Chapter 5~ Companion!

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I was sitting on the bench in the training room. As my brother and his friends trained, I was reading a book about the history of Ninjago. I still can't believe that im related to the first spinjitzu master! Wait...if my mom and Lloyd are here, what about my dad?
      I set the book aside, and walked over to Lloyd. He didn't see I was right besides him. He continued to punch the punching bag until I grabbed his sleeve quickly and tugged on it.

"Huh? Oh hey, Jade...whats up?" Lloyd smiled as he looked down at me.

"Where is daddy?"

It was like I hit a nerve or something. The training room was now quiet and still. Everyone exchanged glances at one another, except Lloyd. He just hung his head, and stood there in utter silence. I kept looking at him, confused and slightly worried.

"Jade...your father..he uh..passed away." Cole struggled to get the words out of his mouth.

"Huh? Passed away??" I tilted my head to the side. Then Lloyd bent down to my level so he was face to face with me.

"Dad sacrificed himself for Ninjago. It's sad, I know, but instead of greaving over his loss, we should honor his good deeds that he has done. Can you do that for me, buddy?" Lloyd smiled a bit and I nodded.

"What was daddy like?"

"He was an intelligent man. He could defeat his foes without raising a fist." Zane replied.

"Dad was a good man. He was consumed by evil, but I soon helped him find the light inside of him." Lloyd smiled a bit. I smiled back and continued to watch my brother practice his punches.


I was curled up, sitting on the couch next to Jay, watching Looney Tunes. Every now and then someone like Kai or Cole would come in and see how we were doing. Jay would just wave them off and we continued to watch cartoons. It was nice, until Jay's alarm on his watch went off, notifying him that there was an emergency.
      I watched the ninja fly away on their dragons to go off and save Ninjago City...again. Mommy was making some tea and catching up on her reading, and Uncle Wu was peacefully meditating in his own room, and I didnt bother to try to disturb him, so I stayed outside. I kicked a ball around, tried to catch a few bugs here and there, and mostly just laid on the ground and watched the clouds go by.
      As I watched the fluffy, white, cotton balls float up in the bright, blue sky, I suddenly jumped up when I heard something rummage in the garbage besides the monistary. I carefully crept over to the garbage cans. The noise was coming from inside the tin canisters, rattling and shaking them. I reached out to take off the lid to the trash can, put the lid went flying off. I squealed and threw my arms over my head, trying to protect myself in case if the lid hit my head.
       I glanced up and saw that the lid landed on the ground, and there were two little black paws sticking out if the trash can. I walked a bit closer to the bin. The bin rattled again and a black cat with bright golden eyes jumped out. It starred at me with a friendly look in its eyes. I held my hand out carefully and let the cat smell my hand, soon enough the cat was rubbing it's head all over my hand and legs.

"Jade what are you do- Oh my gosh!!!" Mom yelped out as she watched me gently pet the stray cat. "Jade...where did you find that cat??"

"It was in the trash. Can I keep it?? Please please please!!"

"I-I don't know, Honey. It's a stray. It could belong to someone else, or it could be...dangerous....and how did it even get up here?"

"Please Mommy!! The kitty is really nice to me, and I promise to love it and care for it! Pleeeaasse~"

"Oh alright. You can keep it, but when your brother and his friends come back, I am getting Zane to make sure the cat isn't dangerous. Got it?"

"Yes mommy, thank you!" I giggled and hugged the cat. Mommy sighed and walked back inside. I picked up my new pet and carried it inside and up to my room.


"Good news, Jade. You can keep her." Zane smiled as he gently handed over the cat to me. "What are you going to name her?"

"Hmm...Astra! Like space and stars!" I cheered and hugged Astra.

"It's a good name, buddy." Cole smiled. I grinned and gently placed Astra on the ground.

"Come on Astra, let's go to our room!" I giggled and ran off down the hall, Astra running along right behind me, as we went to my room.

Jade Garmadon: Lloyd Garmadons little brotherWhere stories live. Discover now