didn't want to admit. yuri x natsuki ★彡

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requested by PejuWinxloverTV 
genre: fluff
warnings: none

natsuki never got sick, and when that rare time when she did, she didn't dare tell the literature club. they worried too much, and as much as she didn't want to admit, she worried about them a lot more than they knew about. she worried about yuri and her issues with her body, and monika with her one-sided love, and sayori with her depression. she worried, and she hated to admit it. 

she was always known for being rather subtle, and also kind of unintentionally rude. she was always treated differently by everyone she met, so she automatically thought mc would be the same way. she was wrong. he loved her poems, and he told her he understood what they meant and that he loved how she wrote. she didn't want to admit it, but his comments made her blush slightly. she did have to admit, mc was cute. she would never say that however, sayori would probably strangle her. 

as much as yuri hated natsuki at times (especially when they argued about the size of her breasts in front of mc), she would always care about her. natsuki knew about yuri's self-deprecation, and she would always comfort her in subtle ways, which she thought yuri wouldn't bother to notice but she was completely wrong. 

today, natsuki had texted the group chat telling the group she wouldn't be attending monika's party due to some personal issues. yuri wasn't able to either, but it wasn't because she didn't want to be there, it was more like she was too nervous to be seen in something other than the school uniform.  

yuri was going over to natsuki's house, not because she had to, but because she wanted to. she was her friend and that's what friends do. they go over to each other's houses at random times just to see them, but for yuri, it was uncharacteristic for her to be with natsuki without any of the other members of the literature club. they never seemed to get along when they were alone. 

natsuki, who had regrettably laid herself down in her pink pastel bed, the sheets covered in cupcakes, making her feel like she was six years old whenever she slept, but she still liked her sheets. she was bundled up in blankets, which varied from light pinks to light blues. she didn't want to admit it, but her fever was so high to the point of where light hurt her head. 

she heard a knock at her door, and she'd been awake for about thirty minutes. she wanted to tell them to just go away, but she knew if it was her dad there would be some consequences. it has to be dad... everyone's at monika's party. natsuki told herself in her head, shaking it and burying herself back in the covers.

she heard the door open a few seconds after she laid back down. "i heard you talk to yourself when you heard me knock," the stoic yet emotion-filled voice of yuri filled her ears as she entered her room. "you're really bad at thinking in your head..." she told her, making natsuki roll her eyes. "shut up! what are you doing here anyway!?" natsuki snapped, sitting up straight and looking at her friend in her deep colored hues. 

"i'm here because i knew you were sick. you never text in all lowercase, only caps." yuri stated, sitting down on the chair she had across her bed. it was pink, just like the rest of the room around them. 

"well... i appreciate that i guess?" she said, but it sounded more like a question as she saw yuri get back up, mumble a small be right back before walking out of her room and down the stairs. as she heard her steps descend on the wooden staircase her house had, she wondered how much yuri actually cared about her. she had to care if she was here. 

soon, the pink haired girls' thoughts were interrupted by her tall purple haired friend entering her room again, a pan of well enough made cupcakes in front of her. "i've been here for a couple of hours. i saw the recipe on your stove and decided to try. i need to learn to make other things and not just tea." yuri said, shoving the pan into her smaller friends arms. 

natsuki's pink colored orbs were wide, her eyes boring into yuri's own blue colored ones. a blush covered her face and she covered her cheeks with embarrassment. she needed to learn how to not blush whenever people did something for her. it was terrible and incredibly obvious according to monika. sayori teased her for mc complimenting her on his second day at the literature club. 

yuri took a deep breath. "they probably don't taste too good. i didn't try them for myself, but i guess they look alright enough?" her last sentence sounded more like a question than a statement. her insecurity was getting to her again. "what do you have anyway?"

"the flu." natsuki stated confidently, rolling her eyes as she bit into the decent tasting cupcake, covering her face in pink icing. "how do you know it's the flu?" yuri asked, cracking a small smile as her hair fell into her face. "i don't know. it's just a guess. i don't want to go to the doctor." natsuki mumbled, shaking her head. "i hate the doctor." 

yuri nodded, humming in agreement. "i always have. it's unnerving, how many needles and sick people are there. it feels better to just suffer and wait until your immune system does the work instead of getting medicine." natsuki nodded as her purple-haired friend finished her statement. "yeah. i feel that way too."


silence was the only thing that was in the room, except for the ever so subtle sounds of their own breathing every now and them. yuri sighed, closing her eyes. "don't ask why i came, natsuki. i felt like i had to after... everything." 

natsuki nodded, knowing what her friend was referring to by 'everything'. she was talking about the argument they had had two weeks before then, over something rather stupid. sayori had been homesick, and she was the peacemaker in the literature club, so it was up to mc to break the two up from verbally insulting each other again since he knew it wouldn't stop if he didn't step in. 

mc was truly an angel in their eyes. he was way too nice, and it was comforting to have someone to turn to other than each other for advice. now instead of monika, the literature clubs personal therapist was mc, eagerly scheduling appointments with each of them every few weeks or so. 

"thanks for coming i guess." 

"yeah... you're welcome. i hope you feel better soon."

with yuri's final words, she was out of the door, leaving behind a cup of tea she made without natsuki realizing. she never heard the sound of the kettle ringing downstairs, she guessed. she wondered how she ended up with a good of a friend as yuri was. 

words: 1.1k+

a/n: THIS WAS SO BAD, AHHH. i feel this could be so much better than it actually is. i really appreciate all the requests so far, thank you for so much love on this small project i work on in my free time. 

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