven. It's just I knew the child couldn't be mine and I knew I shouldn't get attached. Anyways. I am ok being friends ok, since well I found out that Kurt proposed to you when I was adventuring in the forest... He's such a child... He couldn't even organise himself to propose properly. I also saw more than I could bargain for... The skinny dipping... The bang on the beach... It tore me apart. I told Chord about it since he was looking for you last night before you headed back to the castle... He found me drunk on the ground and he helped me out and I told him what happened. Instead of stopping me drinking he grabbed a bottle himself and began to drink alot too" explained Blaine. "You were watching us?" I snapped. "Hey if you wanted to not be seen stay in your room! At least I'm telling you I could of kept quiet about it but I want us both to have a fresh start and the best way to have a fresh start is by letting everything out. Now do you want to be friends or not?" Asked Blaine. "Of course I don't want you out of my life fully I don't think I could barely it" I said as we then shook hands. "Glad to keep you around as my friend" said Blaine with a smile. "Me too" I said with a smile. "So when is the wedding?" Asked Blaine with a smile. "Tomorrow" I said and as I did Blaine's eyes widened. "That's a bit quick isn't it?" Cried Blaine. "Nothing is ever too quick for true love" I replied. "Ok but careful if you rush everything you won't get to savour anything and anything left will surely spoil" said Blaine. "What does that mean?" I asked. "Basically I'm saying that if you rush into everything there will be nothing left to enjoy. Take things slow" explained Blaine.
He had a good point... But I still wanted to marry him so nothing will change my mind on marrying him tomorrow. "Good point but I'm still marrying Kurt tomorrow" I said. "Alright it's your choice" said Blaine with a smile. "So what made you decide to stay?" I asked. "Well because Callum asked me to and so that I can try and move on while I'm here instead of heading home and creating more problems" explained Blaine. "Fair enough. But you will be able to get over me don't worry yourself" I said with a smile. "Well the only girl who seems to interest me and spark my interest is the witch that helped us find out who Zach's father was" explained Blaine. "You're kidding right? A witch?" I said with shock. "Yeah I'm serious her voice was very sexy and she's one adventure I want to take for a journey" said Blaine. "Ok that's a bit much and I hope your able to find them" I said with a smile. "Cool thank you for your support but how do I find her?" Asked Blaine. Good question... How do we find a witch that we don't know the identity of? "Maybe Chord knows?" I suggested. "True since he seemed very very close to the witch" said Blaine. "Yeah I found that odd" I said as I began to question who the witch was. "I guess I'll go find Chord then. Also just to let you know that your mum has been inviting people already to your wedding" laughed Blaine. Of course she would... She means well but she is a bit much. "Seriously?" I sighed. "Yeah she's invited Kurt's family, me, the other Princes, the whole kingdom... Everyone basically" laughed Blaine. I face palmed as Blaine continued to laugh at me. "Where is she now?" I asked. "In the throne room with your dad and Zach" explained Blaine. "Thank you" I said as I began to walk away sluggishly. "No problem! And good luck!" Yelled Blaine still laughing his head off. I walked back inside the castle and into the throne room to see my parents smiling as they were playing peek a boo with Zach. "Hey sweetie" said queen Winter as she waved towards me as Zach began to walk around alot more steadily. "He's getting better" I said with suprise as my son began to walk around quickly. "He was trying to speak earlier" said king Winter as he then picked Zachary up. "Really? What was he trying to say?" I asked. "Da, mo... That's about it really those are the only things he says at the moment just da, mo, da, mo mo" explained queen Winter as Zachary was then placed on the floor again. "That's crazy!" I cried. "Yes. He's a very fast learner... A great thing to have if you become a king" said king Winter with a bold smile. "He's growing up quickly Megan, if you don't keep around him you will miss him growing up" explained queen Winter with concern.
