VI) Sentenced to Sleep

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Dear Dad,

You still haven't replied but I am just going to assume it's because you are too busy with business stuff or whatever. That reminds me, I don't really know what you work as. What's your job? How's it like there in Chicago? Reply soon.

 What's your job? How's it like there in Chicago? Reply soon

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▬▬▬▬▬ zZZ ▬▬▬▬▬

The small crowd of late students gradually make their way to their first period classes. Some leave right away, probably thinking about ways of ditching the detention without it being on their tracker record others protest a little.

"Come on! It's only two minutes!" A girl calls out to the receptionist who pretends not to hear behind the blinds.

She argues some more before giving up and wandering down the hallway.

Levi and Jace slowly saunter away swinging their bags from shoulder to shoulder an making all sorts of dirty jokes about the girl in black not affected by receiving the hour detention. Knowing them, they probably didn't show up.

Levi stops, bouncing from his heel to his toes and biting his lip giving me his best smile. "See you at detention, Princessa," he winks and Jace calls after him somewhere down the corridor.

The hallways are eerily silent until the bell rings for the first period. Not a student nor teacher is in sight.

And me?

I stand there paralyzed in shock one hand gripping my backpack the other by my side.

What just happened?

Did the Levi freaking O'Neill really just talk to me? Did I just talk to the Angel Boys for the first time ever? But most importantly, did he just wink at me?

I close my eyes and whisper to myself, "If I am dreaming, please don't pinch me." Then I walk to my first class as if today was just like any other day.

Well, I try to at least.

▬▬▬▬▬ zZZ ▬▬▬▬▬

Note to self: If you are trying to sneak in late to your English class, do it quietly. You don't want to walk into the door then have it hit you on your way in and leave you sprawled across the floor.

Laughter erupts from the classroom.

"Miss Wallace, nice of you to join us!" Mr Rodger says sarcastically but from the look on his face it's apparent he's trying not to laugh either.

"Pleasure is mine," I grumble standing up and dusting myself down. I make my way to my seat quickly, desperate not to attract any more attention to myself.

Luckily for me, I sit with my best friend Leighanne, although Mr Rodger threatens to move us every time he hears us speaking.

He never carries out that threat though, I think he knows that even if we were moved away from each other, we will talk to each other somehow.

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