chapter 11

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The first week of school passed quickly, and before Al knew it, it was time to meet Hagrid for tea. He knew James, Fabian, Gideon, and Rommy weren't coming: Hagrid's hut was too small to hold everyone in one sitting, so the second-years were going to meet Hagrid on Sunday. It made Al feel rather left out; he would have liked to gone with the older boys. But he would be glad to see Rose, and he knew that Rose would probably be happy not to have to have tea with the four of them.

            Plus, next year, Trina and Thecla will be here, and then there'll be four of us to have tea on our day, he thought, and then the year after that Lily and Hugo will probably end up having their own day for tea, unless they try to squeeze in with us. He had the feeling they might end up doing the former: five people, including Hagrid, was a tight squeeze, and expecting more was unreasonable. Picturing everyone from James, Rommy, Fred, and George down to Lily and Hugo trying to fit in Hagrid's hut at the same time made him smile, especially as his daydream grew more comical and he started to imagine a hut with random arms and legs sticking out of the windows and doors.

            Friday it is, then, Al thought, and tea for the two of us and Hagrid. He was eager for it: as soon as his last class ended on Friday, he bounded down to Hagrid's. Hagrid was waiting for him, and opened the door before he'd even finished knocking.

            "Come in," Hagrid said, ushering him inside. "Yeh've beat Rose. I've got the tea on. Biscuit?" He proffered a tray that had several rock-hard biscuits on it. "I baked 'em myself."

            Al eyed the biscuits, weighing the merits of being polite against breaking his teeth. "I'll wait for the tea, thanks," he decided.

            "How's your firs' week of school goin'?" Hagrid asked him, then said sharply. "Tiny! Down!" Hagrid's dog, which was more the size of a small dragon than a dog, was trying to jump into Al's lap. Al shifted uncomfortably; he didn't particularly like animals, especially big ones, but he knew he couldn't tell Hagrid that.

            Tiny obeyed and settled down at Al's feet. "Sorry 'bout that, Al," Hagrid apologized. "He jus' likes people, tha's all. Good judge of character, Tiny."

            He carried the teapot to the table. "Now we've jus' got to wait fer Rose," he said, pouring the tea into cups. "It'll take some time to cool off anyway. How's yer first week goin'?" he repeated.

            "Good, I guess," Al said. "I like all my courses, pretty much. Herbology is really interesting, and I think I like it best. Transfiguration is definitely hardest. Charms is fun. And there are a lot of really nice people in my House." He'd spent most of his classes, except for Herbology, sitting with Josh Leith and Eric Foster. "I wish Rose was in Gryffindor too. But I think she likes Ravenclaw."

            "Couldn' believe it when she got Ravenclaw," Hagrid agreed. "Thought she'd be Gryffindor fer sure."

            "She likes it," Al repeated. "She seems really happy. James wants to kill her, though. He's really angry. I don't think he understands how she can be happy in Ravenclaw. And he doesn't like—"

            Al was interrupted by the sound of knocking. "That should be Rose," Hagrid said happily. Going to the door, he said, "It's abou' time! Where have you—" As his gaze moved over Rose and to the person standing behind her, the words died on his lips.

            "I brought a friend," Rose said, looking hopefully at Hagrid. "It's all right, isn't it? I figured since it was only me and Al, we could fit another person in, and I didn't think you'd mind."

            "I told you I shouldn't have come," Scorpius muttered from behind her. He looked at Hagrid. "I'm really sorry. I can go—"

            Rose turned and shot a look at him. "No, you're not," she said. She turned back to Hagrid. "This is my best friend, Hagrid. His name's Scorpius."

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