"I won't miss him growing up mum don't worry. Besides I'm hoping to be having another bundle of joy at some point" I said with a smile. "Make it a girl this time so we can dress her up and make her look even more adorable that she will be when she arrives" said queen Winter with a giggle. "Mum I am hoping for it to be a girl too even Kurt wants it to be a girl since he wants a daughter so desperately" I explained as Kurt then entered the room. "How's little Zach?" He asked as he scooped him up and kissed his cheek as he giggled. "He's been ok, been talking alot of jibberish and is learning very quickly" explained Queen Winter. "You could say he's already speaking like you both already" laughed king Winter. "Wow... Really dad?" I signed. "Moving on, I've got everything perfect for our day tomorrow Megs" said Kurt as he then kissed my cheek. "You have?" I said as I blushed alot. "Yeah. It will be fantastic! In the field there will be rows of six and on each row there will be fifteen people sitting down which will be enough for all the citizens of the kingdom of Dawn and then on the left will be my parents and on my right will be your parents. The food will be a selection for everyone ranging from savory to sweet and the drinks will be from water to red whine" explained Kurt. "Sounds fantastic" I said with delight. "Yeah but we may have a problem... We don't have a bridesmaid or a best man yet..." Sighed Kurt. "Oh I didn't think about that!" I cried. "I have an idea! Who do you like more out of Blaine and Chord?" Asked Kurt with enthusiasm. "I like them both the same why?" I asked with confusion. "Well if we run out of ideas for the bride's maid and best man we can have one of them as the best man and the other dressed up as a girl for the bridesmaid!" Laughed Kurt. "Oh my god... Blaine would look best as a best man" said Queen Winter. "And Chord can be the bridesmaid" laughed king Winter. "Very funny but I don't want Chord to be the bride's maid... If anything I have a better idea for my bride's maid" I said as I then began to walk out. "Where are you going?" Asked Kurt. "I'm heading to find Chord. Can't explain right now but I will later on!" I cried. I wasn't mentally prepared yet to see chord after what I have said to him earlier today but it didn't take me long to find him outside of the castle. "Chord!" I cried. He looked to me in the same broken way he did before and bowed. "Yes princess?" Said Chord. "I am sorry that I had upset you but I need your help" I said. "What's the problem?" Asked Chord. "Can you get the witch that helped us find out the father of my baby?" I asked. Chord raised his eyebrows. "Seriously? I cannot do that" he said as he looked around carefully. "Why not?" I asked as I folded my arms and scowled at him. "I'm sorry Princess but I can't..." Said Chord. "But you have the purple dust that summons her and you seem to know her well so it's not about you not being able to it's about you not wanting to" I snapped as Chord looked around for an exit. At this point I grabbed his arm tight. "Don't you even think about it!" I snapped. "What do you need her for?" Sighed Chord as he looked to the floor in defeat. "I need her to be my bridesmaid" I said still keeping a firm grip on Chord's arm. "Look she cannot show her face since witches are seen as bad in some people's eyes" said Chord. "But the only one that would know that would just be you, me, Blaine, Kurt and my parents. My parents are ok with witches and she helped us out in a tricky situation and Blaine is fine with them and so it Kurt so we have no problems. The identity will still be safe ok?" I explained. "Alright... I will tell her that she's invited..." Said Chord. "Invite her tonight. Infront of Blaine, Kurt and I" I said as I loosened my grip. "Alright... You have my word" said Chord with a sigh. "Good! See you tomorrow" I said with a smile as I headed to the dining area to have lunch. I was joined by Callum and Blaine.
"Hey" I said as I shut the door behind me. Callum looked at me and just continued talking to Blaine as Blaine waved at me. They were both talking about different fencing tactics. I sat down next to Callum as they then finished that conversation and began to eat their lunch. I began to eat mine as Callum then looked towards me. "So all the wedding planned then?" Asked Callum. Blaine then looked towards me as well. "Yeah it's pretty much all planned. The bridesmaid done but struggling on the best man at the moment" I explained. "I could be the best man" Blaine and Callum both said at the exact same time. This has just created a problem... I'll just pass this on to Kurt since he's planning it. "Well I'm not planning it. Kurt is so go ask him" I said as I continued eating. "Oh ok then. In that case Callum your it" said Blaine as he finished eating then walked out on his own. "Well that was abrupt..." Said Callum. "Very..." I said feeling kind of sorry for Blaine. "I better get going since it's my turn to look after Zachary " said Callum as he stood up promptly. "Alright remember he cannot have strawberries" I cried as he started to walk away. "I know I know" said Callum as he exited the room leaving me in the deafening silence. After eating everything off my plate I walked out not really knowing what to do with myself so I go back to my room and have a nap. I then felt funny and I woke to Kurt kissing me. He then stopped and smiled at me sweetly. "The fuck?" I cried as he then kissed me again. "Sorry just waking up sleeping beauty" said Kurt as I sat up and looked at him. "There was no reason I was just asleep for just five minutes" I said with a yawn. "No you have been asleep for exactly four hours! It's ten o'clock Megan" said Kurt as he began to laugh. "Oh shit I didn't realize" I said with shock. "Don't worry Megs it just means that we are closer to getting married" said Kurt as he held my hand. The thought that I was to be married tomorrow both scared me and excited me. "Where's Zach?" I asked. "He's with Blaine and your brother. They're teaching him how to talk at the moment which is very funny since it's pissing Callum off since he doesn't understand by Zach isn't picking it up at all" laughed Kurt. "We should spend some time with him " I said as I stood up and straightened my dress out. "Yeah and to be honest I don't really think I want Blaine around our son. He's a bad influence" said Kurt with concern. "You're right he is a bad influence on our son especially since he is too adventurous. It's just too much for him at the moment he'll end up hurt" I said with worry as it started to make me shiver at the thought. "Thank goodness that you agree! Also does he have to come to the wedding? Your mum was going to invite him but I told her to let me handle it so do you want me to invite him or not?" Asked Kurt. Me and Blaine are friends... But there is no future with him and I'm perfectly happy with Kurt. It would just be awkward with him anyway. "Yeah don't invite him" I said as Kurt held the door open for me as we began to walk out towards the throne room.
