positive. monika x yuri ★彡

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requested by PejuWinxloverTV
genre: fluffy
warnings: self-depreciation and self-consciousness

yuri. she was always self-conscious of herself. she never cut her hair or wore short sleeves. the outfit for school has required a pair of leggings or some sort of pants to cover their legs, which made her feel much better about herself. though, she still was never confident in herself. she never told this to the members of the literature club, especially monika. 

monika, who was the leader of the literature club, and who always planned things in terms of hanging out, was a worrier. she never admitted it to them, but she always knew she was. never had she told herself she never worried about them. the truth was, she worried a lot about sayori and her obvious depression, yuri and her self-consciousness, and natsuki and her family issues. 

she couldn't help it. they were her friends, there was nothing else she could say to that. 

today, she had scheduled a trip to the mall with the literature club. unfortunately, only yuri was free that day. natsuki apparently had plans with mc, and sayori was going along with them. it was only yuri and monika who would be together today. 

the truth was, she didn't even want to go. she never did, but she couldn't bring herself to lie to monika, especially to her face. friends don't lie, she repeated, her eyes plastered closed as monika texted the literature club group chat, the title of it being, "the nerds". she shook her head, her purple hair falling over her eyes as she took a deep breath. 

"i'll be there." 

there, it was done. sent, and she couldn't change her mind now. 

she knew her self-consciousness was too bad. no one ever understood why yuri wasn't more confident in herself, she was beautiful, the members had told her. mc had told her straight to her face, telling her, "you're beautiful, yuri. be confident!"

honestly, mc was one of the things that made her go out with monika to the mall that day. she knew he would be proud of her. she never had a romantic sort of crush on him, because it was obvious sayori did. it was cute how she stared at him from across the clubroom, a dreamful smile on her face as love filled her eyes. she had nothing but compliments to shower him in, and it was the most adorable thing. 

today, yuri had slipped on a long sleeved sweater despite the recent warmer weather. only to cover her arms and her neck, which she always thought was too stubby for her slim face. they did not seem to compliment each other in terms of her body. her leggings were the same she wore to school, and she owned what seemed like twenty pairs of leggings just for her not wanting to wear shorts. 

the doorbell rang. it must be monika. now she dreaded going more than ever, she knew monika would want to go try on outfits in the most popular clothing stores for the weekends and after school, mainly because she was holding a party for the whole year to go to at the end of the year and she wanted cuter clothes than she had. yuri thought her clothes were cute enough. 

they ended up walking to the mall, which was actually relatively close to the neighborhood which the entire school seemed to live in. monika was walking with a spring in her step, her eyes were lit up as she talked about how much fun she and yuri would have at the mall, trying on clothes and being girls away from the others. 

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