We entered the throne room gracefully to see Zachary surrounded by my family and Blaine. "How's he been?" I asked. "He's been alright. But he's very very tired" explained Callum as I then saw Zach asleep on the ground infront of them. "He's such an angel" I said as I picked him up carefully not to disturb him. "You better take him up Megs" said Kurt as he kissed his forehead carefully. He was soft like cotton and was light as a feather as I took him up to my room again and put him in his cot and rocked him to sleep. "Hush my little Zachary and sleep peacefully. I hope I'm doing well as a mother for you... I guess it's alot harder than I first thought to raise my own child. I bet when you are older you are going to be as childish as your father and as amazing as me, obviously. You will be one in a month or so and I'm hopefully pregnant with your sibling which we don't know yet. You would want a sibling won't you? You can't be an only child since it turns you spoilt rotten. So hopefully you have a sister. I'm up to it being another boy but it would help if it was a girl and if I'm pregnant in the first place. I bet when you are older you will have a beautiful princess by your side that you have saved from a high tower. You will do many things far beyond my expectations and even now you do. Sleep well my little Zachary" I whispered as he turned in his cot. I then yawned myself as the door behind me opened. "You ok Megs?" Asked Kurt carefully trying not to wake up Zach. "I'm alright just wishing Zachary off to sleep peacefully" I explained as I then let out a big yawn. "He's no daughter but he takes up alot of my love anyway like you do" said Kurt as he kissed my cheek. "I'm glad I have both of my boys and that we will soon be happily ever after" I said with excitement. "I'm glad I have you both too and I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my baby and my baby" said Kurt with a cheeky smile. "We better get some sleep Kurt so that we are fully rested for our wedding tomorrow" I yawned as I got changed into my underwear and got into bed and Kurt did the same. "Tomorrow everything will be perfect and we will be together forever like I always dreamed" said Kurt as he hugged me tight under the covers. "I know I am looking forward to it and especially the honeymoon" I said with a little giggle. We then shared a tender kiss and went asleep. Suddenly I was woken up to shrieks and breaking glass. "The fuck was that?" Cried Kurt as he sat up next to me. My heart pounding in my chest as I was petrified but then a I thought about Zach... I then rushed up and looked into the cot. I pulled back the hot pink blanket to find his cot empty. My heart sank as I let out a heartbroken scream as Kurt rushed to my side. "NO!" Yelled Kurt at the top of his lungs. Suddenly my parents, Callum, Blaine and Chord ran through out door. "What's happened?" Cried Chord in concern. "Someone has kidnapped Zachary! Blaine, Chord follow me and let's search this castle! No rest till we find the sick prick!" Shouted Kurt in anger. Chord and Blaine looked shocked but then angry as they without hesitation left my room and all went on the look for Zachary and Kurt only in his purple boxers. I was broken on the bed in tears as the guards were set on high alert to search the whole kingdom. No one was allowed to leave or enter the kingdom. We are on lockdown. My mum hugged me in her arms trying to calm me down as I turned from normal crying into a panic attack. My dad looked out to the balcony where my balcony doors were open fully with broken glass over the floor and the only clue was a piece of ripped blue fabric on the railing... My baby was gone and I am helpless about it... We'll find him right? Please Kurt I hope you have found our son...

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